Middlemarch : a study of provincial life.

Eliot, George, 1819-1880 [Browse]
Edinburgh ; London : William Blackwood and Sons, 1871-1872.
8 parts ; 19 cm.


Former owner
Library of Congress genre(s)
Rare books genre
  • Princeton copy 1: Errata slip in Book IV. Strong yellow green illustrated wrappers. Adverts. on inside front and inside and outside back wrappers. Adverts.: Book I, [1]-16 p. at front, 17-22 p. at back; Book II, [1]-8 p. at front, 9-14 p. at back; Books III-VIII, [1]-4 p. at front, 5-8 p. at back. "Catalogue," 60, [2] p. at back of Book VIII. Slip announcing the following Book (i.e. part) inserted after text in Books I, II, IV, V, and VII. In Book VI, the slip announces the following two Books. The slip in Book VII is inverted. Inscription on t.p. in Book I: With the Author's Compliments. On halftitle in Book II and on flytitle of Books III-VI and VIII: With the Author's compliments. On flytitle of Book VII: From the Author. Inscription on outside front wrapper of Books II and V-VIII: S. S. Hennell. On outside front wrapper of Books III and IV: Sara S. Hennell.
  • Princeton copy 2: Errata slip in Book IV. Dark yellowish green sand cloth, spine blocked in gold. Original wrappers bound in. The wrappers are identical to those of Copy 1, except for Book I, in which they are very light greenish blue, and the adverts. on inside and outside back wrapper vary. Adverts. as in Copy 1, with the following exceptions: Book I has two additional pages at back, numbered 23-24. Book II has two additional pages at back, numbered 15-16. In Book VIII, p. 5-8 follow p. [1]-4 at front rather than being inserted at back. The slips announcing the following Book are present in Books III, V, VI, and VII; they have been torn out of Books I, II, and IV. The slip in Book vii is not inverted. Stamp of The Church Institute, Bramley, on one or more pages of every part except Book V.
  • Princeton copy 3: First edition in original parts. Parrish 2931; Sadleir 815. Book I contains a publisher's slip advertising Book II and advertisements paginated 17-24 (only); Book II contains advertisements paginated [1]-8 at the front and 9-15 at the end; Book III contains advertisements paginated 3-4 at the front and 5-7 at the end; Book IV contains a publisher's slip advertising Book V pasted down at the end, without advertisements; Book V contains a publisher's slip advertising Book VI and advertisement paginated 4 pasted down at the front and advertisement paginated 5 pasted down at the end; Book VI contains a publisher's slip advertising Book VII and Book VIII pasted down at the end and no advertisements; Book VII contains publisher's slip advertising Book VIII pasted down at the end onto advertisement and Book VIII contains one advertisement paginated 5 pasted down at the end.
Binding note
Princeton copy 3: Original green pictorial wrappers; wrappers covered in contemporary faded red cloth, occasionally adhering to original wrappers with loss, Book VI lacking original wrappers.
Princeton copy 3: Labels of Harewood Book Club on front pastedowns and at foot of backstrips; printed lists of subscribers, with ms. corrections, in each volume.
  • Princeton copy 1: Wainwright (Parrish), Eliot, 89
  • Princeton copy 2: Wainwright (Parrish), Eliot, 90
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