Chinese sources on Islamic countries / collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer.

  • English
  • French
Frankfurt am Main : Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, 1996.
476 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.


Publications of the Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science. Islamic world in foreign travel accounts ; v. 74 [More in this series]
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references.
Language note
Text in English and French.
  • On the knowledge possessed by the ancient Chinese of the Arabs and Arabian colonies, and other Western countries, mentioned in Chinese books / Emil Breitschneider
  • Description de la Chine occidentale par un voyageur. Traduit du chinois / Gueluy
  • Itinéraires de pèlerins chinois se rendant à la Mecque
  • Origine de l'Islamisme en Chine, deux légendes musulmanes chinoise, pèlerinages de Ma Fou-Tch'ou / Gabriel Devéria
  • Die Länder des Islâm nach chinesischen Quellen. I.
  • Chao Ju-kua, a new source of mediaeval geography / Friedrich Hirth
  • Mahuan's account of Cochin, Calicut, and Aden / Geo. Phillips
  • Notes on the relations and trade of China with the Eastern Archipelago and the coast of the Indian Ocean during the fourteenth century / W.W. Rockhill
  • Chinese records of the Arabs in Central Asia / Hamilton A.R. Gibb
  • Huei-ch'ao's Pilgerreise durch Nord-west Indien und Zentral-Asien um 726 / Walter Fuchs
  • Türkistan seyahatnamesi 1218 / Wolfram Eberhard.
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