Testamenti Veteris Biblia sacra : sive Libri canonici ... Latini recens ex Hebræo facti, brevibusque scholiis illustrati ab Immanuele Tremellio, & Francisco Junio / accesserunt libri qui vulgo dicuntur Apocryphi, Latinè redditi, & notis quibusdam acuti a Francisco Junio ... quibus etiam adjunximus Novi Testamenti libros ex sermone Syriaco ab eodem Tremellio, & ex Græco a Theodoro Beza in Latinum conversos.

Uniform title
Londini : Excudebat Henricus Middletonus, 1585.
6 parts in 1 v.: [16], 173, [3]; 230 [i.e. 234], [2]; 160; 251, [1]; 144, 209-224; [20], 424 p. ; 24 cm.


Rare books genre
  • In six parts, each with separate dated title page, pagination, and register. The title pages to the Old Testament read "Bibliorum pars secunda .. [-tertia, -quarta]" and "Libri apocryphi, sive appendix Testamenti veteris .." and bear the imprint "Londini[,] typis Henrici Midletoni. M.D.LXXXV."; that to the New Testament reads "Iesu Christi Domini nostri Nouum Testamentum", and bears the imprint "Londini, excudebat Henricus Midletonus typographus".
  • Tremellius's and Bèze's versions of the New Testament are printed in parallel columns.
Binding note
Ex copy: Bound in contemporary full calf, gilt centerpiece on boards, later rebacking.
  • Ex copy: Virtually every page annotated in Latin in a small precise, contemporary hand. Bound in at end are 12 pages of an alphabetized word list headed: Certaine places noted at large, in their directions.
  • Ex copy: Perhaps a mark of ownership on back free endpaper: [manicule] vere didicit, qui obedivit [sketch of male face with ruff] Fer 12 1617.
  • Ex copy: Bookseller's description pasted on front free endpaper and pencil notation 'Blackwell's 1937'
  • Ex copy: Signed on titlepage: John Pollock 1714.
Source acquisition
Ex copy: Gift of Charles Osgood.
ESTC S101724
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