Testamenti Veteris Biblia Sacra, sive, Libri canonici priscae Judaeorum ecclesiae a Deo traditi : Latini recens ex Hebraeo facti, brevibusq[ue] scholiis illustrati / ab Immanuele Tremellio & Francisco Iunio. Accesserunt libri qui vulgo dicuntur Apocryphi, Latinae redditi & notis quibusdam aucti aa Francisco Junio. Multao omnes quaam antae emendatiaus editi & aucti locis innumeris: quibus etiam adjunximus Novi Testamenti libros ex sermone Syriaco ab eodem Tremellio, & ex Graeco a Theodoro Beza in Latinum versos, notisq[ue] itidem illustratos. Secunda cura Francisci Junii.

Uniform title
Genevae : Apud Ioan. Tornaesium, Impensis And. Wecheli haeredum, Claudii Marnii, & Ioannis Aubrii, 1590.
6 pts. in 1 v. ([14], 228; [8], 271, [1]; [8], 219, [1]; [4], 342, [2]; [8], 162, [2]; [8], 500, [2] p.) ; 25 cm. (4to).


  • Pts. 2-4 of the Old Testament, the Apocrypha (pt. 5), and the New Testament (pt. 6) each have secondary signatures, separate paging, & special title-pages with publisher's device.
  • Imprint to pt. 3 of the Old Testament, and pt. 5, the Apocrypha: Francofurdi, Apud Andrae Wecheli Haeredes, Claudium Marnium, & Ioannem Aubrium.
  • Old Testament in 5 parts; pt. 2: Bibliorvm pars secvnda, id est libri historici Latini recaens ex Hebraeo facti; Pt. 3: Biblbiorvm pars tertia, id est, qvinqve libri poetici; Pt. 4: Bibliorvm pars qvarta, id est, prophetici libri omnes, nvmero XVI ...; Pt. 5: Libri Apocryphi, sive appendix Testamenti veteris ad canonem prisc Ecclesi adjecta.
  • New Testament has title: D.N. Jesu Christi Testamentvm Novvm, sive Fedus Novum, e Graeco archetypo, Latino sermone redditum, Theodoro Beza interprete, & jam ultimao ab eo recognitum.
  • Head- and tail-pieces; initials; printed marginalia.
  • In pt. 1, p. 22-27 are wrongly imposed in order: 26-27, 24-25,22-23.
  • Tremellius' and Junius' version of the Old Testament, Junius' translation of the Apocrypha, which had first been published at Frankfurt a. M, 1575-1569 and Tremellius' translation of the New Testament, made from the Syriac, first published at Geneva in 1569.
  • Princeton copy imperfect: t.p. and all after p. 494 of New Testament wanting. Extensive staining.
  • Princeton copy bears iscription of John Maclean.
  • Pt. 1, t.-p. w.
  • Pt. 3 and 5 pub. Francofordi.
Darlow & Moule, 6182.
Other title(s)
  • Bibliorum pars ...
  • Libri Apocryphi
  • D.N. Jesu Christi Testamentum Novum
  • Bible. Latin. Tremellius. 1590.
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