Papers of the NAACP [microform] / editorial adviser, August Meier ; edited by Mark Fox.

Frederick, Md. : University Publications of America, [1981-]
microfilm reels ; 35 mm. + guide ( v. ; 28 cm.)


Black studies research sources [More in this series]
  • Microfilm of ms. and typescript originals in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress and "material ... made available from the personal files of Professors August Meier and Elliot Rudwick of Kent State University."
  • Some parts edited by Randolph Boehm.
  • Accompanied by a guide entitled: A guide to Papers of the NAACP / edited by Randolph Boehm.
  • Pt. 5- in series: Black studies research sources.
  • pt. 1. Meetings of the Board of Directors, records of annual conferences, major speeches, and special reports, 1909-1950 (28 reels)
  • pt. 1 suppl., 1951-1955 (12 reels)
  • pt. 1 suppl., 1955-1960 (12 reels)
  • pt. 1, suppl., 1961-1965 (9 reels)
  • pt. 1, suppl., 1966-1970 (12 reels)
  • pt. 2. Personal correspondence of selected NAACP officials, 1919-1939 (20 reels)
  • pt. 3. The campaign for educational equality: legal department and central office records,1913-1950. Series A: 1913-1940 (24 reels). Series B: 1940-1950 (19 reels). Series C: 1951-1955 (23 reels). Series D: 1956-1965 (13 reels).
  • (cont'd.) pt. 4. The voting rights campaign, 1916-1950 (13 reels). pt. 4, suppl., 1956-1965 (6 reels)-- pt. 5. The campaign against residential segregation, 1914-1955 (23 reels)
  • pt. 5, suppl. Residential segragation, general office files, 1956-1965 (16 reels) --pt. 6. The Scottsboro case, 1931-1950 (24 reels)
  • (cont'd.) pt. 7. The anti-lynching campaigns, 1912-1955. Series A: Anti-lynching investigative files, 1912-1953 (30 reels). Series B: Anti-lynching legislative and publicity files, 1916-1955 (35 reels)
  • pt. 8. Discrimination in the criminal justice system, 1910-1955. Series A: Legal Dept.and Central Office records, 1910-1939 (17 reels). Series B: Legal Dept. and Central Office records, 1940-1955 (32 reels)
  • pt. 9. Discrimination in the U.S. Armed Forces, 1918-1955. Series A: General office files on Armed Forces' affairs, 1918-1955 (18 reels). Series B: Armed Forces legal files, 19401950 (30 reels). Series C: The Veterans' Affairs Committee, 1940-1950 (12 reels)
  • pt. 10. Peonage, labor and the New Deal, 1913-1939 (23 reels)
  • (cont'd.) pt. 11. Special subject file, 1912-1939. Series A: Africa through Garvey, Marcus (35 reels). Series B: Harding, Warren G. through YWCA (36 reels)
  • pt. 12. Selected branch files, 1913-1939. Series A: The south (20 reels). Series B: The northeast (8 reels). Series C: The midwest (27 reels). Series D: The west (7 reels)
  • pt. 13. NAACP and labor, 1940-1955. Series A: Subject files on labor conditions and employment discrimination (21 reels). Series B: Cooperation with organized labor (25 reels). Series C: Legal Dept. files on labor (12 reels). pt. 13, suppl., 1956-1965 (16 reels)
  • (cont'd.) pt. 14. Race relations in the international arena, 1940-1955 (21 reels)
  • pt. 15. Segregation and discrimination, complaints and responses, 1940-1955. Series A: Legal Dept. files (19 reels). Series B: General office files (15 reels)
  • pt. 16. Board of Directors, correspondence and committee materials. Series A: 1919-1939 (8 reels). Series B: 1940-1955 (24 reels). pt. 16 suppl., 1956-1965 (12 reels)
  • pt. 16 suppl., 1966-1970 (9 reels)
  • pt. 17. National staff files, 1940-1955 (29 reels). pt. 17, suppl., 1956-1965 (14 reels)
  • pt. 18. Special subjects, 1940-1955. Series A: Legal Dept. files (10 reels). Series B. General office files, Abolition of government agencies, Jews (32 reels). Series C: General office files, Justice Dept., White supremacy (33 reels)
  • (cont'd.) pt. 19. Youth file. Series A. 1919-1939 (5 reels). Series B. 1940-1955, American Jewish Congress, Motion Picture Project (25 reels). Series C. 1940-1955, NAACP Youthbuilders (27 reels). Series D. 1956-1965 (20 reels)
  • pt. 20. White resistance and reprisals, 1956-1965 (15 reels) --
  • cont'd: pt. 21. NAACP relations withthe modern civil rights movement, 1956-1965 (22 reels)
  • pt. 22. Legal Dept. administrative files, 1956-1965 (27 reels)
  • pt. 23. Legal Dept. case files, 1956-1965; Series A. The South (62 reels). Series B. The Northeast (34 reels). Series C. The Mid- and Far West (27 reels)
  • Pt. 23, Suppl. Legal Dept. case files, 1960-1972. Ser. A. The South. Sect. 1. Alabama, Arkansas and Florida (17 reels)
  • Sect. 2. Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina and Virginia (18 reels)
  • Sect. 3. Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas (17 reels)
  • Ser. B. The Northeast. Sec. 1. Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island (26 reels)
  • Ser. C. Sec. 1. Ohio (23 reels)
  • Sect. 2. The Midwest (23 reels).
  • cont'd.: pt. 24. Special subjects, 1956-1965. Ser. A. Africa--films (28 reels). Ser. B. Foreign affairs--Leagues and organizations (33 reels). Ser. C. Life memberships--Zangrando (41 reels)
  • pt. 25. Branch department files. Ser. A. Regional files and special reports, 1941-1955 (25 reels). Ser. B. Regional files and special reports, 1956-1965 (18 reels). Ser. C. Branch newsletters and printed materials 1956-1965 (10 reels). Ser. D. Branch department general subject files 1956-1965 (40 reels) --
  • (cont'd.) pt. 26. Selected branch files, 1940-1955. Ser. A. South (26 reels). Ser. D. The West (6 reels)
  • pt. 27. Selected branch files, 1956-1965. Ser. A. The South (21 reels). Ser. B. The Northeast (11 reels). Ser. C. The Midwest (15 reels). Ser. D. The West (7 reels)
  • pt. 28. Ser. A, Africa through poor people's campaign (32 reels). Ser. B, Powell, Adam-Clayton, Jr.-White Supremacy (16 reels) --
  • (cont'd.) pt. 29: Branch Dept. Ser. A. Field staff files, 1965-1972 (18 reels). Ser. B. Branch newsletters, annual branch activities reports and selected branch dept. subject files, 1966-1972 (15 reels). Ser. C. Branch newsletters and regional field office files, 1966-1971 (10 reels). Ser. D. Branch. Dept. general subject files, 1966-1970 (13 reels)
  • pt. 30. General office files, 1966-1972. Ser. A. Subject files (22 reels) --
Other title(s)
  • Guide to Papers of the NAACP
  • Guide to the microfilm edition of Papers of the NAACP
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