A little matter of genocide : holocaust and denial in the Americas, 1492 to the present / by Ward Churchill.

Churchill, Ward [Browse]
San Francisco : City Lights Books, ©1997.
xix, 531 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm


Summary note
Ward Churchill has achieved an unparalleled reputation as a scholar-activist and analyst of Indigenous issues in North America. Here, he explores the history of holocaust and denial in this hemisphere, beginning with the arrival of Columbus and continuing on into the present. He frames the matter by examining both "revisionist" denial of the nazi-perpatrated Holocaust and the opposing claim of its exclusive "uniqueness," using the full scope of what happened in Europe as a backdrop against which to demonstrate that genocide is precisely what has been-and still is-carried out against the American Indians. Churchill lays bare the means by which many of these realities have remained hidden, how public understanding of this most monstrous of crimes has been subverted not only by its perpetrators and their beneficiaries but by the institutions and individuals who perceive advantages in the confusion. In particular, he outlines the reasons underlying the United States's 40-year refusal to ratify the Genocide Convention, as well as the implications of the attempt to exempt itself from compliance when it finally offered its "endorsement." In conclusion, Churchill proposes a more adequate and coherent definition of the crime as a basis for identifying, punishing, and preventing genocidal practices, wherever and whenever they occur. -- Provided by publisher.
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references (p. 445-506) and index.
  • Introduction : encountering the American holocaust : the politics of affirmation and denial
  • Assaults on truth and memory : holocaust denial in context
  • Lie for lie : linkages between holocaust deniers and proponents of the "uniqueness of the Jewish experience in World War II"
  • Deconstructing the Columbus myth : was the "great discoverer" Italian or Spanish, Nazi or Jew?
  • Genocide in the Americas : landmarks from North and South America, 1492-1992
  • "Nits make lice" : the extermination of North American Indians, 1607-1996
  • Cold War impacts on Native North America : the political economy of radioactive colonization
  • The United States and the Genocide Convention : the saga of an outlaw state, 1948-1988
  • Defining the unthinkable : towards a viable understanding of genocide.
  • 0872863433 ((hardcover))
  • 9780872863439 ((hardcover))
  • 0872863239 ((paperback))
  • 9780872863231 ((paperback))
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