From the Tigris to the Ebro : church and monastery building under early Islam / Simon Victor Pierre, María de los Ángeles Utrero Agudo (eds.).

  • English
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Italian
Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2024.
330 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), color maps, plans (some color) ; 30 cm.


  • Serie arqueológica (Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología (Rome, Italy)) ; 19. [More in this series]
  • Serie Arqueológica ; 19
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references.
Language note
11 contributions in English, 2 in French, 1 in Spanish, 1 in Italian; abstracts in English and Spanish.
  • Introduction. Church and monastery-building : The Early Islamic dynamism of Christianity / Simon Pierre. Part 1. t Christian continuity and aftermath in Transjordan. Construire, embellir, rénover, remployer : Quel devenir pour les édifices de culte chrétiens de Jordanie aux premiers siècles de l'Islam? / Anne Michel
  • Churches in North-Eastern Jordan after the Islamic Conquest : Revision of Material Remains and Research Perspectives / Piero Gilento
  • Two Cases of Church Estate in Early Islamic Syria and Jordan, through the Archaeology / Pauline Piraud-Fournet. Part 2. Church building in the North during early Islam. Churches' Building in Northern Iraq from the Late Sasanian to the Early Islamic Period / Narmin Ali Amin
  • Creating New Churches and Monasteries in Northern Mesopotamia: the Seventh to Ninth Centuries / Philip Wood
  • Variety in the Decoration of the Churches of Ṭūr ʿAbdīn during the Early Islamic Period / Elif Keser-Kayaalp. Part 3. Syriac, Coptic, and African churches, and the Islamic law. Building and Destroying "New Churches" and the Evolution of the Early Islamic Law : the Syriac case (First-Second Century AH) / Simon Pierre
  • "Tu les autorises à construire des églises?" Réflexions sur les lieux de culte chrétiens d'al-Fusṭāṭ à l'époque pré-fatimide / Audrey Dridi-Basilio
  • Christianity and the Fate of Christian Monuments from the Early 8th to 11th c. Maghreb / Hafed Abdouli. Part 4. Neither Visigothic nor Frankish : the Andalusi church. The Andalusi Church under Islamic Rule. Episcopal Sees in the Light of the Written Record / Jesús Lorenzo Jiménez
  • Beyond 711: Building and Afterlife of Churches in al-Andalus / María de los Ángeles Utrero Agudo
  • Escultura altomedieval cristiana en al-Andalus: propuesta metodológica y principales resultados / Alejandro Villa del Castillo. Part 5. On the border : Later exchanges and revivals in Sicily and Armenia. Monasteri e istituzioni religiose nella frontiera arabo-bizantina della Sicilia orientale: per una nuova agenda della ricerca / Lucia Arcifa
  • Armenian Architecture during the Late Phase of Arab Occupation, with Special Reference to the Churches of Shirak Province of the Late-9th to mid-10th century / Armen Kazaryan.
  • 9788400112844 ((pbk.))
  • 8400112849 ((pbk.))
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