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The Routledge handbook of political communication in Ibero-America
Casero-Ripollés, Andreu
1st ed.
Oxford : Taylor & Francis Group, 2024.
1 online resource (517 pages)
Available Online
Taylor & Francis eBooks Complete
Communication in politics
Latin America
Communication in politics
Iberian Peninsula
Political aspects
Latin America
Political aspects
Iberian Peninsula
Related name
López-López, Paulo Carlos
Routledge International Handbooks Series
[More in this series]
Summary note
The Routledge Handbook of Political Communication in Ibero-America addresses the relationship between communication, politics and digital technologies in Latin American and the Iberian Peninsula, a geographical space linked by social, cultural and linguistic aspects.
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Description based on publisher supplied metadata and other sources.
Political communication in Latin America / Omar Rincón and Catalina Uribe-Rincón
Media systems in Latin America / Daniel Hallin and Martín Echeverría
The Latin American political discourse / Adriana Bolívar and Elena Block
Agenda setting studies in Iberian and Latin America / Esteban Zunino and Natalia Aruguete
Populism, media, journalism and political communication in Latin America / Philip Kitzberger
Pop politics beyond populism : popular culture as political communication / Adriana Amado
Affective polarization in Latin America / Hernando Rojas and Diego A. Mazorra
Patterns of dissemination of expressions of hate and polarization in Ibero-America / Elías Said-Hung, Sergio Arce-García and Julio Montero-Díaz
Social movements, democracy and political communication in Latin America / Maximiliano Martin-Vicente and Caroline Kraus-Luvizotto
Digital feminist activism in Latin America : connected crowds and hackfeminism / Guiomar Rovira-Sancho
Political participation and technology : continuities and discontinuities in Southern Cone and Brazil / Marcelo Santos and Sebastián Valenzuela
Indigenism and Sumak Kawsay in digital media. Coverage of the political agenda setting in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia / Ángel Torres-Toukoumidis, Héctor Hurtado Groscoors and Tatiana León-Alberca
The behaviour of digital communities in Ibero-American democracies / Paulo Carlos López-López and Andrea Mila-Maldonado
A reflection about artificial intelligence and algorithms in political communication. Instruments at the service of parties? / Patricia Sánchez-Holgado, David Blanco-Herrero and Carlos Arcila-Calderón
Platformization : state of the art and challenges for political communication in Latin America / Gabriela E. Sued and Ronald Saenz L.
Role of memes and political image in political communication in Latin America / Viktor Chagas and Luiza de Mello Stefano
New tools, changes, and situations of the communication management of electoral campaigns in Latin America / Antoni Gutiérrez-Rubi
Electoral desinformation and fact-checking in the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America / José Rúas-Araújo, Luis Cárcamo-Ulloa and Anabela Gradim-Alves.
Election campaigns and election debates in Ibero-America : from television to second screens / Julia Fontenla-Pedreira, Iván Puentes-Rivera and Carmen Maiz-Bar
Government communication : basic principles and their application to practical cases / Antonio Castillo-Esparcia
Political communication studies over the last two decades : a view from the International Center of Advanced Communication Studies for Latin America / Ciespal Mauro Cerbino and Gissela Dávila
Latinobarometro, an instrument of regional development / Marta Lagos
Political communication and technologies in Brazil : beyond Bolsonaro / Camilla Quesada-Tavares, Michele Goulart-Massuchin and Alfonso de-Albuquerque
Political communication in Argentine and social media (2010-2021). Personalism, personalization and political Internet users / Ana Slimovich
Political communication in Peru : between the crisis of the parties, political instability, and the central role of media and networks / Sandro Macassi
Political communication mediated by digital media : misinformation and its impact on politics in Chile / Andrés Rosenberg and William Porath
Ecuador : between the digital impulse and the return of traditional powers / Palmira Chavero and Isabel Ramos
Political communication in Uruguay. Strong state, strong parties, stable traditional media, and weak polarization in social media / Ivan Schuliaquer and Federico Beltramelli
Populism and social media campaigning in Central America / María-Fernanda Salas, Erica Guevara and Ignacio Siles
El Salvador : Nayib Bukele, the Twitter president. A failed policy? / Albertina Navas and Amparo Marroquín
The evolution of political communication in Mexico : from a delayed beginning to the consolidation of cyberspace / Daniel Javier de la Garza Montemayor and Xunaxhi Monserrat Pineda Rasgado
Political communication and institutionality in Cuba / Aimiris Sosa Valcarcel and Andrea Leticia Quintana Pujalte
Political communication in 21st century Venezuela : from Chavismo to Madurismo / Fernando Casado and Rebeca Sánchez
Artificial intelligence, technology and political communication in Colombia / Daniel Barredo Ibáñez, Farrah Bérubé and Úrsula Freundt-Thurne
Digital electoral campaigns in Spain over thirty years : information, unidirectionality and professionalized personalization Andreu Casero-Ripollés and Laura Alonso-Muñoz
Electoral campaigns in Portugal : transitioning from the analog to the digital realm / Helder Prior and Miguel Andrade
Lying on social media. Disinformation strategies of Iberian populist radical right / Concha Pérez-Curiel and Joao-Pedro Baptist.
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