Cross-talk in comp theory : a reader / edited by Kristin L. Arola, Victor Villanueva.

Fourth edition.
  • Champaign, Illinois : National Council of Teachers of English, [2023]
  • ©2023
xxvi, 887 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm


Summary note
This collection of pivotal texts marks the rebirth of a field, composition studies, beginning with the rise of the process movement. This edition recognizes that discussions of discourse have become commonplace. Meanwhile, issues of social justice -- who we teach, how we teach, and who we are -- have become much more prescient in our composition classrooms, as elsewhere. And, as technology evolves, so do our discussions of the role of technology and multimodality in our classrooms--Publisher's description.
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references (pages 847-860) and index (pages 861-885).
  • The Givens in Our Conversations : The Writing Process. Teaching writing as a process not a product / Donald M. Murray ; Writing as a mode of learning / Janet Emig ; The composing processes of unskilled college writers / Sondra Perl ; Revision strategies of student writers and experienced adult writers / Nancy Sommers ; The writer's audience is always a fiction / Walter J. Ong, S.J. ; Audience addressed/audience invoked : the role of audience in composition theory and pedagogy / Lisa Ede and Andrea Lunsford ; Post-process "pedagogy" : a philosophical exercise / Lee-Ann M. Kastman Breuch ; Contemporary composition : the major pedagogical theories / James A. Berlin
  • Scientific Talk : Developmental Schemes. A cognitive process theory of writing / Linda Flower and John R. Hayes ; Cognitive development and the basic writer / Andrea A. Lunsford ; Diving in : an introduction to basic writing / Mina P. Shaughnessy ; William Perry and liberal education / Patricia Bizzell ; Is teaching still possible? : Writing, meaning, and higher order reasoning / Ann E. Berthoff ; Narrowing the mind and page : remedial writers and cognitive reductionism / Mike Rose ; Cognition, convention, and certainty : what we need to know about writing / Patricia Bizzell
  • Talking About Writing in Society. Collaborative learning and the "conversation of mankind" / Kenneth A. Bruffee ; Reality, consensus, and reform in the rhetoric of compostion teaching / Greg Myers ; Consensus and difference in collaborative learning / John Trimbur ; "Contact zones" and English studies / Patricia Bizzell ; Professing multiculturalism : the politics of style in the contact zone / Min-Zhan Lu ; Beyond the personal : theorizing a politics of location in composition research / Gesa E. Kirsch and Joy S. Ritchie ; The public intellectual, service learning, and activist research / Ellen Cushman
  • Who We Are, Who We Teach, How We Teach. Inventing the university / David Bartholomae ; When the first voice you hear is not your own / Jacqueline Jones Royster ; Memoria is a friend of ours : on the discourse of color / Victor Villanueva ; Composing as a woman / Elizabeth A. Flynn ; Feminism in composition : inclusion, metonymy, and disruption / Joy Ritchie and Kathleen Boardman ; Queer : an imposible subject for composition / Jonathan Alexander and Jacqueline Rhodes ; Rhetorical sovereignty : what do American Indians want from writing? / Scott Richard Lyons ; The myth of linguistic homogeneity in U.S. college composition / Paul Kei Matsuda ; The rhetoric of translingualism / Keith Gilyard ; How do we language so people stop killing each other, or what do we do about White language supremacy? / Asao B. Inoue ; Avoiding the difference fixation : identity categories, markers of difference, and the teaching of writing / Stephanie L. Kerschbaum
  • Virtual Talk : Composing Beyond the Word. The politics of the interface : power and its exercise in electronic contact zones / Cynthia L. Selfe and Richard j. Selfe, Jr. ; Blinded by the letter : why are we using literacy as a metaphor for everything else? / Anne Frances Wysocki and Johndan Johnson-Eilola ; Made not only in words : composition in a new key / Kathleen Blake Yancey ; Lessons from history : teaching with technology in 1000 years of English journal / Ben McCorkle and Jason Palmeri ; Oakland, the word, and the divide : how we all missed the moment / Adam J. Banks ; A multimodal task-based framework for composing / Jody Shipka ; Response to Cynthia L. Selfe's "the movement of air, the breath of meaning : aurality and multimodal composing" / Doug Hesse ; Response to Doug Hesse / Cynthia L. Selfe ; Race, rhetoric, and technology : a case study of decolonial technical communication theory, methodology, and pedagogy / Angela M. Haas.
Other title(s)
Cross talk in comp theory
  • 0814101585
  • 9780814101582 ((paperback))
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