Enabling Ecotourism Development in Cambodia / Maurice Rawlins.

Rawlins, Maurice [Browse]
Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 2020.



Summary note
Cambodia's tourism industry is a key contributor to its economic growth. However, a recent slowdown in the growth of tourism points to a need to diversify Cambodia's tourism sector. Cambodia's spectacular and pristine natural assets are exactly what ecotourists look for and the opportunities for supporting the expansion of this industry are great. Developing the ecotourism industry can create jobs and provide stimulus for rural economies and building livelihoods in rural areas especially important now due to the impacts of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Developing ecotourism can produce the revenues needed to help manage Cambodia's extensive Protected Area (PA) network and protect the important economic services provided by the forests in the PAs. This report has been structured around the important issues and challenges that relate to the ecotourism industry in Cambodia. Each one is an integral part of the ecotourism story. The analysis and information provided leads to the section on the recommendations for enhancing an enabling environment for ecotourism in Cambodia.
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