Discurso en Torno a la Superioridad Del Género Femenino.

Chiesa, Francesco Agostino Della [Browse]
1st ed.
  • Madrid : Dykinson, S.L., 2024.
  • ©2024.
1 online resource (313 pages)


Summary note
This scholarly work delves into the historical and cultural discourse surrounding the superiority of the female gender, as presented by Francesco Agostino della Chiesa. The book is a bilingual critical edition, edited by Yolanda Romano Martín and Nadia La Mantia, exploring the 'Querella de las Mujeres' or the 'Quarrel of Women'. It focuses on della Chiesa's 1620 publication 'Theatro delle donne letterate', which catalogues approximately 550 women known for their intellectual and cultural contributions from antiquity to the late Renaissance. The catalog includes a diverse array of women such as philosophers, musicians, poets, and more, reflecting on their roles and recognition in historical contexts. The book aims to shed light on the literary and cultural achievements of women, challenging traditional gender roles and celebrating female intellect. It is intended for scholars and students interested in gender studies, literature, and history.
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