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Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Customer Social Responsibility (CSR) / edited by Reem Khamis Hamdan, Amina Buallay.
Hamdan, Reem Khamis
1st ed. 2024.
Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024.
1 online resource (1093 pages)
Engineering mathematics
Data processing
Artificial intelligence
Computational intelligence
Related name
Buallay, Amina
Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 517
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Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 2198-4190 ; 517
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Summary note
The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on business and society has been significant, with the incorporation of AI technologies such as robots, facial recognition, algorithms, and natural language processing into business leading to both corporate benefits and potential challenges for stakeholders. The question of how to engage in responsible business practices in the era of AI is an important one, and there is a need for more research on the relationship between AI and corporate social responsibility (CSR). As AI becomes more prevalent, there is a growing focus on the ethical implications of AI and the potential for AI to perpetuate biases or to displace human workers. CSR initiatives can include considerations of ethical AI in the development and use of AI systems. AI has the potential to solve many global challenges and improve people's lives, but it can also have negative consequences if not developed and used responsibly. CSR initiatives can focus on the social impact of AI, including efforts to ensure that the benefits of AI are distributed fairly and that AI is used for the common good. CSR initiatives often involve engaging with stakeholders, including employees, customers, and communities, to understand their needs and concerns and to ensure that their interests are taken into account. This can include engaging with stakeholders about the use of AI in the organization and its potential impacts The adoption of AI in business is changing many aspects of doing business in a socially responsible manner, and there is a need to examine the potential unethical behaviors and novel ways of engaging in CSR that may arise. This book aims to focus on AI and CSR, and to advance our understanding of the role of AI in organizations and the literature on CSR by assembling high-quality papers with a strong connection between theory and practice.
AI, Decision-Making and Participatory Rights, Public Engagement
Violations of Community Participatory Rights: Testing the Ladder of Public Participation Model on the Road Development Program in Indonesia
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review/Study Site
2.1 Community Participation
2.2 Road Construction
3 Participation of the Community in Road Construction
4 Materials and Methods/Methodology
5 Results
5.1 The Disparity between Community Leaders' Positions and the Authorities Who Make Development Policies
5.2 Local Community Leaders Are Not Involved. The Budget Can Be Used Illegally
5.3 Community Leaders Are Not Involved, Allowing Development to Be Aimed at Specific Places and Interests
5.4 Development Is Not Based on People's Participatory Rights in a Democratic Country
6 Analysis
6.1 Alleviation of Community Participation Rights and Human Rights Violations
6.2 The Ladder of Public Participation Model and Practice of Community Participation for Road Construction in Indonesia
6.3 Manipulation and Therapy
6.4 Informing, Consultation, and Placation
6.5 Partnership, Delegated Power, and Citizen Control
7 Conclusion
8 Ethical Approval
9 Grant Information/Funding
Does Participation in Decision-Making Empower Local People? Understanding Empowerment Through Hannah Arendt's Theory of Power
2 Public Participation in Decision-Making
3 Arendt's Theory of Power
4 The Sustainable Village Programme or Program Desa Lestari in Malaysia
5 Methods
6 Findings and Discussion
6.1 Limited Deliberation and Dialogue
6.2 Disempowerment of Collective Decisions
6.3 The Failure of the Establishment of the Co-Operative
8 Disclosure Statement
9 Notes on Contributors
10 Funding Details.
11 Ethical Approval
Visualizing Progress: The Role of Instagram in Communicating Development Initiatives for Poverty Alleviation in Indonesian Provinces
2 Literature Review
3 Methodology
4 Findings and Discussion
5 Conclusion and Future Work
Integrated Land and Marine Spatial Information Sharing for Sustainable Coastal Management Growth in Malaysia: A Review
2 Integrated Land-Marine Spatial Information System
3 Integrated Land-Marine Spatial Information Sharing
4 Concepts of Land-Marine Integrated Spatial Information Sharing
5 Aspects of Land-Marine Integrated Spatial Information Sharing
6 Conclusion
Impact of the Amethyst Module Implemented on the Micro-Enterprises Program: Disabilities Entrepreneur Group in Kelantan
1.1 Background of Studies
2.1 People with Disabilities (OKU) on Micro-Enterprises in Kelantan
2.2 Previous Studies on the Aspect of People with Disabilities (OKU)
4.1 Findings
5 Conclusion
Hyper-Personalization, Co-creation, Digital Clienteling, and Transformation in Malaysia
1.1 Research Questions
1.2 Research Objectives
2 Literature Reviews
2.1 Customer Innovativeness and Customer Involvement
2.2 Customer Involvement and Willingness to Co-create
2.3 Customer Innovativeness and Willingness to Co-create
2.4 Willingness to Co-create and Adoption
2.5 Attitude and Adoption
2.6 Customer Involvement and Attitude
2.7 Subjective Norms and Adoption
2.8 Customer Involvement and Subjective Norms
3.1 Research Design and Sampling
3.2 Research Instrument Development
3.3 Data Analysis
4 Findings and Result
4.1 Demographic Analysis.
4.2 Descriptive Analysis
4.3 Reliability Test
4.4 Normality Analysis
4.5 Hypotheses Testing
4.6 Customer Involvement and Subjective Norms
Do Economic Development, Credit, Globalization and Human Capital Reduce Poverty in India? Econometric Evidence from Quantile Regression Approach
3 Data, Methods and Estimation Procedure
4 Results and Discussion
5 Conclusion and Policy Implications
Retirement Financial Planning: Strategies and Challenges in Avoiding the Incidence of Poverty
1.1 Problems Statement
4.1 Challenges
4.2 Strategies
The Impact of Religious Struggle on Muslim's Life Satisfaction Who Perform Hijrah: Religious Transformation as a Mediator
2 Methods
3 Results and Discussion
3.1 Description of Research Data
3.2 Partial Least Square Analysis
3.3 Discussion
Effectiveness of Respiratory Relaxation to Lower Academic Communication Apprehension in Students
1 Background
2 Communication Apprehension
3 Respiratory Relaxation
4 Method
5 Result
6 Discussion
Empowering Sustainable Livelihoods: The Ayady Social Kafalah Platform as a Solution to Socioeconomic Challenges
3 Empowering Through Opportunity: The Step-By-Step Operation of the Ayady Social Kafalah Platform
4 Key Implementation Considerations and Challenges
4.1 Targeted Outreach and Inclusivity
4.2 Opportunity Matching and Skill Alignment
4.3 Mentorship and Support
4.4 Transparency and Accountability
4.5 Reciprocity and Sustainability
4.6 Ethical and Cultural Sensitivity.
4.7 Scalability and Technological Infrastructure
4.8 Monitoring and Evaluation
Customer Relationship Management Effect on Loyalty: A Study of Switching Cost Role as Mediator
2 Literature Review and Hypothesis
2.1 Loyalty
2.2 Customer Relationship Management
2.3 Switching Cost
3.1 Population, Sample and Analysis Unit
3.2 Method of Collecting Data
3.3 Variable Measurement
3.4 Validity and Reliability Test of the Instrument
From Scarcity to Prosperity: Nurturing Financial Well-Being in Community Affected by Poverty
2.1 Scarcity into Prosperity
2.2 Nature of Financial Well-Being
2.3 Cultivating Financial Well-Being Among Community
4 Result and Discussion
4.1 Administered Financial Management Practices
Students' Perceptions of Smartphone Use in Palestinian Higher Education: The Case of Al-Quds Open University
1.1 Institutional and Contextual Framework
2 Statement of the Problem
3 Significance of the Study
4 Questions of the Study
5 Literature Review
5.1 Mobile Phone Use in Educational Settings
5.2 Features, Uses and Widespread Use of MALL in the EFL Context
5.3 Attitudes and Perceptions of MALL in the EFL Context
6 Method
6.1 Study Design
6.2 Participants
6.3 Data Collection and Instruments
7 Procedures
8 Results and Discussion
9 Analysis of the Qualitative Data
10 Conclusion
Birth Trauma Among Working Women: An Exploratory Study
2 Method
2.1 Research Question
2.2 Objective
2.3 Hypothesis
2.4 Research Design
2.5 Sampling Technique
2.6 Research Variables
2.7 Inclusion Criteria.
2.8 Exclusion Criteria
2.9 Ethical Considerations
3 Results and Discussions
4 Summary and Conclusion and Implication
5 Suggestions for Future Studies
The Roles of ESG Disclosure, Innovation in Improving Firm Financial Performance: Evidence from China
2 Literature Review and Research Hypothesis
2.1 Stakeholder Theory
2.2 Research Hypothesis
2.3 ESG Disclosure, Corporate Innovation and Firm Performance
3 Research Design
3.1 Sample Selection
3.2 Variables
3.3 Model Building
4 Results Analysis
4.1 Descriptive Statistics
4.2 Correlation Analysis
4.3 Estimate Model of Baseline Regression
4.4 Robustness Tests
4.5 Mediating Effect
4.6 Robustness Tests
Industrial Agglomeration, Technological Innovation, and Poverty Alleviation: Evidence from China
2 Measurement of the Integration Level Between Advanced Manufacturing and Modern Services
3.1 Model Specification
3.2 Variables Declaration
4 Empirical Analysis
4.1 Baseline Regression Analysis
4.2 Test of the Robustness
5 Conclusion and Implications
Assessing Malaysia's Social Security Measures: Government Responses to Income Security and Unemployment During the COVID-19 in Alignment with ILO Standards
2 Methodology
3 Results
3.1 Navigating Turbulent Times: Challenges Faced by Employees in Malaysia During the COVID-19 Pandemic
3.2 Overview of Social Security Measures by Malaysian Government on Income Security and Unemployment
3.3 ILO Social Security Convention, Recommendations and Policies on Income Security and Unemployment
3.4 ILO and COVID-19
4 Discussion
4.1 Alignment of Malaysian Social Security Protections with the ILO Standards
A Review Factors Contributing to Energy Poverty.
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