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Modern Flight Dynamics / David K. Schmidt.
Schmidt, David K., 1895-
First edition.
Reston, Virginia : American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., 2023.
1 online resource (974 pages)
Flight control
Flight engineering
AIAA education series.
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AIAA Education Series
Summary note
When introduced to the topic of aircraft flight dynamics students discover that it is the essence of aeronautical engineering because it involves the study of the motion--the flight--of the vehicle. This motion defines the vehicle's performance, a topic of enormous significance to the ultimate success of the machine. Flight dynamics is a study of the complete vehicle, rather than just a component of a vehicle. Hence, it is fundamentally the study of a multicomponent system and its dynamics and control. Modern Flight Dynamics is a result of the author's 30--years of experience in teaching flight dynamics, plus his years of experience as a practitioner and researcher in the field.
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Title Page
Copyright Page
About the Author
Chapter 1: Introduction and Topical Review
1.1 Small Perturbation Theory for Nonlinear Systems
1.2 Coordinate Systems
1.3 Vectors, Coordinate Transformations, and Direction-Cosine Matrices
1.4 Vector Differentiation
1.5 Newton's Second Law
1.6 Small Perturbation Analysis Revisited
1.7 Summary
1.8 Problems
Chapter 2: Equations of Motion of the Rigid Vehicle
2.1 Vector Equations of Motion-Flat Earth
2.2 Scalar Equations of Motion-Flat Earth
2.3 Reference and Perturbation Equations-Flat Earth
2.4 Effects of Rotating Masses
2.5 Effects of Variable Mass
2.6 Effects of a Spherical, Rotating Earth
2.7 Point-Mass Performance Equations
2.8 Summary
2.9 Problems
Chapter 3: Structural Vibrations-A "Just-In-Time Tutorial"
3.1 Lumped-Mass Idealizations and Lagrange's Equation
3.2 Modal Analysis
3.3 Orthogonality of the Vibration Modes
3.4 Rigid-Body Degrees of Freedom
3.5 Reference Axes and Relative Motion
3.6 Modal Analysis of the Generalized Eigensolution
3.7 Multi-Directional Motion
3.8 Preferred Derivation of Equations of Motion
3.9 Forced Motion and Virtual Work
3.10 Forced Motion of the Unrestrained Beam Model
3.11 Summary
3.12 Problems
Chapter 4: Equations of Motion for Elastic Vehicles
4.1 Lagrange's Equation-Kinetic and Potential Energies
4.2 The Vehicle-Fixed Frame-The Mean Axes
4.3 Modal Expansion Using Free-Vibration Modes
4.4 Selection of the Generalized Coordinates
4.5 Equations of Motion Governing Rigid-Body Translation
4.6 Equations of Motion Governing Rigid-Body Rotation
4.7 Equations of Motion Governing Elastic Deformation.
4.8 Motion of a particular point on the Elastic Vehicle
4.9 Reference and Perturbation Equation Sets for Perturbation Analysis
4.10 Summary
4.11 Problems
Chapter 5: Basic Aerodynamics of Lifting Surfaces
5.1 Subsonic Airfoil Section Characteristics
5.2 Effects of Flaps on Subsonic Airfoil Section Characteristics
5.3 Wing Planform Characteristics
5.4 Effects of Flaps on Wing Aerodynamic Characteristics
5.5 Downwash
5.6 Summary
5.7 Problems
Chapter 6: Modeling the Forces and Moments on the Vehicle
6.1 Taylor-Series Expansion of Aerodynamic Forces and Moments
6.2 Aerodynamic Forces and Moments Acting on the Vehicle
6.3 Propulsive Forces and Moments Acting on the Vehicle
6.4 Fuselage-Reference and Stability Axes
6.5 Aerodynamic and Propulsive Forces and Moments at the Reference Condition
6.6 Forces and Moments due to Translational Velocity Perturbations
6.7 Forces and Moments due to Angular-Velocity Perturbations
6.8 E ffects of Atmospheric Turbulence on the Forces and Moments
6.9 Dimensional Versus Nondimensional Derivatives
6.10 Integration of Forces and Moments into the Equations of Motion
6.11 Summary
6.12 Problems
Chapter 7: Effects of Elastic Deformation on the Forces and Moments
7.1 A Motivational Aeroelastic Example
7.2 Elastic Deformation Revisited
7.3 Elastic Effects on Lift
7.4 Elastic Effects on Side Force
7.5 Elastic Effects on Pitching Moment
7.6 Elastic Effects on Rolling Moment
7.7 Elastic Effects on Yawing Moment
7.8 Generalized Forces Acting on the Elastic Degrees of Freedom
7.9 Elastic Effects on the Forces and Moments for a Large High-Speed Aircraft-A Case Study
7.10 Integrating Elastic Effects into the Equations of Motion
7.11 Static-Elastic Effects on a Vehicle's Aerodynamics.
7.12 Summary
7.13 Problems
Chapter 8: Math Model Assembly and Flight Simulation
8.1 Linear Model Assembly and Simulation
8.2 Nonlinear Model Assembly and Simulation
8.3 Summary
8.4 Problems
Chapter 9: Analysis of Steady and Quasi-Steady Flight
9.1 Equilibrium Reference Conditions
9.2 Concept of Aerodynamic Static Stability-and Criteria
9.3 Analysis of Steady Rectilinear Flight
9.4 Analysis of Steady Turning Flight
9.5 Analysis of Quasi-Steady Pull-Up Maneuvers
9.6 Summary
9.7 Problems
Chapter 10: Linear Flight-Dynamics Analysis
10.1 Linear Systems Analysis-A JITT1
10.2 Linear Flight-Dynamics Perturbation Equations
10.3 Decoupled Longitudinal and Lateral Directional Linear Models
10.4 Longitudinal Transfer Functions and Modal Analysis
10.5 Approximate Models for Aircraft Longitudinal Dynamics
10.6 Lateral-Directional Transfer Functions and Modal Analysis
10.7 Approximate Models for Aircraft Lateral-Directional Dynamics
10.8 Configuration Design to Achieve Desirable Dynamic Characteristics
10.9 Cross-Axis Coupling
10.10 On the Flight Dynamics of Flexible Vehicles
10.11 Summary
10.12 Problems
Chapter 11: Feedback Stability Augmentation
11.1 Block Diagrams, Feedback, and Root-Locus Plots-A JITT1
11.2 On Multi-Input/Multi-Output Systems and Coupling Numerators
11.3 Augmenting the Longitudinal Dynamics
11.4 Lateral-Directional Stability Augmentation
11.5 Comments on Elastic Effects
11.6 Summary
11.7 Problems
Chapter 12: Automatic Guidance and Control-Autopilots
12.1 Feedback Control-Law Synthesis Via Loop Shaping-A JITT1
12.2 Inner and Outer Loops, and Frequency Separation
12.3 The Flight-Dynamics Frequency Spectra
12.4 Attitude Control
12.5 Response Holds.
12.6 Path Guidance-ILS Couplers and VOR Homing
12.7 Elastic Effects and Structural-mode Control
12.8 Summary
12.9 Problems
Chapter 13: Control Characteristics of the Human Pilot
13.1 Background
13.2 The Crossover Model
13.3 Flight-Dynamics Implications of the Human Pilot's Control Characteristics
13.4 Summary
13.5 Problems
Appendix A: Properties of the Atmosphere
Appendix B: Data for Several Aircraft
Appendix C: Models of Atmospheric Turbulence
Appendix D: Cramer's Rule for Solving Simultaneous Equations
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Modern flight dynamics / David K. Schmidt, Professor Emeritus, University of Colorado.