Коммуникативный анализ нехудожественного текста для студентов-&#.

Perotto, Monica [Browse]
1st ed.
  • Florence : Firenze University Press, 2024.
  • ©2023.
1 online resource (216 pages)


Summary note
Teaching of Russian as Foreign Language at the advanced level aims to teach students a wide range of linguistic and stylistic elements of oral and written speech typical of the modern Russian language. For a good professional training of students, teaching materials should be flexible and up-to-date, they should present the language actually used in everyday communication in any sphere of life and work. This textbook applies the model of communicative analysis of N.S. Valgina to the analysis of written texts of mostly non-literary type, which promotes the development of analytical competence at the textual, linguistic and stylistic levels. The course is intended for advanced Russian language students (B2 +) studying at the Master's level of linguistic studies.
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