בשליחות מתמדת : חינוך ומנהיגות כדרך חיים = Eternal vocation : education and leadership as a way of life / אברהם ליפשיץ ; עורכת: מיקה דפני.

Bi-sheliḥut matmedet : ḥinukh manhigut ke-derekh ̣hayim = Eternal vocation : education and leadership as a way of life / Avraham Lifshits ; ʻorekhet : Miḳah Dafni. .

  • Rishon le-Tsiyon : Yediʻot aḥaronot : Sifre Ḥemed, [2024]
  • ראשון לציון : ידיעות אחרונות : ספרי חמד [2024]
  • ©2024
381 pages ; 23 cm


Summary note
"Every week, for nearly ten years, Avraham Lifshits, head of the Hamad in those days, wrote and sent a letter to all the leaders and education leaders of the Hamad. These letters served as a "recurring light" on what was happening within the educational institutions and created a basis for discussions and the enrichment of the staff. Although the letters were written and read in a certain reality, they express a cohesive educational subtext and offer food for thought and many inspiring sources. In Eternal Vocation is a collection of selected contents from hundreds of these epistles. The diverse sections explain the deep educational thought of the author based on many years of knowledge and experience. The editing style preserved the lively and dynamic nature of the epistles, the "Oral Torah" in them, the small stories that joined them and the exciting events that were at their core. Eternal vocation seeks to encourage a life full of passion of social and educational mission. He calls us to embark on a spiritual and intellectual journey through Jewish sources and Hebrew literature for generations and to learn from exemplary figures, and miraculously highlights the social and moral aspects of the Torah of Israel, such as taking responsibility, the value of leadership and leading and doing good."-- Back cover.
  • "Yediʻot sefarim"--Spine.
  • ‏"ידיעות ספרים"--Spine.
  • Start a conversation
  • Leadership and management
  • The heart of education: the teachers and educators
  • A look at the students
  • To continue in their path with humility
  • Farewell
  • פתח דבר
  • מנהיגות וניהול
  • לב החינוך: המורים והמחנכים
  • מבט אל התלמידים והתלמידות
  • להמשיך דרכם בענווה
  • פרידה
Place name(s)
Israel Rishon le-Tsiyon.
Title on title page verso
  • Eternal vocation : education and leadershp as a way of life /
  • 9789652014016
  • 965201401X
  • 036200065976
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Princeton University Library aims to describe library materials in a manner that is respectful to the individuals and communities who create, use, and are represented in the collections we manage. Read more...
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