Albania : Political relations between Albania and the UK (FCO28-004413).

  • Abingdon, England : Taylor and Francis, 2020.
  • London : Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1981.
1 online resource : colour text file, PDF


  • Northern Department and East European and Soviet Department (and succeeding departments): Registered Files (N, EN and ES Series). ; FCO28-004413. [More in this series]
  • Cold War Eastern Europe. [More in this series]
  • FCO28: Foreign Office and Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Northern Department and East European and Soviet Department (and succeeding departments): Registered Files (N, EN and ES Series). ; FCO28-004413
Data source
  • Cold War Eastern Europe, 1947-1982
  • Cold War Eastern Europe, 1976-1982: Module 4
  • History Commons
Summary note
A file of correspondence and reports concerning Albanian relations with the United Kingdom. The documents cover the enquiries of M.P.s on the current state of Anglo-Albanian relations -- Parliamentary Questions on efforts to re-establish relations -- and the activities of a pro-Albanian campaign group in Britain. Other documents in the file include discussion papers on the barriers to the restitution of Albanian gold held by the Tripartite Commission due to British, Italian, and American claims against Albania -- and questions over a ruling of the International Court of Justice that awarded compensation to Britain following the Corfu Channel incident of 1946. The file also covers a planned Confederation of British Industry conference on trading with Albania -- plans by the Great Britain/East European Centre to host a group of Albanian historians -- and the re-establishment of relations between the Albanian and British ambassadors in Yugoslavia.
  • File date: 1981.
  • Date document(s) were released to the public domain: 2014.
  • Title from Cold War Eastern Europe Module IV.
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