Conference on Security and Co-Operation in Europe (CSCE) : follow-up to conference; commentaries on various aspects (FCO28-2818).

  • English
  • French
  • Abingdon, England : Taylor and Francis, 2019.
  • London : Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1975.
1 online resource : colour text file, PDF


  • Cold War Eastern Europe. [More in this series]
  • FCO28: Foreign Office and Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Northern Department and East European and Soviet Department (and succeeding departments): Registered Files (N, EN and ES Series) ; FCO28-2818. [More in this series]
  • FCO28 : Foreign Office and Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Northern Department and East European and Soviet Department (and succeeding departments): Registered Files (N, EN and ES Series) ; FCO28-2818
Data source
  • Cold War Eastern Europe, 1947-1982
  • Cold War Eastern Europe, 1967-1975: Module 3
  • History Commons
Summary note
A file of correspondence and reports concerning the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. The documents cover the proposals and resolutions that emerged from the conference -- an analysis of both Eastern and Western objectives at the conference -- and a summary of documents submitted by delegations to the conference. Subjects covered in the documents include the strengthening of human contacts between East and West -- the reunification of families -- travel and tourism -- sporting and cultural relations -- scientific relations -- youth and educational exchanges -- cooperation in the field of information -- improved conditions for journalists -- and the study of languages and civilisation. The file also includes an analysis of the Declaration of Principles, covering the Brezhnev doctrine, peaceful coexistence, détente, human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the self-determination of peoples.
  • File date: 1975.
  • Date document(s) were released to the public domain: 2005.
  • File was closed until December 29, 2005, under the Public Records Act 1958.
  • Title from Cold War Eastern Europe Module III.
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