Bulgaria : Claims against government of Bulgaria resulting from shooting down of El Al civil airliner in July 1955 (FO371-134832).

  • Abingdon, England : Taylor and Francis, 2017.
  • London : Foreign Office, 1958.
1 online resource : colour text file, PDF


  • General Correspondence from 1906-1966 (Great Britain. Foreign Office. Political Departments) ; FO371-134832. [More in this series]
  • Cold War Eastern Europe. [More in this series]
  • FO371: Foreign Office: Political Departments: General Correspondence from 1906-1966 ; FO371-134832
Data source
  • Cold War Eastern Europe, 1947-1982
  • Cold War Eastern Europe, 1953-1960: Module 1
  • History Commons
Summary note
A file containing documents relating to the legal case in the International Court of Justice (I.C.J.) about the crash of El Al flight 402. Subjects discussed in the file include the Bulgarian provision of relevant meteorological data -- an American request for a further deadline extension for the submission of documents -- American-Israeli distrust in the case -- and the lack of recommended navigation aids for the airway which the plane had left. Documents in the file include a Library of Congress Mid-European Law Project paper on civil aviation law in Bulgaria -- a report of a conversation between Bulgarian and Canadian diplomats at the United Nations about the case -- and a summary of the first draft of the American submission to the I.C.J. The Library of Congress journal also includes articles on the abolition of Hungarian workers' councils -- local government in Poland -- and the "Transformation of the Director's Fund" in the Soviet Union.
  • File date: 1958.
  • Date document(s) were released to the public domain: 1988.
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