Bulgaria : Claims against government of Bulgaria following shooting down of El Al civil airliner, July 1955 (FO371-128642).

  • Abingdon, England : Taylor and Francis, 2017.
  • London : Foreign Office, 1957.
1 online resource : colour text file, PDF


  • General Correspondence from 1906-1966 (Great Britain. Foreign Office. Political Departments) ; FO371-128642. [More in this series]
  • Cold War Eastern Europe. [More in this series]
  • FO371: Foreign Office: Political Departments: General Correspondence from 1906-1966 ; FO371-128642
Data source
  • Cold War Eastern Europe, 1947-1982
  • Cold War Eastern Europe, 1953-1960: Module 1
  • History Commons
Summary note
A file relating to the crash of El Al flight 402. Subjects discussed in the file include the Canadian decision to ask the British government to try again to get an improved offer from the Bulgarian government, rather than accept the offer on the table -- the status of a claim by the family of a British woman who was also a Swedish national -- and the coordination of British, Canadian, and South African responses to the Bulgarian offer to settle the case. Documents in the file include copies of the American and Israeli applications to the International Court of Justice (I.C.J.) in the case -- a copy of a Foreign Office submission recommending rejection of the Bulgarian offer and insistence on the satisfaction of the full value of the British claims -- and correspondence sent to various foreign governments and British embassies informing them of the latest situation in the case.
  • File date: 1957.
  • Date document(s) were released to the public domain: 1987.
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