المصحف الشريف.

al-Muṣḥaf al-sharīf.

Uniform title
  • Arabic
  • Coptic
[Egypt], A.H. 1190 (1776)
1 online resource (228 leaves) : paper, illustrations


Former owner
Summary note
Copy of the second half of the Old Testament starting with Kitāb nubūwat Ishaʻyāʼ al-nabī (Isaiah).
  • Binding: Bound in brown leather over thick pasteboard (Type III); faint blind-stamped central mandorla with four pendants, one on each side and frame; red leather spine and corners; horizontal bands along spine.
  • Decoration: Rubrications in red; some small flower shapes in red; finispiece with birds in black (f. 226v); four pages of drawings and notes (f. 227r-inside back cover).
  • Foliation: Modern foliation added in pencil, upper center recto; catchwords every verso lower left.
  • Layout: Written in 21 long lines.
  • Origin: The copy was completed on 18 Bābah, corresponding to Dhū al-Qaʻdah in the year 1190 A.H. (1776) by Mūsá, Khādim al-Sitt al-Sayyidah in Ḥārat al-Zuwaylah [Cairo] (f. 226v).
  • Script: Written in naskh in black ink; pointed and partially vocalized.
  • Several full page doodles of people with swords (f. 227r-228v; inside back cover).
  • Title from colophon (f. 226v).
  • Watermark: Trelune.
Location of originals
  • Original Columbia, Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
  • OPenn University of Pennsylvania Libraries.
Language note
Arabic with a few words in Coptic.
  • Formerly owned by Ibrāhīm ibn Yūsuf al-Rashīdī (note in ink, f. 226v).
  • Formerly owned by the Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning (library bookplate inside front cover).
Source acquisition
Gift of Cyrus Adler to the library of the Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning (note on library bookplate, inside front cover).
Cite as
CAJS Rar Ms 167.
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