بسن پران.

Bisnu Purān.

Uniform title
Manuscript, Book
[India, between 1800 and 1850?]
1 online resource (136, 4 leaves) : paper, illustrations


Former owner
Summary note
Copy of selections from the Viṣṇu Purāṇa translated into Persian. Eleven images including avatārs of Viṣṇu.
  • Binding: Papier-mâché́ covers painted and lacquered with a flowering tree within a polylobed arch on exteriors and doublures. Exterior cover trees are on a green background with yellow arch and orange frame; doublure trees are on an orange background with yellow arch and green frame. A piece of bright blue textile embroidered with white thread covers the spine.
  • Decoration: Textblock is border-ruled in green, beige, red, and blue with the page-opening ruled in blue. Rubrications in red. The first opening has two polychrome and gold miniatures and the text in cloudbands (f. 1v-2r). Nine other miniatures in bright, primary colors also appear (f. 4v, 31r, 34v, 42v, 48v, 63v, 77v, 96v, 126r).
  • Foliation: Modern foliation added in pencil, upper left recto; catchwords every verso, lower left.
  • Layout: 15 long lines, border-ruled.
  • Origin: The copy is not dated, but likely produced in the first half of the 19th century, in India.
  • Script: Written in nastaʻliq in black ink; pointed.
  • Title from incipit (f. 1r).
Location of originals
  • Original Columbia, Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
  • OPenn University of Pennsylvania Libraries.
Language note
  • Formerly owned by Françoise and Claude Bourelier.
  • Sold by Sam Fogg Rare Books and Manuscripts (London), 2016.
Cite as
UPenn Ms. Indic 6.
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