

Uniform title
Manuscript, Book
[Turkey?], A.H. 1119 (1708)
1 online resource (304 leaves) : paper, illuminations


Former owner
Summary note
Complete copy of the Qur'ān. This copy also includes a prayer to be said upon completion of the Qur'ān (f. 303v).
  • Binding: Dark brown leather over pasteboard with flap (Type II) and red leather spine; blind stamped mandorla with two pendants and cornerpieces on both covers and flap; gilded red paper onlays with gold tooled pattern and frame; gold tooled pattern on foredge flap. Green paper doublure with green textile foredge hinge doublure.
  • Decoration: Sūrah titles in white ink, framed in gold and floriated designs; textblock ruled in gold and black; gold roundels with red and blue dots at end of each verse; readings marked in red; text partitions (ḥizb) marked in the margins by polychrome and gold medallions; double page illumination in gold, blue, and red with text on cloudbands in first opening (f. 1v-2r); tailpiece of gold floral design under colophon, which is written on incomplete cloudbands (f. 304r).
  • Errata sheet laid in ("hādhā al-muṣḥaf mukhālif li-al-rasm al-ʻuthmānī").
  • Foliation: First 100 pages numbered by a later hand in purple Hindu-Arabic numerals, upper outer corners. Modern western numeral foliation in pencil added, upper left recto; catchwords on every verso, lower left. References in the record are to modern foliation.
  • Layout: 15 long lines with border rules.
  • Ms. codex.
  • Origin: Copied in A.H. 1119 (1708) by ʻAbd Allāh al-Ḥusnī ibn al-Ḥājj ʻAbdī al-Lārndawī (f. 304r).
  • Script: Written in naskh using black ink; pointed, vocalized.
  • Title supplied by cataloger.
Location of originals
  • Original Columbia, Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
  • OPenn University of Pennsylvania Libraries.
Language note
Formerly owned by Mrs. William McClenahan, likely Jean P., wife of Dr. William U. McClenahan, given to the libraries in 1969 (note in pencil on flyleaf 1v).
Cite as
UPenn Ms. Codex 1903.
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