

Uniform title
Manuscript, Book
[between 1650 and 1800?]
1 online resource (iv, 362, ii leaves) : paper, illuminations


Former owner
Summary note
Complete, octagonal copy of the Qurʼān with metal case, for use as an amulet; several leaves have been repaired and the first few may be later replacements.
  • A repeating stamp on the flyleaves at the front and back of book bears pious statements and the number 118.
  • Binding: Bound in red leather over thin card with embossed gold onlays in a central octagon and narrow frame; octagonal carrying case of silver-colored metal with a clasp that allows for a string to be threaded through it; grey enamal top set with a central red stone and ten red stone petals lined with gold.
  • Decoration: Dual page illuminated first and last openings in gold with green and blue or orange flower and vine motifs (f. 1v-2r, 357v-358r). Textblock is octagonally border-ruled in gold. Gold roundels lined in red mark verse endings; sūrah titles in red.
  • Foliation: Modern foliation in pencil added to every tenth leaf, top left recto; catchwords every verso, lower left.
  • Layout: 13 long lines, border-ruled.
  • Ms. codex.
  • Origin: Copy is undated; perhaps copied in the 17th or 18th century.
  • Script: Written in neat ghubar in black ink, pointed and vocalized.
  • Title supplied by cataloger.
Location of originals
  • Original Columbia, Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
  • OPenn University of Pennsylvania Libraries.
Language note
Formerly owned by John Frederick Lewis.
Simsar, Muhammed Ahmed. Oriental manuscripts of the John Frederick Lewis Collection, 6
Other title(s)
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Princeton University Library aims to describe library materials in a manner that is respectful to the individuals and communities who create, use, and are represented in the collections we manage. Read more...
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