What film is good for : on the values of spectatorship / edited by Julian Hanich and Martin P. Rossouw ; foreword by Mike Figgis ; afterword by Radu Jude.

Oakland, California : University of California Press, [2023]
xiii, 413 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm


Writer of foreword
Writer of afterword
Summary note
"For well over a century, going to the movies has been a favorite pastime for billions across the globe. But is film actually good for anything? This volume brings together thirty-six scholars, critics, and filmmakers in search of an answer. The result is a series of responses that recast current debates about film ethics, ranging from the most personal to the most theoretical. Movie-watching here emerges as a wellspring of value, able to sustain countless visions of 'the good life.' Films, these authors affirm, make us reflect, connect, adapt; they evoke wonder and beauty; they challenge and transform. In a word, its varieties of value make film invaluable"-- Provided by publisher.
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references and index.
  • Foreword / by Mike Figgis
  • Introduction : film ethics as delivering the goods / Martin P. Rossouw and Julian Hanich
  • A portal to another world : on cinema, climate change, and a good apocalypse / Jennifer Fay
  • Scaling down : on the unsustainable pleasure of large-file streaming / Laura U. Marks
  • It's invaluable : on film spectatorship in the era of Covid-19 / Sarah Cooper
  • Stabilities and mobilities : on the generic values of emplacements, displacements, and outplacements / Timothy Corrigan
  • Lies, loops, or liberation : on the dis/obedience of feeling more / Michele Aaron
  • Public engagement : on postcolonial African cinema's critical value / Litheko Modisane
  • Shedding light on abject lives : on global cinema as ethical art / Seung-hoon Jeong
  • Empathy : on its limitations and liabilities / Malcolm Turvey
  • Political impact : on the societal vibrancy of film / Jens Eder
  • Moral reflection : on the reflective afterlife of screen stories / Carl Plantinga and Garrett Strpko
  • Challenge and discomfort : on situated elitist pleasures in art and indie film / Geoff King
  • Heterocosmic connections : on the many worlds and world-values of cinema / Daniel Yacavone
  • Depth of experience : on early phenomenology and the value of boredome in the cinema / Christian Ferencz-Flatz
  • Striking beauty : on recuperating the beautiful in cinema / Julian Hanich
  • Wondering offscreen : on cinema's transformations of our relation to the unseen / Jaimie Baron
  • Coming to wonder : on cinema's renewal of vision / Catherine Wheatley
  • Moral improvement : on how watching films might make us better people / Thomas E. Wartenberg
  • Cinematic ethics : on film as transformative experience / Robert Sinnerbrink
  • Spiritual exercises before a screen : on "film as philosophy" and its transformational ethics / Martin P. Rossouw
  • Remembrance and reflection : on social justice cinema in the #BlackLivesMatter era / Maryann Erigha Lawer
  • Making movie generations : on the cultural work of Hollywood remaking / Kathleen Loock
  • Reaching unlettered audiences : on global blockbuster cinema and its oral affinities / Sheila J. Nayar
  • Love of community and reality : on André Bazin and the good of cinema / Dudley Andrew
  • Projection and protection : on cinemagoing as playing hide and seek with reality / Francesco Casetti
  • An animated and animating medium : on Hegel, Adorno, and the good of film / Nicholas Baer
  • The bigger picture : on watching films on a cinema screen / Martine Beugnet
  • Quality time : on resisting what's next, or staying with the credits / Tiago de Luca
  • Wanton destruction : on cinema's anti-social thrills / Adrian Martin
  • Alienating interventions : on what the "bad" in David Lynch's films is "good" for / Annie van den Oever and Dominique Chateau
  • Dangerous situations : on whether cinema is poisonous / Michel Chion
  • Good for nothing? : on how films help us through the night / Tom Gunning
  • Medium-sized matters : on whether cinema has made any difference / Mark Cousins
  • Afterword / by Radu Jude.
  • 9780520386808 (hardcover)
  • 0520386809 (hardcover)
  • 9780520386815 (paperback)
  • 0520386817 (paperback)
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