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Grenada, 1842, Despatches, Offices and Individuals : Index; Order; Petition; List; Report; Correspondence; Address 1842.
Marlborough, Wiltshire : Adam Matthew Digital, 2022.
1 online resource.
Caribbean Area
Adam Matthew Digital (Firm)
Colonial Caribbean: Module 2
Summary note
Despatches from the lieutenant governor of Grenada, mostly forwarded by the governor of the Windward Islands, together with correspondence from 'offices' (Government departments and other organisations) and individuals on matters relating to Grenada. Despatches are described at item level: CO 101/91/1. Forwards memorial and petition from Elizabeth Ann Cruickshank and others [not in item]. President Davies, Administrator of Grenada, forwarded by Sir Evan John Murray MacGregor, Governor of Windward Islands, Grenada No. 1, folios 3-9. 02/01/1841. CO 101/91/2. Reports there are no steam vessels registered in Grenada. President Davies, Administrator of Grenada, forwarded by Sir Evan John Murray MacGregor, Governor of Windward Islands, Grenada No. 2, folios 10-13. 02/01/1841. CO 101/91/3. Transmits two Acts of the legislature [not in item]: an Act to secure payments of debts, and Steam Navigation Act. President Davies, Administrator of Grenada, forwarded by Sir Evan John Murray MacGregor, Governor of Windward Islands, Grenada No. 3, folios 14-25. 21/01/1841. CO 101/91/4. Encloses return of all appointments from January 1838 to January 1841, distinguishing 'Europeans' and 'natives' and stating if individuals are 'coloured' or 'Black'. President Davies, Administrator of Grenada, forwarded by Sir Evan John Murray MacGregor, Governor of Windward Islands, Grenada No. 4, folios 26-35. 25/02/1841. CO 101/91/5. Escheated property: encloses memorial from Augustine Guis praying for release of certain escheated property. Refers to his father, a former enslaved person. President Davies, Administrator of Grenada, forwarded by Sir Evan John Murray MacGregor, Governor of Windward Islands, Grenada No. 5, folios 36-43. 04/03/1841. CO 101/91/6. Escheated property: encloses a memorial from Richard Gibbs and Mary Ann Stephenson, 'illegitimate' children of Elizabeth Grabit, deceased, praying the release of certain escheated property. President Davies, Administrator of Grenada, forwarded by Sir Evan John Murray MacGregor, Governor of Windward Islands, Grenada No. 6, folios 44-51. 04/03/1841. CO 101/91/7. Encloses addresses to Queen Victoria and Prince Albert on the birth of a Princess. President Davies, Administrator of Grenada, forwarded by Sir Evan John Murray MacGregor, Governor of Windward Islands, Grenada No. 7, folios 52-57. 04/03/1841. CO 101/91/8. Crown lands: acknowledges circular despatch and encloses return of the sales of Crown lands. President Davies, Administrator of Grenada, forwarded by Sir Evan John Murray MacGregor, Governor of Windward Islands, Grenada No. 8, folios 58-61. 05/04/1841. CO 101/91/9. Reports that nine months' leave of absence has been granted to Chief Justice Sanderson. President Davies, Administrator of Grenada, forwarded by Sir Evan John Murray MacGregor, Governor of Windward Islands, Grenada No. 9, folios 62-66. 24/04/1841. CO 101/91/10. Encloses correspondence relating to the appointment of a priest for the parish of St Patricks. President Davies, Administrator of Grenada, forwarded by Sir Evan John Murray MacGregor, Governor of Windward Islands, Grenada No. 10, folios 67-72. 29/04/1841. CO 101/91/11. Transmits two Acts of the legislature [not in item]: an Act for the erection of jetties -- an Act for the Chief Justice's salary. President Davies, Administrator of Grenada, forwarded by Sir Evan John Murray MacGregor, Governor of Windward Islands, Grenada No. 11, folios 73-77. 07/05/1841. CO 101/91/12. Forwards lists of members of the Council and of stipendiary magistrates, together with minutes of the Council and Assembly [minutes not in item]. President Davies, Administrator of Grenada, forwarded by Sir Evan John Murray MacGregor, Governor of Windward Islands, Grenada No. 12, folios 78-81. 18/05/1841. CO 101/91/13. Prison regulations: encloses copy of rules and regulations [not in item]. Charles Henry Darling, Governor of Windward Islands, Grenada No. 1, folios 83-83a. 01/07/1841. CO 101/91/14. Transmits two Acts of the legislature [not in item] concerning taxation and probate. Carlo Joseph Doyle, forwarded by Charles Henry Darling, Governor of Windward Islands, Grenada No. 2, folios 84-92. 06/09/1840. CO 101/91/15. Transmits authenticated copies of two Acts [not in item] relating to taxation and probate. Charles Henry Darling, Governor of Windward Islands, Grenada No. 3, folios 93-94. 20/09/1841. CO 101/91/16. Transmits five Acts of the Legislature [not in item] relating to: effects of testators -- law of inheritance -- law of dowers -- marriage -- and validity of certain promises and engagements. Carlo Joseph Doyle, forwarded by Charles Henry Darling, Governor of Windward Islands, Grenada No. 4, folios 95-104. 30/10/1841. CO 101/91/17. Acknowledges receipt of despatches, and encloses certificate of the death of Charles Robert Alefson. Carlo Joseph Doyle, forwarded by Charles Henry Darling, Governor of Windward Islands, Grenada No. 5, folios 105-110. 01/11/1841. CO 101/91/18. Escheated property: encloses a memorial from Samuel Dermoy, 'illegitimate' son of Ann Crookshank, praying for release of the escheated property of his deceased mother. Carlo Joseph Doyle, forwarded by Charles Henry Darling, Governor of Windward Islands, Grenada No. 6, folios 111-119. 02/11/1841. CO 101/91/19. Encloses further memorial from Mr Samuel Dermoy, 'illegitimate' son of Ann Crookshank, relative to some property of the deceased in England. Carlo Joseph Doyle, forwarded by Charles Henry Darling, Governor of Windward Islands, Grenada No. 7, folios 119A-128. 07/12/1841. CO 101/91/20. Encloses list of the property of Jean Francois Dubiel, a Frenchman, who died on 30 October -- requires instructions as to disposal of his property. Carlo Joseph Doyle, forwarded by Charles Henry Darling, Governor of Windward Islands, Grenada No. 8, folios 128A-135. 10/12/1841. CO 101/91/21. Encloses memorial from George Palmer, praying to be confirmed in his office as a clerk in the Customs Department. Carlo Joseph Doyle, forwarded by Charles Henry Darling, Governor of Windward Islands, Grenada No. 9, folios 136-144. 10/12/1841. CO 101/91/22. Return of Lieutenant Governor from leave: asks to be allowed choice of either 2 April or 1 May packet for returning to Grenada. Carlo Joseph Doyle, unnumbered letter [sent from England], folios 146-147. 12/03/1841. CO 101/91/23. Encloses application from Chief Justice Sanderson for new appointment as resident judge at Barbados. Carlo Joseph Doyle, unnumbered letter [sent from England], folios 148-155. 26/03/1841. CO 101/91/24. Lieutenant Governor's return from leave -- reports his embarkation for Grenada on 3 May. Carlo Joseph Doyle, unnumbered letter [sent from England], folios 156-157. 03/05/1841. CO 101/91/25. Reports his arrival in Grenada and resumption of government. Carlo Joseph Doyle, unnumbered despatch, folios 158-159. 09/06/1841. CO 101/91/26. Governor's salary: encloses usual certificate in support of payment. Carlo Joseph Doyle, unnumbered despatch, folios 160-161. 08/07/1841. CO 101/91/27. Governor's salary: encloses usual certificate in support of payment to 30 September. Carlo Joseph Doyle, unnumbered despatch, folios 162-165. 13/10/1841. CO 101/92/1. Transmits documents relating to property of the late Miss Mary Mitchell and explains nature of Mr W Davidson's claim to the proceeds. Carlo Joseph Doyle, forwarded by Charles Henry Darling, Acting Governor of Windward Islands, Grenada No. 1, folios 3-8. 16/01/1842. Correspondents and subjects are as follows: Offices: Council (appointment of R Newbold as a member of Council) -- Board of Trade (recommends that Act No 346, the Revenue Act, be left to its operation) -- Law Officers (no objections to Acts Nos 352, 350, 349, 348, 351 -- opinion on Bank Act) -- Treasury (vacancy in Customs Department had been filled before Mr Palmer's memorial had arrived -- opinion of Board of Treasury on escheat of Ann Crookshank -- decision on case of Mary Mitchell's escheat -- answers Mr Brown's memorial for appointment to Customs -- remarks on Tax Act No 346 -- grant of £75 to Mrs Jephson from Royal Bounty) -- French Consul (requests various documents connected with individuals).
Individuals: W G Anderson (death of Mr Jephson, Stipendiary Magistrate -- solicits passage allowance for Mrs Jephson -- recommends payment of Mrs Jephson's grant of £75 through the Commissariat at Trinidad) -- E C Anson (reply of Prince Albert to congratulatory addresses) -- Messrs Cox (certificates of Colonel Doyle's existence) -- Elizabeth Lowe (requests assistance towards the recovery of certain property) -- S W H Ramsbottom (requests that the fees paid by him on his appointment as Provost Marshal of Grenada may be returned) -- Nathaniel Roach (hopes that in the event of any alteration in the judicial system he may not be forgotten -- remarks on the state of people of African heritage -- refers to subject of emigration -- remarks on the West Indian special justices, the labours of people of African heritage and relations with their employers and
workings of the 'free system') -- W Rothell (encloses letter addressed to Mr Hornby covering a letter received by Mr Roach regarding a judicial appointment) -- Charles Symons (Ramsbottom's application for return of fees paid on appointment as Provost Marshal of Grenada) -- J Salman (enquires whether Mr Terman, Collector of Customs is alive).
AMDigital Reference:CO 101/92.
CO 101.
Original version
Reproduction of: Grenada, 1842, Despatches, Offices and Individuals, 1842.
Location of originals
The National Archives, UK
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Images including crown copyright images reproduced by courtesy of The National Archives, London, England.
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