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Bermuda, Jan-Jul 1840, Despatches : Sir William Reid, governor of Bermuda : Index; Memorandum; Address; Newspaper clipping; Petition; Financial document; Report; Returns; Acts and Legislation; List; Correspondence Jan-Jul 1840.
Marlborough, Wiltshire : Adam Matthew Digital, 2022.
1 online resource.
Caribbean Area
Adam Matthew Digital (Firm)
Colonial Caribbean: Module 2
Jan-Jul 1840.
Summary note
Despatches from Sir William Reid, governor of Bermuda. Described at item level. CO 37/103/1. Forwards a schedule of despatches. Unnumbered, folios 3-5. 03/01/1840. CO 37/103/2. Acknowledges the receipt of various despatches. Unnumbered, folios 6-7. 01/01/1840. CO 37/103/3. Quarterly report of officers in execution of their duties for the quarter ending 31 December. Listed are Governor Lieutenant Colonel William Reid, Chief Justice Thomas Butterfield, Colonial Secretary Robert Kennedy, Attorney General J H Darrell, and Bishop of Newfoundland A G Spencer. Unnumbered, folios 8-9. 01/01/1840. CO 37/103/4. Governor's quarterly salary certificate. Unnumbered, folios 10-11. 01/01/1849. CO 37/103/5. Forwards a list of Council members showing dates of appointment and other offices held. Listed are Thomas Butterfield, Robert Kennedy, Henry G Hunt, Augustus W Harvey, Richard J Tucker, Francis Albouy, Samuel A Smith, and William B Smith. Unnumbered, folios 12-15. 01/01/1840. CO 37/103/6. Requests Parliament reports and other publications for the new library. Unnumbered, folio 16. 03/01/1840. CO 37/103/7. Recommends that Colonial Secretary Robert Kennedy be removed from office as his appointment was held under the ancient form of warrant which allowed him to 'make it nearly a sinecure and an ineffective secretary'. Gives the salary details of the position. No. 1, folios 17-26. 10/01/1840. CO 37/103/8. Forwards a petition from W A Burrell claiming remuneration for his services of office keeper from 1827-1832. Explains the case was decided by Lord Glenelg's despatch No. 2 of 3 July in 1835 and that he had refused to reopen it. No. 2, folios 27-35. 11/01/1840. CO 37/103/9. Gives views on the proposed abolition of shipping dues. Reports that if a lighthouse was built the Legislature would maintain the light by creating a moderate lighthouse tax. No. 3, folios 36-47. 22/01/1840. CO 37/103/10. Reports that between 500 and 800 Maltese immigrants could be introduced to the island, 50 to 100 at a time, for the formation of a colonial militia under regular regimental officers. Encloses the proposed form of enlistment for such recruits. Suggests that they be drilled in Malta and that they should be allowed to engage in agricultural labour. Adds that giving the working classes military training added an important secondary means of defence. No. 4, folios 48-66. 22/01/1840. CO 37/103/11. Reports that the plan to give arms training to civil workmen if the dockyard and Ordnance Department was inoperative, as it had not been made a legal obligation. No. 5, folios 67-76. 25/01/1840. CO 37/103/12. Reports that the orders for not employing convicts for private services had proved effective. No. 6, folios 77-80. 28/01/1840. CO 37/103/13. Forwards a letter, with enclosures, from Robert Kennedy protesting against being removed from the office of Colonial Secretary, which he had held for 33 years. Comments that Kennedy's removal was necessary. No. 7, folios 81-119. 28/01/1840. CO 37/103/14. Acknowledges the receipt of despatch No 19 of 21 November enclosing reports on the Poor Laws. Recommends that the colony be supplied with Parliamentary reports on various subjects. No. 8, folios 120-127. 28/01/1840. CO 37/103/15. Explains why he detained the mail boat for six hours. No. 9, folios 128-135. 28/01/1840. CO 37/103/16. Reports reasons for authorising the payment of 'bringing money' on the enlistment of recruits. Explains that the system had been discontinued, but asks that past accounts may be allowed. No. 10, folios 136-140. 29/01/1840. CO 37/103/17. Reports reasons for refusing leave of absence to Landing Waiter and Searcher Fraser [Frazer]. No. 11, folios 141-147. 31/01/1840. CO 37/103/18. Requests that a supply of vaccine lymph may be sent out. No. 12, folios 148-152. 06/02/1840. CO 37/103/19. Recommends preparing the plans and estimates for the lighthouse as the Legislature was sure to agree to the plans, once in session. No. 13, folios 153-157. 12/02/1840. CO 37/103/20. Forwards the meteorological reports and explains arrangements for their publication [not included in volume -- sent to the Admiralty]. No. 14, folios 158-159. 08/02/1840. CO 37/103/21. Forwards a copy of a letter addressed to Vice Admiral Sir Thomas Harvey, giving views on the best means of defence in the event of a war with America. No. 15, folios 160-167. 18/02/1840. CO 37/103/22. Reports ideas on a plan of general steam communication between the West Indies and British North America [Canada]. Encloses reports and calculations for supplying the Navy with live cattle from British North America rather than the US. No. 16, folios 168-192. 21/02/1840. CO 37/103/23. Reports that the garrison's strength was inefficient. Encloses a return of the distribution of the troops. Recommends that another company of sappers and miners should be sent out. No. 17, folios 193-200. 23/02/1840. CO 37/103/24. Recommends allowing the local Legislature to impose a duty of two and a half percent on British manufactured goods which would produce about £2000 per year. Encloses revenue return for 1838 as well as correspondence concerning the matter. No. 18, folios 201-220. 26/02/1840. CO 37/103/25. Reports that number of convicts was equal to the whole garrison. Recommends that in the event of hostilities with the United States, or a coup de main on the unfinished defences, that the convicts be called to assist in the defence with the offer of a free pardon if successful. No. 19, folios 221-227. 29/02/1840. CO 37/103/26. Forwards correspondence with Vice Admiral Thomas Harvey concerning the governor's supposed interference with the administration of the Naval Department. No. 20, folios 228-237. 17/03/1840. CO 37/103/27. Reports that misunderstanding with Vice Admiral Thomas Harvey had been resolved. Private, folios 238-239. 27/03/1840. CO 37/103/28. Quarterly report of officers in execution of their duties for the quarter ending 31 December. Listed are Governor Lieutenant Colonel William Reid, Bishop of Newfoundland A G Spencer, Chief Justice Thomas Butterfield, Colonial Secretary Robert Kennedy, and Attorney General J H Darrell. Unnumbered, folios 240-241. 01/04/1840. CO 37/103/29. Governor's quarterly salary certificate. Unnumbered, folios 242-243. 01/04/1840. CO 37/103/30. Forwards extracts of clauses five, six and seven, of the 1778 treaty between France and America, which refer to Bermuda. No. 21, folios 244-249. 07/04/1840. CO 37/103/31. Reports granting three months leave of absence to Landing Waiter and Searcher R D Fraser. Encloses a medical certificate. No. 22, folios 250-254. 09/04/1840. CO 37/103/32. Reports arrangements made for the arrival of an additional regiment to improve the strength of the garrison. No. 23, folios 255-262. 10/04/1840. CO 37/103/33. Reports on the clothing needed for local recruits. Explains that the clothes should be in the style of the English soldier. No. 24, folios 263-274. 11/04/1840. CO 37/103/34. Forwards a public notice of 14 January concerning compensation for emancipated slaves. No. 25, folios 273-275. 14/04/1840. CO 37/103/35. Forwards the form of enlistment for the Bermuda infantry and the temporary discharge proposed to be given after their training. No. 26, folios 276-281. 18/04/1840. CO 37/103/36. Reports for the information for the Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners, that a mistake had been made concerning Crown Lands in Bermuda -- and that there were no ungranted lands in the island. No. 27, folios 282-283. 21/04/1840. CO 37/103/37. Asks what the expense of a convict was, to enable a return to be made out showing the charges for convict maintenance, clothing and lodging. No. 28, folios 284-287. 23/04/1840. CO 37/103/38. Reports that the telegraph signals had been moved to a site paid for by the colony. No. 29, folios 288-289. 11/05/1840. CO 37/103/39. Forwards the Blue Book for 1839 [not included in volume -- sent to the library]. No. 30, folios 290-291. 12/05/1840. CO 37/103/40. Reports the confusion caused by the various currency rates used by the commissary, the collector, and the postmaster. Recommends that the value of the dollar and the doubloon be fixed by Royal proclamation. No. 31, folios 292-302. 16/05/1840. CO 37/103/41. Considers the expense of keeping up the former government house in St. George's as unnecessary. Recommends that the house and attached land be given over to the Ordnance Department. No. 32, folios 303-307. 17/05/1840. CO 37/103/42.
Reports the resignation of Clerk of the Assembly S Cobb and that he has appointed H Darrell to the vacancy after having consulted the speaker on the subject. No. 33, folios 308-311. 18/05/1840. CO 37/103/43. Forwards a return of a portion of the 76th regiment which had arrived to strengthen the garrison. Return shows the number sent according rank. No. 34, folios 312-317. 18/05/1840. CO 37/103/44. Reports the need of a military hospital in Ireland Island. Explains that sick soldiers were being sent to the naval
hospital and were consequently under the naval medical officers rather than their own medical officers as preferred by the officer commanding the troops. Recommends that the case be submitted to the Army and Navy Medical Boards. No. 35, folios 318-326. 19/05/1840. CO 37/103/45. Forwards a copy of the governor's speech given at the opening of the Legislature on 20 May and the responses to the speech from the Legislative Council and House of Assembly. No. 36, folios 327-333. 23/05/1840. CO 37/103/46. Comments on plans for creating an armed flotilla. Encloses a return of the various Military Departments having boats. Recommends building a gunboat and that all these boats should be under the control of the officer commanding the troops. Also reports the plan to organise a volunteer flotilla from 217 private boats able to hold 4103 men. Notes that Sir W Burnaby had been chosen to head the volunteers. No. 37, folios 334-345. 28/05/1840. CO 37/103/47. Reports temporarily appointing Cockburn Harvey as Landing and Tide Surveyor, John Tucker as Searcher and Oswald Jones as Clerk. No. 38, folios 346-347. 04/06/1840. CO 37/103/48. Forwards and comments on an application from the Reverend Lightbourne for a navigation teacher to be sent from the Naval School at Greenwich [application not included in volume -- sent to the Admiralty]. No. 39, folios 348-351. 05/06/1840. CO 37/103/49. Forwards a letter from Naval Storekeeper J Ballingall protesting against the arrangements made by the governor during an outbreak of small pox among the military. Complains of the improper tone of Ballingall's letter and encloses documents showing the actions taken during the case. No. 40, folios 352-362. 16/06/1840. CO 37/103/50. Gives reasons for departing from the regulated army height standard in enlisting recruits for the Bermuda infantry. Encloses a report on their training. No. 41, folios 363-377. 30/06/1840. CO 37/103/51. Sends a list of the despatches received during the half year ending 30 June 1840. Unnumbered, folios 378-387. 30/06/1840. CO 37/103/52. Governor's quarterly salary certificate. Unnumbered, folios 388-389. 30/06/1840. CO 37/103/53. Quarterly report of officers in execution of their duties for the quarter ending 31 December. Listed are Governor Lieutenant Colonel William Reid, Chief Justice Thomas Butterfield, Colonial Secretary Robert Kennedy, and Attorney General J H Darrell. Unnumbered, folios 390-391. 30/06/1840. CO 37/103/54. Replies to Mr Spurr's observations on the administration of justice and the affairs of the colony in general. Encloses comments on the matter from Attorney General John Harvey Darrell and Chief Justice Thomas Butterfield. Also encloses a return of all contested suits in the Court of General Assize between 'natives' and 'strangers' from autumn 1834 to autumn 1839, as well as one case between strangers in 1839. No. 42, folios 392-418. 16/07/1840. CO 37/103/55. Reports the arrival of the remainder of the 76th Regiment and the arrangements made for barracks. Recommends Prospect Hill as the most eligible site for the new central barracks. No. 43, folios 419-428. 10/07/1840.
AMDigital Reference:CO 37/103.
CO 37.
Original version
Reproduction of: Bermuda, Jan-Jul 1840, Despatches : Sir William Reid, governor of Bermuda, Jan-Jul 1840.
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The National Archives, UK
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Images including crown copyright images reproduced by courtesy of The National Archives, London, England.
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