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Open Government Review of Romania / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
1st ed.
Paris : OECD Publishing, 2023.
1 online resource
Transparency in government
Freedom of information
Summary note
The Open Government Review provides an evidence-based assessment of the country's open government agenda against the ten provisions of the OECD Recommendation of the Council on Open Government. The review takes stock of past reform efforts and provides guidance for Romania in designing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating an integrated policy agenda to improve the relationship between government and citizens and the way they interact.
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Description based on publisher supplied metadata and other sources.
Executive summary
Key findings
Key recommendations
1 Assessment and recommendations
Romania is a rapidly evolving democracy which faces several political and socio-economic challenges
Key milestones for open government in Romania
Law and regulations on open government policies and practices are mostly aligned with OECD practice
Romanian public officials and civil society stakeholders currently do not have a shared understanding of the concept of open government and of its benefits
Romanians today have better access to public information, but enforcement and implementation of the law need to be strengthened to foster standardisation, accessibility and re-usability of information
Citizen and stakeholder participation is often seen as a formality and levels of engagement are low
The Romanian public administration still lacks an open government culture
Due to the presence of numerous policies that aim to promote openness in Romania, better policy coherence is needed
The OGP action plans could be reinforced and built on greater buy-in from across government
The General Secretariat of the Government is at the heart of Romania's open government ecosystem
Co-ordination and sharing of good practices remain a challenge in Romania
Digital government tools have enabled more impactful open government practices
Monitoring and evaluation of open government reforms is moving in the right direction
Romania is starting to move towards an open state agenda
Romania currently has a unique window of opportunity to address existing challenges and move towards a more impactful open government agenda
Key policy recommendations
2 Setting the scene: The context and drivers for open government in Romania
Open government is an enabler for democratic consolidation
Defining open government in Romania
A brief history of open government in Romania
The context and drivers of open government in Romania
A consolidating democracy
A decentralised unitary state
A legalistic administrative culture and a public sector that shows relatively low levels of innovation/proactivity
Frequent changes in governments and short-term oriented decision-making
A country that is well-integrated into the international community
Trust in government is comparatively low
Economic inequalities and poverty persist in parts of the country
A changing population
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and of Russian aggression against Ukraine
Laws and regulations
3 Methodology: The OECD approach to assessing open government reforms in Romania
The OECD approach to assessing open government
The OECD Recommendation on Open Government
The OECD Framework for Assessing the Openness of Government
The OECD Openness Spectrum
The framework, scope and structure of the OECD Open Government Review of Romania
A brief history of the co-operation between Romania and the OECD
The basis: Romania's motivation to undergo an OECD Open Government Review
The scope of the OECD Open Government Review of Romania
The complementarity with other ongoing OECD reviews
The methodology and evidence of this Review
The involvement of OECD peer reviewers
Questionnaires and surveys
Interviews and fact-finding missions
The structure of the OECD Open Government Review of Romania
Definitions of key terms used in this Review
4 Implementing the legal framework for open government: Towards a more transparent and participatory government in Romania
Open government principles and civic freedoms are protected by Romania's Constitution
Access to information in Romania: Towards effective implementation
Romania's access to information framework is encompassing
Fostering the proactive disclosure of information
Proactive disclosure has contributed to increasing transparency
The location and format of proactive disclosure can be improved
Fostering the reactive disclosure of information in Romania
Public information can be requested by any person in Romania
Ensuring the anonymity of requesters
Increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the ATI request process
Responding timely to access to information requests
Making appropriate use of exemptions to disclosing government information
Establishing a more solid appeals process
The deterring effect of sanctions
Towards effective implementation of Romania's access to information framework
Improving the inclusiveness of access to information
Monitoring and evaluating for more effective disclosure
Strengthening institutional oversight
Empowering public officials responsible for ATI
Increasing the impact of citizen and stakeholder participation in Romania
Applying a more impactful set of participatory mechanisms at all stages of the policy cycle
Improving standards and procedures for engaging citizens
Building capacity to improve participatory processes
Innovating for more effective citizen participation
Facilitate citizen participation through an updated online platform
Ensuring the appropriate use of fast-track procedures
Policy recommendations
5 Creating an enabling environment for an Open Government Strategy in Romania
Strengthening the institutional framework for open government to enable successful strategy-implementation
Empowering the Open Government Service in the General Secretariat of the Government
Improving co-ordination and mainstreaming open government policies and practices across the whole state
Upgrading the National Coordination Committee for the implementation of the Open Government Partnership
Strengthening mandates and capacities at the level of each public institution
Building open government literacy to foster strategy-implementation
Streamlining and mainstreaming existing guidelines and toolkits on open government policies and practices
Providing trainings and capacity-buildings on open government policies and practices
Promoting open government policies and practices in public officials' competency frameworks
Creating a community of practice on open government to foster informal sharing of information and experiences
Strengthening public communications on open government through an integrated open government portal
6 Taking a strategic approach to open government in Romania: Towards an Open Government Strategy
What is an Open Government Strategy?
The space for an Open Government Strategy in Romania
Romania's National Recovery and Resilience Plan provides a clear mandate to design the Open Government Strategy
Romania's current policy framework for open government
The National Anticorruption Strategy includes a focus on open government
The recurrent OGP action plans are key short-term policy levers to foster openness
What kind of policy instrument is an Open Government Strategy in the Romanian context?
Preparing for the design of an Open Government Strategy.
Assessing the current situation and looking back and ahead
Preparing a clear roadmap for the design of the Strategy
Ensuring political commitment and raising awareness
Deciding on the adequate time horizon for the Strategy
Conducting a stakeholder mapping and involving all relevant stakeholders from both the central and local levels
Identifying model policies to learn from
Embedding the Strategy in Romania's existing policy framework
Drafting an Open Government Strategy: What elements to include?
The drafting process
Involving all key stakeholders in drafting
Having the Strategy peer-reviewed
Writing in plain language
Incorporating a regular review into the Strategy to ensure sustainability over time
Elements to include in the Strategy
Adding a telling subtitle
Including an introduction and a foreword
Defining a clear vision
Including key definitions
Establishing clear priorities
Defining objectives
Ways to cluster actions/initiatives in an Open Government Strategy
Taking a principle-based approach
Taking a sectorial approach
Taking a tool-based approach
Taking a target audience approach
Taking an open-state approach
Ways to design open government initiatives
Model 1: All initiatives are included in the Open Government Strategy
Model 2: The suggested National Open Government Committee periodically defines a whole-of-government working/action plan to implement the strategy
Model 3: Each institution defines its own open government working plan
Model 4: Institutions define initiatives that contribute to the achievement of the strategy's objectives at their own pace
Adopting the Strategy
Making the Strategy budget responsible
Creating a dedicated online portal for the Strategy
Laws and regulations.
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