30TH RUSSIAN CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL MODELLING IN NATURAL SCIENCES : (RuMoNaS 2021) (6-9 October 2021, Perm, Russian Federation) / editors, Valeriy P. Matveenko [and three others].

[Place of publication not identified] : AIP Publishing, 2023.
1 online resource (220 pages).


Summary note
The 30th Russian Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Natural Sciences at Perm National Research Polytechnic University continued a series of events that started 30 years ago. The conference was jointly organized by the Research Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Perm National Research Polytechnic University. The goal of the event was to share among the scholars modeling approaches and mathematical methods in the field of physics. The conference provided a great opportunity to share experiences between the university staff and highly specialized research institutions. The scope of the conference included the application of mathematical modeling, numerical simulation and computations for solving basic and applied problems of materials science, continuous media mechanics, condensed matter physics, and biomechanics.
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