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The Routledge handbook of evolutionary approaches to religion / edited by Yair Lior and Justin Lane.
London, England ; New York, New York : Routledge, [2023]
1 online resource (541 pages)
Religious aspects
Lior, Yair
Lane, Justin E. (Justin Emory), 1987-
Routledge handbooks in religion.
[More in this series]
Routledge Handbooks in Religion
Summary note
"The past two decades have seen a growing interest in evolutionary and scientific approaches to religion. The Routledge Handbook of Evolutionary Approaches to Religion is an outstanding reference source to the key topics, problems and debates in this exciting and emerging field. Comprising over thirty chapters by a team of international contributors the handbook pulls together scholarship in the following areas: evolutionary psychology and the cognitive science of religion (CSR), cultural evolution and the complementarity of evolutionary psychology, cognitive science and cultural evolution. Within these sections central issues, debates and problems are examined, including: Cliodynamics, cultural group selection, costly signalling, dual inheritance theory, literacy, transmitting narratives, prosociality, supernatural punishment, cognition and ritual, meme theory, fusion theory, sexual selection, agency detection, evoked culture, social brain hypothesis, theory of mind, developmental psychology, emergence theory, social learning, cultural cybernetics, cultural epidemiology, evolutionary and cultural psychology, memetics, by-product and adaptationist theories of religion, systems and information theory, and computer modelling. This is essential reading for students and researchers in religious studies and anthropology, the Handbook will also be very useful to those in related fields, such as psychology, sociology of religion, cognitive biology, and evolutionary biology"-- Provided by publisher.
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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Description based on print version record.
Half Title
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
1 Introduction: Evolutionary Approaches to Religion
Historical Background
Three Waves of Evolutionary Approaches to Religion and Culture
Contemporary Evolutionary Approaches to Religion
Evolutionary Psychology
Cultural Evolution
Part 1 Evolutionary Psychology
2 Introduction to Evolutionary Psychology
3 Child Development: The Effects of Ritual On Cognitive Development
4 Cognition and the History of Religion
Cognitive Historiography (Of Religion)
What Is It? What's the Point? And How Do You Do It?
Introduction: What Is Cognitive Historiography of Religion?
Cognitive Science
5 Evoked Culture: Cognitive Mechanisms of Religious Belief and Behavior
6 Sacred Values: Identity Fusion, Devoted Actor Theory, and Extremism
Importance of Identities
Two Identities
Approaches to Identification
Social Identity Theory
Principles of Identity
Fusion Theory
Local Fusion
Extended Fusion
Principles of Fusion
Outputs of Fusion
Causes of Fusion
Reflection On Emotional Experiences
Conceptual Ties
Sacred Values
Devoted Actor Theory
Evidence in Support of Devoted Actor Theory
Issues With Devoted Actor Theory
Possible Amendments to Devoted Actor Theory
7 Sexual Selection: Long-Term Mating Strategies and Religion
Religion and Conservative Views On Sexuality
Mating Strategies
Religion Solves Problems Associated With Long-Term Strategies
Fertility as Signal
Mate Guarding
Women and Religiosity
8 Minimally Counterintuitive Concepts: A Unified Theory in the Cognitive Science of Religion?
Spread of the God Concept
The Context-Based Model and Cognitive Science of New Religious Movements
Postdiction and Social Identity
9 Faces in Clouds and Voices in the Wind: Anthropomorphism, Agency Detection and Human Cognition
A Brief History of Religion as Anthropomorphism
Bases of Our Evolutionary and Cognitive Approach
Theories of Anthropomorphism
Agency Detection Versus Anthropomorphism
A Cognitive and Evolutionary Account of Anthropomorphism
10 Social Brain Hypothesis: Dunbar's Number and the Stability of Religious Social Networks
The Social Brain Hypothesis (SBH)
"Dunbar's Number" and Its Constraints
Evolution, Archaeological and the Social Brain Hypothesis
Social Groups and the Emergence of Language
Dunbar's Number and Online Social Networks
Religion and Social Brain Hypothesis
Identity and Stability of American Christian Congregations
Appendix: R-Code and Figures
11 Atheism: A New Evolutionary Perspective On Non-Belief
Identifying Atheism in the Present and the Past
Reverse-Engineering Atheism
The Phylogeny of Atheism
The Ontogeny of (A)theism
The Development of Theistic Thinking
The Development of Atheistic Thinking
The Functionally Adaptive Explanation for Atheism
Atheism as Functionally Adaptive, Similar to Religion
Group Participation
Humanistic Concerns
Punishment and Prosociality
Meaning in Life
Belief in Science
General Effects of Atheist Worldview
Secularization as a Result of Adaptiveness Redundancy
Biophysiological Contributions to the Atheism
12 Personality and Psychology in the Evolution of Religion
The Quest for Personality Structure
The Evolution of Personality
Religion and Personality
13 Hazard Precaution: Examining the Possible Adaptive Value of Ritualized Behavior
Defining Anxiety
The Adaptive Value of Anxiety
Ritual Effects On Anxiety
Is the Ritual Management of Anxiety Adaptive?
Part 2 Cultural Evolution
14 Introduction to Cultural Evolution
What Is Evolving?
What Is Culture?
What Is Religion?
What Are Current Themes/Issues in the Evolutionary Science of Religion?
15 Cultural Group Selection and the Evolution of Religion
What Is Cultural Group Selection?
Cultural Group Selection in Humans
Religion, Cooperation and Cultural Group Selection
16 Costly Signaling: The ABCs of Signaling Theory and Religion
Religion as Communication
Behavioral Ecology and Signaling Theory
Basic Definitions
Conditions for Reliable Communication
A Framework for Analyzing Religious Signals
Situating Signaling Theory
Future Considerations
17 Credibility Enhancing Displays (CREDs): When They Work and When They Don't
Credibility Enhancing Displays in Evolutionary Perspective
CREDs and Religion
Current Empirical Evidence Linking CREDs to Religious Belief
Further Implications: Secularization and Religious Hypocrisy
Limitations and Future Directions
18 Dual Inheritance Theory: Religion, Narrative, and Selection
Dual Inheritance Theory and Niche Construction.
The Standard View of the Cognitive Science of Religion
Counterintuitive Concepts as Key Elements of Religious Beliefs
Factors Affecting the Transmission of Religious Beliefs
Narrative Interpretations
The Narrative Species
Evolutionary Implications
From Sexually Appealing Beliefs to Sexually Attractive Behavioral Practices
19 The Co-Evolution of Religion and Literate Culture
Defining Literate Behavior
Did Doctrinal Religions Facilitate the Emergence of Literate Behaviors?
Writing Follows Meta-Ethic Religious Systems?
Promising Areas of Research
20 Religion and Prosociality: The Naturalization of Norms
Prosociality: A Slippery Concept
Mechanisms for Religious Cooperation
Supernatural Monitoring and Punishment
Costly Signaling and Collective Action
Synchrony and Ritual
Self-Control and Self-Regulation
Intuitive Cooperation
Empirical Research and Evidence
Present-Day Religion and Cooperation
Secularization and Social Context
"Little Gods" and Trust
Mating Strategies and Life History
Cultural Semantic Networks and Priming
The Naturalization of Norms
Disobedient Catholics and Birth Control
Empirical Consequences
21 Big Gods Theory: The Cultural Evolution of Social Complexity and Prosocial Religions
Disputes About Big Gods
Chronological Relationship Between Big Gods to Social Complexity
Suggestions for Future Research in Big Gods Theory
Complex Adaptive Systems and Self-Organization
22 The Evolution of Ritual, Cognition, and Modes of Religiosity During the Agricultural Transition
The Agricultural Transition
The Evolution of Ritual
Ritual and Cognitive Mechanisms.
Cognitive Archaeology and the Agricultural Transition
Cultural Evolution, Ritual Transmission and Group Identification
New Rituals During the Agricultural Transition
What Facilitated the Emergence of New Rituals?
Cognitive Evolution Or Cognitive Augmentation During the Agricultural Transition?
An Enhancement of Semantic Memory
Identity Fusion Versus Group Identification
Identity Fusion
Group Identification
23 Meme Theory
A Short Overview of Meme Theory
Are Memes Real and Definable?
Selection and Adaptation in Memetics
Ritual and Memes
24 Institutional Evolution: The Dynamics of Religious Formations
The Evolution of Religion: What Is Evolving? How Does Selection Operate?
Conceptualizing Culture and Structure From a Sociological Perspective
Conceptualizing the Nature of Culture and Social Structure
Subject to Evolution By Means of Selection
The Basic Structure of Culture
Societal-Level Structure and Its Culture
Institutional-Level Structure and Its Culture
Organizational-Level Structure and Its Culture
Group-Level Structure and Its Culture
Encounter-Level Structure and Its Culture
The Power of Stratification in the Evolution of Societies
Toward a More Robust Analysis of Sociocultural Evolution
The Evolution of Religion: A Sociological Perspective
The Evolution of Humans and the Origins of Religion: The Effects of Darwinian Selection
Spencerian Type-1 Selection and the Institutionalization of Religion
Durkheimian Selection Among Religious Corporate Units
Spencerian Type-2 Selection and the Effects of Warfare and Conquest On Religion
Marxian Selection Arising From Inequalities and Stratification On the Basis of Religious Affiliation
25 Behavioral Ecology: Niche Construction and Religion.
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The Routledge handbook of evolutionary approaches to religion / edited by Yair Lior and Justin Lane.