Making and unmaking ancient memory / edited by Martine De Marre and Rajiv K. Bhola.

  • Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2022.
  • ©2022
xvi, 324 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm.


Routledge monographs in classical studies [More in this series]
Summary note
"Making and Unmaking Ancient Memory explores the way in which ancient Greeks and Romans represented their past, and in turn how modern literature and scholarship has approached the reception and transmission of some aspects of ancient culture. The contributions, organised into three sections - Political Legacies, Religious Identities, and Literary Traditions - explore case studies in memory and reception of the past. Through studying the techniques and strategies of ancient historiography, biography, hagiography, and art, as well as their effectiveness, this volume demonstrates how humanity has inevitably conveyed memory and history with (sub)conscious biases and preconceived ideas. In the current age of alternative facts, fake news, and post-truth discourses, these chapters highlight that such phenomena are by no means a recent development. This book offers valuable scholarly perspectives to academics and scholars interested in memory, historiography, and representations of the past in the ancient world, as well as those working on literary traditions and reception studies more broadly"-- Provided by publisher.
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
  • Introduction: Making and unmaking ancient memory / Gillian Clark
  • The generalship of Dionysius I and Dionysius II of Syracuse : memory unmade / Richard Evans
  • The making and the unmaking of the memory of Gelon of Syracuse / Frances Pownall
  • Alexander in Jerusalem. Constructing a 'Jewish life' for Alexander the Great, Josephus AJ xi 302-343 / Adrian Tronson
  • The forum of Augustus : re-shaping collective memory about war and the state / Tom Stevenson
  • An age of post-truth politics? Making and unmaking memory in Pliny's Panegyricus / Martin Szöke
  • Monster or martyr? Contesting Nero's memory in Rome / Eric Varner
  • Misremembering Constantine in Eusebius and Zosimus / Harmut Ziche
  • Remembering dystopia : re-reading Chrysostom's homily On the Holy Martyr Babylas through the lens of disgust / Wendy Mayer
  • Martyrdom and the Memorialisation of John Chrysostom in Ps.-Martyrius's Funerary speech in praise of John Chrysostom / Chris de Wet
  • The emperor's floor and the naked wife : Chrysostom's retelling of imperial history in In Philippenses hom. 16 and the fate of Fausta / Katherin Papadopoulos
  • 'Lest we forget' : inventions and their memory on the Greek tragic scene / Francesco Lupi
  • Treacherous transmission : the case of Augustine's Sermons 151-156 / Hubertus R. Drobner
  • Cultural memory and classical education in late antique Gaul / Alison John
  • 'Some power unseen' : Gothic agency, God and creation in John Mason Good's Lucretius / Sean Moreland
  • 'Fiery color and splendid concentration of passion' : the classical recollections of Oscar Wilde's poem Charmides / Suzanne Sharland.
  • 9780367371449 (hardcover)
  • 0367371448 (hardcover)
  • 9781032251349 (paperback)
  • 1032251344 (paperback)
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