Library of Jacques Derrida box 515.

[Multiple places of publication] : [various publishers], [1968-2008]
1 box (49 items)


Former owner
Summary note
This box is one of 399 boxes of items from the Library of Jacques Derrida that did not receive item-level cataloging due to the absence of significant copy-specific characteristics such as annotations, inscriptions, or insertions. The title, author, and publisher information for each item in the box reflect the details recorded during the inventory of the collection upon its arrival at Princeton University Library.
Forms part of: The Library of Jacques Derrida, House Series. House. Gift Books, Works By and About Derrida, and Related Items.
  • folder 1: La Femme d'un autre et le mari sous le lit / Fédor Dostoïevski (Gallimard, 2008 ; Unmarked ; [7364])
  • folder 2: La Femme d'un autre et le mari sous le lit / Fédor Dostoïevski (Gallimard, 2008 ; Unmarked ; [7365])
  • folder 3: La Femme d'un autre et le mari sous le lit / Fédor Dostoïevski (Gallimard, 2008 ; Unmarked ; [7379])
  • folder 4: Bilan. 1996 (GISTI, 1996 ; Unmarked ; [1426])
  • folder 5: Contribution à la psychologie de la féminité / Muriel M. Gardiner (Offprint: Revue Française de Psychanalse. No. 3 (1975) ; Unmarked ; [40])
  • folder 6: Contribution à la psychologie de la féminité / Muriel M. Gardiner (Offprint: Revue Française de Psychanalse. No. 3 (1975) ; Unmarked ; [7721])
  • folder 7: Catalogue d'exposition / Jacques Deschamps (Centre Culturel Cherbourg, 1984 ; Unmarked ; [7823])
  • folder 8: (ne pas) / Isabelle Baladine Hovald (Unpublished draft, [date of production not identified] ; Unmarked ; [3352])
  • folder 9: Les Derniers Temps de la Tristesse / Isabelle Baladine Hovald (1991; Check-in observation: Draft.Unmarked ; [40])
  • folder 10: Le Corps de l'éditeur / Isabelle BaladineHovald (Unpublished typescript draft [date of production not identified] ; Unmarked ; [3347])
  • folder 11: Le Tissu entre le vivant et la conscience / Patrice Hugues (Unpublished typescript draft [2002?]; Unmarked ; [3325])
  • folder 12: Francis Ponge and Postmodern Illustration / Renée Riese Hubert (Photocopy from: Criticism. Vol. XXX, no. 3 (1988) ; Unmarked ; [3334])
  • folder 13: The Penultimate / Judd D. Hubert (Offprint: SubStance. No. 56 (1988) ; Unmarked ; [3333])
  • folder 14: L'Analyse stylistique de la traduction / J. D. Hubert (Offprint: Actes du VIIe Congrès de l'Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée [date of publication not identified] ; Unmarked ; [3335])
  • folder 15: Université et Système / Luc Ferry (Offprint: Archives de Philosophie. Tome 42, cahier 1 (1979) ; Unmarked ; [5187])
  • folder 16: Heidegger und die Dichtung / Elisabeth Feist Hirsch (Offprint: Journal of the History of Philosophy. Vol. VI, no. 3 (1968) ; Unmarked ; [3178])
  • folder 17: Ein ort im blick der steine (Verlag Jutta Legueil, 1989 ; Unmarked ; [1398])
  • folder 18: Les Mots rugueux et tendres / Thérèse Kaan (Debresse-Poésie, 1968 ; Unmarked ; [6998])
  • folder 19: Nach der Metapher / Anselm Haverkamp (Offprint: Theorie der Metapher. Seiten I-VI (1996) ; Unmarked ; [3205])
  • folder 20: Bibliographie zur Theorie der Metapher, Zu Auswahl, Übersetzung, Bibliographie / Anselm Haverkamp (Offprint: Theorie der Metapher (1983) ; Unmarked ; [3247])
  • folder 21: Die neueste Krankheit zum Tode / Anselm Haverkamp (Offprint: Deutsche Vierteljahrs Schrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte (1986) ; Unmarked ; [3249])
  • folder 22: Lauras Metamorphosen / Anselm Haverkamp (Offprint: Deutsche Vierteljahrs Schrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte (1984) ; Unmarked ; [3250])
  • folder 23: Rhetoric, Law, and the Poetics of Memory / Anselm Haverkamp (Offprint: Cardozo Law Review. Vol. 13, no. 5 (1992) ; Unmarked ; [3241])
  • folder 24: Rhetoric, Law, and the Poetics of Memory / Anselm Haverkamp (Offprint: Cardozo Law Review. Vol. 13, no. 5 (1992) ; Unmarked ; [3109])
  • folder 25: How to Take It (and Do the Right Thing) : Violence and the Mournful Mind in Benjamin's Critique of Violence / Anselm Haverkamp (Offprint: Cardozo Law Review. Vol. 13, no. 4 (1991) ; Unmarked ; [3242])
  • folder 26: The Memory of Pictures / Anselm Haverkamp (Offprint: Comparative Literature. Vol. 45, no. 3 (1993) ; Unmarked ; [3254])
  • folder 27: Die Gerechtigkeit der Texte / Anselm Haverkamp (Offprint: Memoria Vergessen und Erinnern (1993) ; Unmarked ; [3251])
  • folder 28: All Passion Spent : the End / Anselm Haverkamp (Offprint: Das Ende: Figuren einer Denkform (1996) ; Unmarked ; [3243])
  • folder 29: Nach der Metapher / Anselm Haverkamp (Offprint: Theorie der Metapher. Seiten I-VI (1996) ; Unmarked ; [3244])
  • folder 30: Twilight of the Literary / Anselm Haverkamp (Draft of Eugenio Donato Lectures, Buffalo., 1996; Unmarked ; [3245])
  • folder 31: Voyez, ceci est mon sang (ou la passion selon D.N.N.) / Jacob Rogozinski (Photocopy from: Sur David Nebreda (2001) ; Unmarked ; [3893])
  • folder 32: Ma Vie avec le docteur Lacan / Jacques Roubaud (Éditions de l'Attente, 2004 ; Unmarked ; [5459])
  • folder 33: Klischees / Maurice Roche (Offprint: Akzente. No. 6/70 (1970) ; Unmarked ; [5486])
  • folder 34: Rocco and his Brothers / Sam Rohdie (BFI Publishing, 1992 ; Unmarked ; [5472])
  • folder 35: Forme et Signification dans le théâtre de Beckett / Betty Rojtman (A. G. Nizet, 1987 ; Unmarked ; [3899])
  • folder 36: Partition rouge / Florence Delay, Jacques Roubaud (Seuil, 1988 ; Unmarked ; [5462])
  • folder 37: Valéry, the anxious intellectual / Judith Robinson (Offprint: Australian Journal of French Studies. Vol. VIII, no. 2 (1971) ; Unmarked ; [5367])
  • folder 38: Autre part / Jean Roudaut (Gallimard, 1979 ; Dealer note: Carte d'hommage de l'auteur.; [5590])
  • folder 39: L'Invention du fils de Leoprepes / Jacques Roubaud (Circé, 1993 ; Unmarked ; [5463])
  • folder 40: 12 : Interruptions / John Sallis (Offprint: Dialogue and Deconstruction [date of publication not identified] ; Unmarked ; [5574])
  • folder 41: Heidegger's Poetics : The Question of Mimesis / John Sallis (Offprint: Kunt und Technik / Walter Biemel and Friedrich-Wilhelm v. Herrmann, hrsg, (1989) ; Unmarked ; [5579])
  • folder 42: Delta. No. 10, Gertrude Stein (1980, Mai; Unmarked ; [3888])
  • folder 43: L'Adieu au baroque / Daniel Klébaner (Gallimard, 1979 ; Dealer note: Carte d'hommage de l'auteur.; [7265])
  • folder 44: L'Imposture de la beauté / Sarah Kofman (Galilée, 1995 ; Unmarked ; [7314])
  • folder 45: Le Discours philisophique et son objet / Garbis Kortian (Offprint: Critique. No. 384 (1979) ; Unmarked ; [7253])
  • folder 46: Le Sens du possible / Garbis Kortian (Offprint: Critique. No. 370 (1978) ; Unmarked ; [7252])
  • folder 47: The Disposition of the Subject / Eric L. Krakauer (Northwestern University Press, 1998 ; Unmarked ; [7276])
  • folder 48: Lectures de Derrida / Sarah Kofman (Galilée, 1984 ; Unmarked ; [7202])
  • folder 49: Lectures de Derrida / Sarah Kofman (Galilée, 1984 ; Unmarked ; [7225])
Other title(s)
Multi-title collection, Library of Jacques Derrida box 515.
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