Сюита но. 1 для джаз-оркестра, б/н соч. ; Сюита но. 2 для джаз-оркестра, б/н соч. ; "Новороссийские куранты" : (Oгонь вечной славы), б/н соч. ; Траурно-триумфальная прелюдия памяти героев Сталининградской битвы : соч. 130 ; Праздничная увертюра : соч. 96 ; Увертюра на русские и киргизские народные темы : соч. 115 ; Симфоническая поэма "Октябр'" : соч. 131 / Дмитрий Шостакович ; переложение для фортепиано [1st-4th works] ; переложение для фортепиано в четыре руки [5th-7th works] ; общая редакция Виктора Екимовского ; описание рукописных источников Марии Карачевской ; перевод на англиийский язык, А. Ермоловой = Suite no. 1 for jazz orchestra, sans op. ; Suite no. 2 for jazz orchestra, sans op. ; "Novorossiysk chimes" : (Flame of eternal glory), sans op. ; Funeral and triumphal prelude in memory of the heroes of the battle of Stalingrad : op. 130 ; Festive overture : op. 96 ; Overture on Russian and Kirghiz folk songs : op. 115 ; Symphonic poem "October" : op. 131 / Dmitri Shostakovich ; arranged for piano [1st-4th works] ; arranged for piano four hands [5th-7th works] ; edited by Victor Ekimovsky ; description of hand-written sources by Maria Karachevskaya ; [English translations by A. Ermolova].

Si︠u︡ita no. 1 dli︠a︡ dzhaz-orkestra, b/n soch. ; Si︠u︡ita no. 2 dli︠a︡ dzhaz-orkestra, b/n soch. ; "Novorossiĭskie kuranty" : (Ogonʹ vechnoĭ slavy), b/n soch. ; Traurno-triumfalʹnai︠a︡ preli︠u︡dii︠a︡ pami︠a︡ti geroev Staliningradskoĭ bitvy : soch. 130 ; Prazdnichnai︠a︡ uverti︠u︡ra : soch. 96 ; Uverti︠u︡ra na russkie i kirgizskie narodnye temy : soch. 115 ; Simfonicheskai︠a︡ poėma "Okti︠a︡br'" : soch. 131 / Dmitriĭ Shostakovich ; perelozhenie dli︠a︡ fortepiano [1st-4th works] ; perelozhenie dli︠a︡ fortepiano v chetyre ruki [5th-7th works] ; obshchai︠a︡ redakt︠s︡ii︠a︡ Viktora Ekimovskogo ; opisanie rukopisnykh istochnikov Marii Karachevskoĭ ; perevod na angliiĭskiĭ i︠a︡zyk, A. Ermolovoĭ = Suite no. 1 for jazz orchestra, sans op. ; Suite no. 2 for jazz orchestra, sans op. ; "Novorossiysk chimes" : (Flame of eternal glory), sans op. ; Funeral and triumphal prelude in memory of the heroes of the battle of Stalingrad : op. 130 ; Festive overture : op. 96 ; Overture on Russian and Kirghiz folk songs : op. 115 ; Symphonic poem "October" : op. 131 / Dmitri Shostakovich ; arranged for piano [1st-4th works] ; arranged for piano four hands [5th-7th works] ; edited by Victor Ekimovsky ; description of hand-written sources by Maria Karachevskaya ; [English translations by A. Ermolova].

Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975 [Browse]
Uniform title
Musical score
  • Moskva : Izdatel'stvo "DSCH" = DSCH Publishers, 2020.
  • Москва : Издател'ство "DSCH" = DSCH Publishers, 2020.
  • ©2020
1 score (184 pages) : 30 facsimiles ; 30 cm


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Mendel Music Library - Reference M3 .S56 2001q t. 37 Oversize Browse related items Request


    Arranger of music
    Writer of supplementary textual content
    Library of Congress genre(s)
    • Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975. Orchestra music. Selections (New collected works) [More in this series]
    • Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975. Works. 2001 ; t. 37. [More in this series]
    • Novoe sobranie sochineniĭ / Dmitriĭ Shostakovich. Serii︠a︡ II, Sochinenie dli︠a︡ orkestra ; tom 37 = New collected works / Dmitri Shostakovich. IInd series, Orchestral compositions ; 37th volume
    • Новое собрание сочинений / Дмитрий Шостакович. Серия II, Сочинение для оркестра ; том 37 = New collected works / Dmitri Shostakovich. IInd series, Orchestral compositions ; 37th volume
    • Piano arrangements by the composer, Levon Atovmʹi︠a︡n (Suite no. 1), Emin Khachaturian (op. 96), and Victor Chernelevsky (op. 115).
    • Postscript and comments in Russian with English translations.
    • Appendix I: "Novorossiĭskie kuranty" : (Ogonʹ vechnoĭ slavy) / perelozhenie dli︠a︡ muzhskogo khora v soprovozhdenii fortepiano G. Kovalëva ; slova K. Alemasovoĭ = "Novorossiysk chimes" : (Flame of eternal glory) / arranged for male choir and piano by Gerikh Kovalev ; words by Kira Alemasova.
    • Appendix I: "Новороссийские куранты" : (Огонь вечной славы) / переложение для мужского хора в сопровождении фортепиано Г. Ковалёва ; слова К. Алемасовой = "Novorossiysk chimes" : (Flame of eternal glory) / arranged for male choir and piano by Gerikh Kovalev ; words by Kira Alemasova.
    Language note
    Russian words in Cyrillic with Roman transliteration in Appendix I.
    Staff notation.
    Other title(s)
    • Novorossiĭskie kuranty.
    • Ogonʹ vecnhoĭ slavy.
    • Traurno-triumfalʹnai︠a︡ preli︠u︡dii︠a︡ pami︠a︡ti geroev Stalingradskoĭ bitvy.
    • Prazdnichnai︠a︡ uverti︠u︡ra.
    • Uverti︠u︡ra na russkie i kirgizskie narodnye temy.
    • Simfonicheskai︠a︡ poėma "Okti︠a︡br"
    • Novorossiysk chimes.
    • Flame of eternal glory.
    • Funeral and triumphal prelude in memory of the heroes of the battle of Stalingrad.
    • Festive overture.
    • Overture on Russian and Kirghiz folk songs.
    • Symphonic poem "October"
    Publisher no.
    SIK DS 037
    International Standard Music Number
    • 9790706427553
    Statement on language in description
    Princeton University Library aims to describe library materials in a manner that is respectful to the individuals and communities who create, use, and are represented in the collections we manage. Read more...
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