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Resilience and Economic Intelligence Through Digitalization and Big Data Analytics / ed. by Alina Dima.
Dima, Alina
Berlin/Boston De Gruyter 2021
Warsaw ; Berlin : Sciendo, [2021]
1 online resource (495 p.)
Amoah, John
Amoah, John
Anghel, Mădălina-Gabriela
Anghel, Mădălina-Gabriela
Anghelache, Constantin
Anghelache, Constantin
Assimakopoulos, Margarita-Niki
Assimakopoulos, Margarita-Niki
Barna, Laura-Eugenia-Lavinia
Barna, Laura-Eugenia-Lavinia
Belu, Alina Mădălina
Belu, Alina Mădălina
Biclesanu, Isabelle
Biclesanu, Isabelle
Bodea, Constanta-Nicoleta
Bodea, Constanta-Nicoleta
Bozkova, Ruska
Bozkova, Ruska
Brezeanu, Petre
Brezeanu, Petre
Butu, Ionela
Butu, Ionela
Bălășoiu, Narciz
Bălășoiu, Narciz
Bărbulescu, Dan
Bărbulescu, Dan
Cazacu, Mihaela
Cazacu, Mihaela
Charalambous, Constantinos
Charalambous, Constantinos
Chirieac, Roxana
Chirieac, Roxana
Chiritescu, Vergina
Chiritescu, Vergina
Chivu, Raluca-Giorgiana
Chivu, Raluca-Giorgiana
Ciocodeică, David-Florin
Ciocodeică, David-Florin
Ciubăncan, Magdalena
Ciubăncan, Magdalena
Crețu, Raluca Florentina
Crețu, Raluca Florentina
Crețu, Romeo Cătălin
Crețu, Romeo Cătălin
Curmei, Cătălin-Valeriu
Curmei, Cătălin-Valeriu
Căpățînă, Cristina-Simona
Căpățînă, Cristina-Simona
Di Maggio, Umberto
Di Maggio, Umberto
Dima, Alina Mihaela
Dima, Alina Mihaela
Dima, Viorela-Valentina
Dima, Viorela-Valentina
Dincă, Aurel
Dincă, Aurel
Doan, Khanh Hung
Doan, Khanh Hung
Dumitrache, Ana Maria
Dumitrache, Ana Maria
Dumitrache, Nicoleta Valentina
Dumitrache, Nicoleta Valentina
Dumitrescu, Dalina
Dumitrescu, Dalina
Dzhvarsheishvili, Sofiko
Dzhvarsheishvili, Sofiko
Epurescu, Vlad
Epurescu, Vlad
Gelitashvili, Nona
Gelitashvili, Nona
Ghețu, Raluca Andreea
Ghețu, Raluca Andreea
Grigorescu, Dana Luiza
Grigorescu, Dana Luiza
Hamade, Layal
Hamade, Layal
Huru, Dragoș
Huru, Dragoș
Iacob, Andreea-Teodora
Iacob, Andreea-Teodora
Iacob, Silvia Elena
Iacob, Silvia Elena
Iacob, Ștefan Virgil
Iacob, Ștefan Virgil
Ilie, Nicoleta
Ilie, Nicoleta
Ilie, Silvia Mioara
Ilie, Silvia Mioara
Ionescu-Feleagă, Liliana
Ionescu-Feleagă, Liliana
Istrate-Scrădeanu, Adrian
Istrate-Scrădeanu, Adrian
Jibril, Abdul Bashiru
Jibril, Abdul Bashiru
Kiryakova-Dineva, Teodora
Kiryakova-Dineva, Teodora
Kousis, Ioannis
Kousis, Ioannis
Laskari, Marina
Laskari, Marina
Lica, Maria Daniela
Lica, Maria Daniela
Lucaci, Ancuța
Lucaci, Ancuța
Lungu, Simona
Lungu, Simona
Madan, Angela
Madan, Angela
Matei, Elena-Florentina
Matei, Elena-Florentina
Micu, Raluca
Micu, Raluca
Militaru, Costinel Cristian
Militaru, Costinel Cristian
Mindrican, Ioana Manuela
Mindrican, Ioana Manuela
Mitucă, Mircea-Ovidiu
Mitucă, Mircea-Ovidiu
Mohanu, Florina
Mohanu, Florina
Mănescu, Dragoș Mihail
Mănescu, Dragoș Mihail
Naatu, Felicia
Naatu, Felicia
Nastasia, Sorin
Nastasia, Sorin
Negruțiu, Cristian
Negruțiu, Cristian
Nerau, Vlad
Nerau, Vlad
Nica, Ionuț-Cătălin
Nica, Ionuț-Cătălin
Niculescu, Elena Andreea
Niculescu, Elena Andreea
Ntouros, Vasileios
Ntouros, Vasileios
Odei, Michael A.
Odei, Michael A.
Olaru, Mariana Paraschiva
Olaru, Mariana Paraschiva
Oprea, Iulia Alexandra
Oprea, Iulia Alexandra
Owusu, Victor Kwarteng
Owusu, Victor Kwarteng
Paraschiv, Anca Maria
Paraschiv, Anca Maria
Pop, Iuliana
Pop, Iuliana
Popa, Daniela
Popa, Daniela
Popa, Ionuț-Claudiu
Popa, Ionuț-Claudiu
Popescu, Delia
Popescu, Delia
Porumboiu, Adriana
Porumboiu, Adriana
Postolea, Iulia Daniela
Postolea, Iulia Daniela
Riza, Ionuț
Riza, Ionuț
Roman, Mihai Daniel
Roman, Mihai Daniel
Romanowicz, Joanna
Romanowicz, Joanna
Rusescu, Ciprian
Rusescu, Ciprian
Rîșnoveanu, Geta
Rîșnoveanu, Geta
Saracutu, Ionut
Saracutu, Ionut
Scifo, Lidia
Scifo, Lidia
Sitnikov, Cătălina
Sitnikov, Cătălina
Staneci, Ionela
Staneci, Ionela
Stativă, Gheorghe-Alexandru
Stativă, Gheorghe-Alexandru
Stefan, George
Stefan, George
Stoica, Oana Cristina
Stoica, Oana Cristina
Stoican, Andreea
Stoican, Andreea
Strătilă, Andreea
Strătilă, Andreea
Suciu, Marta-Christina
Suciu, Marta-Christina
Turcea, Vlad Constantin
Turcea, Vlad Constantin
Vintila, Alexandra
Vintila, Alexandra
Voicu, Bianca Cristiana
Voicu, Bianca Cristiana
Volintiru, Clara
Volintiru, Clara
Yaneva, Dilyana
Yaneva, Dilyana
Zaharia, Rodica
Zaharia, Rodica
Şanta, Ana-Maria Iulia
Şanta, Ana-Maria Iulia
Ștefan, Petrică
Ștefan, Petrică
Țițan, Emilia
Țițan, Emilia
Amoah, John
Anghel, Mădălina-Gabriela
Anghelache, Constantin
Assimakopoulos, Margarita-Niki
Barna, Laura-Eugenia-Lavinia
Belu, Alina Mădălina
Biclesanu, Isabelle
Bodea, Constanta-Nicoleta
Bozkova, Ruska
Brezeanu, Petre
Butu, Ionela
Bălășoiu, Narciz
Bărbulescu, Dan
Cazacu, Mihaela
Charalambous, Constantinos
Chirieac, Roxana
Chiritescu, Vergina
Chivu, Raluca-Giorgiana
Ciocodeică, David-Florin
Ciubăncan, Magdalena
Crețu, Raluca Florentina
Crețu, Romeo Cătălin
Curmei, Cătălin-Valeriu
Căpățînă, Cristina-Simona
Di Maggio, Umberto
Dima, Alina Mihaela
Dima, Alina
Dima, Viorela-Valentina
Dincă, Aurel
Doan, Khanh Hung
Dumitrache, Ana Maria
Dumitrache, Nicoleta Valentina
Dumitrescu, Dalina
Dzhvarsheishvili, Sofiko
Epurescu, Vlad
Gelitashvili, Nona
Ghețu, Raluca Andreea
Grigorescu, Dana Luiza
Hamade, Layal
Huru, Dragoș
Iacob, Andreea-Teodora
Iacob, Silvia Elena
Iacob, Ștefan Virgil
Ilie, Nicoleta
Ilie, Silvia Mioara
Ionescu-Feleagă, Liliana
Istrate-Scrădeanu, Adrian
Jibril, Abdul Bashiru
Kiryakova-Dineva, Teodora
Kousis, Ioannis
Laskari, Marina
Lica, Maria Daniela
Lucaci, Ancuța
Lungu, Simona
Madan, Angela
Matei, Elena-Florentina
Micu, Raluca
Militaru, Costinel Cristian
Mindrican, Ioana Manuela
Mitucă, Mircea-Ovidiu
Mohanu, Florina
Mănescu, Dragoș Mihail
Naatu, Felicia
Nastasia, Sorin
Negruțiu, Cristian
Nerau, Vlad
Nica, Ionuț-Cătălin
Niculescu, Elena Andreea
Ntouros, Vasileios
Odei, Michael A.
Olaru, Mariana Paraschiva
Oprea, Iulia Alexandra
Owusu, Victor Kwarteng
Paraschiv, Anca Maria
Pop, Iuliana
Popa, Daniela
Popa, Ionuț-Claudiu
Popescu, Delia
Porumboiu, Adriana
Postolea, Iulia Daniela
Riza, Ionuț
Roman, Mihai Daniel
Romanowicz, Joanna
Rusescu, Ciprian
Rîșnoveanu, Geta
Saracutu, Ionut
Scifo, Lidia
Sitnikov, Cătălina
Staneci, Ionela
Stativă, Gheorghe-Alexandru
Stefan, George
Stoica, Oana Cristina
Stoican, Andreea
Strătilă, Andreea
Suciu, Marta-Christina
Turcea, Vlad Constantin
Vintila, Alexandra
Voicu, Bianca Cristiana
Volintiru, Clara
Yaneva, Dilyana
Zaharia, Rodica
Şanta, Ana-Maria Iulia
Ștefan, Petrică
Țițan, Emilia
Dima, Alina
Dima, Alina
Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences
Summary note
The International Conferences on Economics and Social Sciences (ICESS) organized by Bucharest University of Economic Studies provides an opportunity for all those interested in Economics and Social Sciences to discuss and exchange research ideas. The papers presented at the Conference are available online in the Conference Proceedings series (ISSN 2704-6524): Volume 2019 Collaborative Research for Excellence in Economics and Social Sciences, ISBN 9788366675322 Volume 2020 Innovative Models to Revive the Global Economy, ISBN 9788395815072 Volume 2021 Resilience and Economic Intelligence Through Digitalization and Big Data Analytics, ISBN: 9788366675704 During 2020, leaders found themselves at a historic crossroads, taking decisions under remarkable pressures and uncertainties. However, windows of opportunity are being created to shape the economic recovery, restore the health of the environment, develop sustainable business models, strengthen regional development, revitalize global cooperation, harness Industry 4.0, and redesign the social contracts, skills, and jobs. This conference provides an opportunity for all those interested in Economics and Social Sciences to discuss and exchange research ideas especially in the light of recent crisis determined by COVID-19. We welcome both empirical and theoretical work that is broadly consistent with the conference' general theme. Especially, researchers, PhD students and practitioners are invited to submit papers on the topics related to new models in entrepreneurship and innovation, sustainability and education, data science and digitalization, marketing and finance etc. that will develop innovative instruments for countries, businesses and education to revive after the crisis. The main topics of the conference are focused on, but not limited to, the following sections: Applied Economics and Statistics and Data Science The role of innovation in public and private organizations in context of digital transformation Financial perspectives in turbulent times Global Challenges for Agri-Food Systems and Sustainable Development Universities and community impact Economic Policies for Non-Cyclical Crises Innovative Technopreneurship and Sustainable Business Models Marketing and Sustainability The role of accounting in Sustainable Development Global world after crisis: towards a new economic model Resilience and Digitalization - key strategies for successful business in critical times Current challenges within demographic data: measurement, collection, retrieval, analysis and reporting Business Law and Sustainable Development Branding and training talented researchers for new entrepreneurial and digital society
Source of description
Description based on online resource; title from PDF title page (publisher's Web site, viewed 29. Nov 2021)
Rights and reproductions note
This eBook is made available Open Access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license:
Language note
In English.
Global World after Crisis: Towards a New Economic Model
Considerations Regarding the Management of Organizational Culture
Challenges of Modern Public Management from a Human Resources Perspective
Global Economy in the COVID-19 Era. The Impact of the Pandemic on the Economic and Financial Systems
Empirical Analysis of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Real Estate Industry in Romania
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and the Protection of the Competitiveness of EU Aluminium Producers
The Role of Foreign Direct Investments in the Georgian Economy: Statistical Analyses
Research on Policies and Mechanisms that can Streamline the Process of Transition to Green Energy and Achieve Climate Change-Related Targets
Cost Considerations and Economic Impact of Cancer on Labour Markets
Resilience and Digitalization - Key Strategies for Successful Business in Critical Times
The Impact of COVID-19 on E-commerce Use in Lebanon: A Quantitative Study
The Impact of Digitalization and Industry 4.0 on Business. ERP Systems can be a Solution for Business?
Crytpo-Assets Regime in the European Area
A Critical Review of Global Logistics Providers in Romania
Conceiving Resilient Solutions for Tourism during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Building Resilience Through the Use of Intelligent Technologies: A Qualitative Research
Digital Marketing Communication for Actual Context of Romanian Modern Grocery Retailing
Universities and Community Impact
Empowering Students to Save Energy through a Behavioural Change Campaign in University Accommodation
Media Literacy Education and Digital Transformation. New Challenges for Civic Universities
Academic Journals' Performance: Opportunities for Research Visibility
Urban Natural Areas, from Nature Conservation to Well-being Assets
Civic Universities and Their Impact on Green Infrastructure Governance in Cities: A Principles-Based Framework for Human Well-Being
Internationalisation of Higher Education -Overview of Recent Developments
Innovative Technopreneurship and Sustainable Business Models
COVID-19 Pandemic and Future Business Prospects: A Conceptual Study
The National Policy Environment for Starting a Business: An Assessment in Vietnam
Needs for Remodeling the Entrepreneurship Education for the Post-COVID-19 Era
The Evolution of Innovative Entrepreneurship Indicators in Europe. Implications for the Labour Market
Economic Policies for Non-Cyclical Crises
Digitalisation and Competition in the European Union
Restarting COVID-19-Affected Economies
Creative and Cultural Sectors during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Financial Perspectives in Turbulent Times
The Impact of Fiscal Freedom, Government Effectiveness and Human Development Index on the VAT GAP in the European Union
Fiscal Pressure in Romania and the Influence of the Value Added Tax
Is the Digitalisation of Tax Institutions a Solution for Voluntary Tax Compliance?
Marketing and Sustainability
Viral Marketing and Its Influence on Customer's Purchasing Decisions: A Quantitative Study in Lebanon
The Importance of Tools Specific Mobile Networks and Social Online Networks for Start-Ups in Bucharest
Some Considerations on Integrating Corporate Social Responsibility in the Marketing Strategy of Banking Institutions
Awareness of the Endogenous Factors Influence Purchasing and Consumption Decisions
Global Challenges for Agri-Food Systems and Sustainable Development
Local Action Groups Implications in Rural Romania
Sustainable Development of a PDO or PGI form the Voluntary Scheme "Traditional Product"
Romania's Agro-Food Sector: Issues of Cluster Development and Competitive Positioning
The Role of Innovation in Public and Private Organizations in Context of Digital Transformation
The Perspective of the Development of the Industry of the Future in Romania in the Context of Big Data and Digitalization
The Art of Product Management - a Practical Guide for Product Value Maximization
Applied Economics and Statistics and Data Science
Comparative Analysis of Different Methods to Measure Welfare Beyond GDP for Romania
The Evolution of Inflation in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Bertrand Competition Under Incomplete Information
The Role of Accounting in Sustainable Development
Digitalization in Accounting: A Structured Literature Review
Business Law and Sustainable Development
Personal Data between Individual Protection and the General Interest
The New Direction of the EU: the Creation of a Digital Europe
Show 58 more Contents items
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