A stroll through art : European painting and sculpture, 17th-19th century / texts, Angelika Glesius, Gabriele D. Grawe ; editor, Guy Thewes ; translation, Bender & Partner Sprachendienst, Gareth Bartley.

  • [Luxembourg] : Villa Vauban, [2021]
  • ©2021
175 pages : color illustrations, portraits ; 21 x 21 cm


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Summary note
With more than 100 paintings and 14 sculptures, the permanent exhibition at Villa Vauban takes visitors on a journey through three centuries of artistic creation: from the 17th-century Netherlands to Italian dreamscapes and French painting around 1850. In addition to styles, art periods and numerous masterpieces, there are small formats and miniatures to discover, as well as the spectacular acquisitions of Jean-Pierre Pescatore, benefactor of the City of Luxembourg, on the occasion of the auction of King Willem II of the Netherlands? collection in 1850.00In fact, the municipal art collection dates back to three important donations of the 19th century: that of the Parisian financier Pescatore in 1855, that of Leo Lippmann, banker in Amsterdam in 1878 and that of Eugénie Dutreux-Pescatore, heiress of a Luxembourg industrialist family, in 1903. The collections, consisting mainly of oil paintings, reflect on the one hand the need for representation and on the other the typically eclectic collecting style of the upper classes. 00The great diversity of subjects and artistic styles is conveyed at the beginning of the tour in the form of an immersive video projection that transports visitors into the atmosphere of the paintings they will discover on their stroll through art.00Permanent exhibition: Villa Vauban, Luxembourg.
Catalog of a permanent exhibition held at the Villa Vauban, Luxembourg.
  • 9782919878222
  • 2919878220
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