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The 1st Virtual Conference on Social Science in Law, Political Issue and Economic Development / ed. by Andista Candra Yusro, Mochammad Tanzil Multazam, Robbi Rahim.
Yusro, Andista Candra
Berlin/Boston De Gruyter 2020
Warsaw ; Berlin : Sciendo, [2021]
1 online resource (438 p.)
Available Online
Walter De Gruyter: Open Access eBooks
KU Open Research Library
Abidondifu, Frans
Abidondifu, Frans
Adnan, Gunawan
Adnan, Gunawan
Adnans, Abdhy Aulia
Adnans, Abdhy Aulia
Adyanto, Tonang Dwi
Adyanto, Tonang Dwi
Apriani, Tini
Apriani, Tini
Arabiyah, Syarifah
Arabiyah, Syarifah
Arifiyanti, Nurul
Arifiyanti, Nurul
Armia, Muhammad Siddiq
Armia, Muhammad Siddiq
Aziz, Abdul
Aziz, Abdul
Baharudin, Erwan
Baharudin, Erwan
Cahyadi, Ashadi
Cahyadi, Ashadi
Chalidaziah, Wan
Chalidaziah, Wan
Choiri, Muttaqin
Choiri, Muttaqin
Damanik, Syafrida
Damanik, Syafrida
Damaryanti, Henny
Damaryanti, Henny
Dami, Zummy Anselmus
Dami, Zummy Anselmus
Dawi, Klara
Dawi, Klara
Destiarni, Resti Prastika
Destiarni, Resti Prastika
Dilham, Ami
Dilham, Ami
Djafar, Franky
Djafar, Franky
Doni, Dona
Doni, Dona
Fikri, Rijalul
Fikri, Rijalul
Firdaus, Rizal
Firdaus, Rizal
Fitria, Syiva
Fitria, Syiva
Fitriani, Rizki Amalia
Fitriani, Rizki Amalia
Gade, Syabuddin
Gade, Syabuddin
Gaol, Jonner Lumban
Gaol, Jonner Lumban
Hakam, Kama Abdul
Hakam, Kama Abdul
Hamzah, Muhammad Luthfi
Hamzah, Muhammad Luthfi
Handayani, I. Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi
Handayani, I. Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi
Hariasih, Misti
Hariasih, Misti
Hariyanto, Didik
Hariyanto, Didik
Hasibuan, Muhammad Iqbal
Hasibuan, Muhammad Iqbal
Hastian, Temmy
Hastian, Temmy
Hermawan, Sigit
Hermawan, Sigit
Hermawati, Istiana
Hermawati, Istiana
Hutahaean, Nelli Lusiana
Hutahaean, Nelli Lusiana
Ichsan, Reza Nurul
Ichsan, Reza Nurul
Idayanti, Soesi
Idayanti, Soesi
Illu, Wilianus
Illu, Wilianus
Imanullah, Moch. Najib
Imanullah, Moch. Najib
Ispik, Ahmad
Ispik, Ahmad
Jamin, M.
Jamin, M.
Jamin, Mohammad
Jamin, Mohammad
Karjoko, Lego
Karjoko, Lego
Karkono, Drajat Tri
Karkono, Drajat Tri
Khairunnisa, Dhea Ariesta
Khairunnisa, Dhea Ariesta
Khaldun, Riady Ibnu
Khaldun, Riady Ibnu
Khalidin, Bismi
Khalidin, Bismi
Kontesa, Maria
Kontesa, Maria
Kusumandari, Rafika Bayu
Kusumandari, Rafika Bayu
Latumahina, Dina Elisabeth
Latumahina, Dina Elisabeth
Lubis, Muhammad Ansori
Lubis, Muhammad Ansori
Lubis, Yeti Meliany
Lubis, Yeti Meliany
Mafulla, Dian
Mafulla, Dian
Makhtum, Ahmad
Makhtum, Ahmad
Mubarok, Afan Nur
Mubarok, Afan Nur
Murti, Wahyu
Murti, Wahyu
Muryanto, Yudho Taruno
Muryanto, Yudho Taruno
Nasution, Lukman
Nasution, Lukman
Noer, Khaerul Umam
Noer, Khaerul Umam
Novianto, Widodo Treno
Novianto, Widodo Treno
Nurngaeni, Evi
Nurngaeni, Evi
Otok, Bambang Widjanarko
Otok, Bambang Widjanarko
Pamungkas, Roni Anjar
Pamungkas, Roni Anjar
Pohan, Rizky Andana
Pohan, Rizky Andana
Prapanca, Detak
Prapanca, Detak
Pratomo, Wahyu Ario
Pratomo, Wahyu Ario
Purnomo, Agoes Yudi
Purnomo, Agoes Yudi
Purwanto, Fredi
Purwanto, Fredi
Purwati, Astri Ayu
Purwati, Astri Ayu
Putra Kesmawan, Andri
Putra Kesmawan, Andri
Putra, M. Umar Maya
Putra, M. Umar Maya
Putri, Fairus Dwi
Putri, Fairus Dwi
Rahman, Arif
Rahman, Arif
Rahmat, Doris
Rahmat, Doris
Rahmat, Ihsan
Rahmat, Ihsan
Rahmat, Muhammad
Rahmat, Muhammad
Rahmawati, Intan
Rahmawati, Intan
Rigitta, Prinsi
Rigitta, Prinsi
Rizal, Ahmad Syamsu
Rizal, Ahmad Syamsu
Rizal, As'at
Rizal, As'at
Rohi, Yohanis Udju
Rohi, Yohanis Udju
Rokhmaniah, Ainur
Rokhmaniah, Ainur
Rosnawati, Emy
Rosnawati, Emy
Sabil, Jabbar
Sabil, Jabbar
Sabri, Rijal
Sabri, Rijal
Said, Abdullah
Said, Abdullah
Salam, Abdul Jalil
Salam, Abdul Jalil
Saleh, Choirul
Saleh, Choirul
Sari, Dewi Komala
Sari, Dewi Komala
Sari, Eva Purwita
Sari, Eva Purwita
Satria, Andi
Satria, Andi
Satria, Rahmad
Satria, Rahmad
Satrio, Arif Budi
Satrio, Arif Budi
Saudi, Akbar Indrawan
Saudi, Akbar Indrawan
Sebayang, Aleksander
Sebayang, Aleksander
Serah, Yenny Aman
Serah, Yenny Aman
Setia Putra, Imam Radianto Anwar
Setia Putra, Imam Radianto Anwar
Setiawan, Iwan
Setiawan, Iwan
Setiawati, Rini
Setiawati, Rini
Setiyono, Wisnu Panggah
Setiyono, Wisnu Panggah
Setyadi, Yusuf
Setyadi, Yusuf
Simanjuntak, Arthur
Simanjuntak, Arthur
Sinaga, Sarman
Sinaga, Sarman
Siregar, Budi Alamsyah
Siregar, Budi Alamsyah
Siregar, Gomgom T. P.
Siregar, Gomgom T. P.
Siregar, Mawardi
Siregar, Mawardi
Siswadi, S.
Siswadi, S.
Soeparno, Koentjoro
Soeparno, Koentjoro
Soeparno, Wahyu Sugeng Imam
Soeparno, Wahyu Sugeng Imam
Somad, Momod Abdul
Somad, Momod Abdul
Sopiyah, Fivi Rahmatus
Sopiyah, Fivi Rahmatus
Subhayano, Takihimi
Subhayano, Takihimi
Suci Wulandari, Miftah Hayatun
Suci Wulandari, Miftah Hayatun
Sudarmanto, Gunaryo
Sudarmanto, Gunaryo
Sulistiyono, Adi
Sulistiyono, Adi
Sunyigono, Andrie Kisroh
Sunyigono, Andrie Kisroh
Suparmin, Sudirman
Suparmin, Sudirman
Suriani, Rollys
Suriani, Rollys
Susanto, Anggi Pradita
Susanto, Anggi Pradita
Syahrul, Fariani
Syahrul, Fariani
Syauqi Bin-Armia, Muhammad
Syauqi Bin-Armia, Muhammad
Tahawa, Taufik Hidayat B.
Tahawa, Taufik Hidayat B.
Tazkya Nurdyawati, Tika
Tazkya Nurdyawati, Tika
Timbasz, Ghozali
Timbasz, Ghozali
Tupamahu, Chresty Thessy
Tupamahu, Chresty Thessy
Utomo, Setyo
Utomo, Setyo
Wardana, Amika
Wardana, Amika
Wedayanti, Made Devi
Wedayanti, Made Devi
Widiyastuti, Sri
Widiyastuti, Sri
Yogia, Moris Adidi
Yogia, Moris Adidi
Yogia, Morris Adidi
Yogia, Morris Adidi
Yogia, Morris Adidia
Yogia, Morris Adidia
Yuliastini, Anita
Yuliastini, Anita
Abidondifu, Frans
Adnan, Gunawan
Adnans, Abdhy Aulia
Adyanto, Tonang Dwi
Apriani, Tini
Arabiyah, Syarifah
Arifiyanti, Nurul
Armia, Muhammad Siddiq
Aziz, Abdul
Baharudin, Erwan
Cahyadi, Ashadi
Chalidaziah, Wan
Choiri, Muttaqin
Damanik, Syafrida
Damaryanti, Henny
Dami, Zummy Anselmus
Dawi, Klara
Destiarni, Resti Prastika
Dilham, Ami
Djafar, Franky
Doni, Dona
Fikri, Rijalul
Firdaus, Rizal
Fitria, Syiva
Fitriani, Rizki Amalia
Gade, Syabuddin
Gaol, Jonner Lumban
Hakam, Kama Abdul
Hamzah, Muhammad Luthfi
Handayani, I. Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi
Hariasih, Misti
Hariyanto, Didik
Hasibuan, Muhammad Iqbal
Hastian, Temmy
Hermawan, Sigit
Hermawati, Istiana
Hutahaean, Nelli Lusiana
Ichsan, Reza Nurul
Idayanti, Soesi
Illu, Wilianus
Imanullah, Moch. Najib
Ispik, Ahmad
Jamin, M.
Jamin, Mohammad
Karjoko, Lego
Karkono, Drajat Tri
Khairunnisa, Dhea Ariesta
Khaldun, Riady Ibnu
Khalidin, Bismi
Kontesa, Maria
Kusumandari, Rafika Bayu
Latumahina, Dina Elisabeth
Lubis, Muhammad Ansori
Lubis, Yeti Meliany
Mafulla, Dian
Makhtum, Ahmad
Mubarok, Afan Nur
Multazam, Mochammad Tanzil
Murti, Wahyu
Muryanto, Yudho Taruno
Nasution, Lukman
Noer, Khaerul Umam
Novianto, Widodo Treno
Nurngaeni, Evi
Otok, Bambang Widjanarko
Pamungkas, Roni Anjar
Pohan, Rizky Andana
Prapanca, Detak
Pratomo, Wahyu Ario
Purnomo, Agoes Yudi
Purwanto, Fredi
Purwati, Astri Ayu
Putra Kesmawan, Andri
Putra, M. Umar Maya
Putri, Fairus Dwi
Rahim, Robbi
Rahman, Arif
Rahmat, Doris
Rahmat, Ihsan
Rahmat, Muhammad
Rahmawati, Intan
Rigitta, Prinsi
Rizal, Ahmad Syamsu
Rizal, As'at
Rohi, Yohanis Udju
Rokhmaniah, Ainur
Rosnawati, Emy
Sabil, Jabbar
Sabri, Rijal
Said, Abdullah
Salam, Abdul Jalil
Saleh, Choirul
Sari, Dewi Komala
Sari, Eva Purwita
Satria, Andi
Satria, Rahmad
Satrio, Arif Budi
Saudi, Akbar Indrawan
Sebayang, Aleksander
Serah, Yenny Aman
Setia Putra, Imam Radianto Anwar
Setiawan, Iwan
Setiawati, Rini
Setiyono, Wisnu Panggah
Setyadi, Yusuf
Simanjuntak, Arthur
Sinaga, Sarman
Siregar, Budi Alamsyah
Siregar, Gomgom T. P.
Siregar, Mawardi
Siswadi, S.
Soeparno, Koentjoro
Soeparno, Wahyu Sugeng Imam
Somad, Momod Abdul
Sopiyah, Fivi Rahmatus
Subhayano, Takihimi
Suci Wulandari, Miftah Hayatun
Sudarmanto, Gunaryo
Sulistiyono, Adi
Sunyigono, Andrie Kisroh
Suparmin, Sudirman
Suriani, Rollys
Susanto, Anggi Pradita
Syahrul, Fariani
Syauqi Bin-Armia, Muhammad
Tahawa, Taufik Hidayat B.
Tazkya Nurdyawati, Tika
Timbasz, Ghozali
Tupamahu, Chresty Thessy
Utomo, Setyo
Wardana, Amika
Wedayanti, Made Devi
Widiyastuti, Sri
Yogia, Moris Adidi
Yogia, Morris Adidi
Yogia, Morris Adidia
Yuliastini, Anita
Yusro, Andista Candra
Multazam, Mochammad Tanzil
Multazam, Mochammad Tanzil
Rahim, Robbi
Rahim, Robbi
Yusro, Andista Candra
Yusro, Andista Candra
Summary note
We are delighted to introduce the Virtual Conference on Social Science In Law, Political Issue And Economic Development 2020 with theme "Realizing Society 5.0 for a Better Life". The technical program has brought researchers and practitioners around the world to a good forum for discussing, leveraging and developing all scientific and technological aspects that are relevant to economic business, education and humanities. Moreover, it is a great pleasure to have the keynote and invited speakers of VCOSPILED 2020, Prof. Dr. Pujiono, Assoc. Prof. Ilham Sentosa, Ph.D and Dr. Siska Diana Sari, S.H., M.H who will share their knowledge and best innovative research findings in economic business, education and humanities. This conference is held by Kresna Acitya Media Nusantara in collaboration with Universitas Muhamadiyah Sidoarjo and Relawan Jurnal Indonesia. Kresna Acitya Media Nusantara is a company that is dedicated to maximize the impact of scientific publication, and Relawan Jurnal Indonesia, is a non-profit organization in the field of scientific publication. The conference will be held virtually using Zoom webinar on October 15, 2020. This conference has successfully acquired 180 participants and 55 presenters from 4 countries, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan and Uzbekistan. Thus, all selected papers will be submitted for publication to our publishing partner SCIENDO. We hope that the future VCOSPILED 2020 will be as successful and stimulating, as indicated with the contributions presented in this volume. Aims and Scope The VCOSPILED is an academic conference that centered in Social Science In Law, Political Issue And Economic Development, is open and welcoming to contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that meet at the crossroads that is communication study. We are interested in scholarship that crosses disciplinary lines and speaks to readers from a range of theoretical and methodological perspectives. In other words, the VCOSPILED will be a forum for scholars when they address the wider audiences of our many sub-fields and specialties, rather than the location for the narrower conversations more appropriately conducted within more specialized conferences. We suggest the following broad areas of research: Economics & Business Education Humanities Interdisciplinary Studies Policy, Politics, and Communication Editorial Policy VCOSPILED Guidelines for Reviewers VCOSPILED Instruction for Authors VCOSPILED
Source of description
Description based on online resource; title from PDF title page (publisher's Web site, viewed 27. Sep 2021)
Rights and reproductions note
This eBook is made available Open Access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license:
Language note
In English.
Table of Contents
Brand Trust and Their Effects on the Decision to Choose School
The Impact of the Halal Label on Purchasing for Non Alcoholic Drinks: Learning from the "Fayrosuz" Brand in Indonesia
The Urgency of Involving the Indonesian Confucian Religion High Council in the Marriage Registration Process as a Development of an Orderly Model of Population Administration
Response of Python Bivittatus Snake Keepers to the Regulation System for Life Protection
Globalization is not a Threat for Islam
Balancing the Domination of Money Politics in Regional Head Elections
Structural Transformation in Madura
The Study of Cheating among Academic Fields for Medan University Students
Analysis of Regional Financial Independence and Efficiency Associated with Economic Growth in Pasangkayu Regency in The Period of 2013-2018
The Consequent of Marriage Order Towards the Legal Status of Children in West Kalimantan
Evaluation of Implementation of Nine-Year Compulsory Education for Coastal Society in Bangka, Indonesia
Educative Communication Techniques Between Parents and Children in the Koran
Strengthening the Capacity of Government Apparatus in Sepa Batu Village, Tinambung District, Polewali Mandar Regency
PDAM Legal Studies as Public Utilities Providers
Financial Information and Firm Value in Developing Markets: Are Investors Rational During Pandemic?
Cognitive-Behavioural Counseling with Modelling and Self-Management Techniques as Predictor Self Affiliation
Protection of Copyright Law on Chintamani Weaving Motifs in Melawi Regency
The Concept of Triple Helix Mohammad Natsir as a Character Education Strategy in the Era of Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka
The Reconstruction of Business Dispute Resolution in Electronic Transactions (ECommerce) Based on the Value of Justice on Indonesia
Self-Disclosure of Counseling and Counseling Students Reviewed from Academic Year and Gender
Building Green, Clean, and Antique Hospital Brand Image of Sidoarjo Regional Hospital with Public Relations Concept
Discipline, Punishment, and the Question of Child Friendly School Policy
Determination of Poverty and Environmental Conflict in Rural in the Order of Regional Autonomy
Analysis of Benefits, Discipline and Leadership Style in improving Employee Performance of the Ministry of Religion in Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Network Policy in Cultural Heritage Development in Kuantan Singingi Regency
Effect of Management of Market Levies Management on Trader Satisfaction
Good Governance in Maintaining Peace and Order at Pangkalan Kerinci District, Pelalawan Regency
Managerial Millennial Gojek Driver Performance Study in Medan City
Community Aspirations in the Deliberation Forum of Gorontalo Regency Development Planning, Indonesia
Epidemiological characteristics of the first cluster of COVID-19 in Magetan District - East Java, 2020
The Role of Professional Ethics in the Prevention of Corruption Crimes in Indonesia
Redistribution of Abondoned Land as an Alternative to Compliance Community Land
Involving the Role of Psychologists in Providing Just Teacher Protection
Implementation of Customary Civil Procedure Laws in the Nagari Adat Court (KAN)
Islamic Personal Political Branding: Taking the Muslim Community Votes on Local Government Election
The Impact of Product Innovation on Marketing Performance in Cosmetic Companies: A Study on Oriflame Indonesia
Legal Protection of Patients Who are Harmed by Their Right to Health Care Policy
Consumer Study in Tebing Tinggi Business Clinic Member in Industrial Era 4.0
Clash of Regulations in Autonomous Province: Aceh-Indonesia Case Study
Hereditary of Waqf Asset by Kyai as Nazhir in Bangkalan, Madura
Dalihan Na Tolu Philosophy in Batak Toba Women Social Relation at Pangururan City Samosir Regency
Resolution of Land Disputes Through a Traditional Justice Institution in Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Province
The Role of Cognitive Conflict as a Moderating Variable Influence of Organizational Commitment and Attitudes on Implementation of Good Governance and Impact on Fraud Prevention
Development of the Covid-19 Prevention Campaign Model based Android for Early Childhood
Public Sector Innovations in Indonesia: A Systematic Review
The Community Social Mapping Implementation Near Kuala Namu International Airport
The Demographic Bonus Era in Indonesia: Church's Leaders Response According to Jesus' Leadership
Good Corporate Governance in Measuring Finansial Performance and Organizational Capacity of Amil Zakat Institution (LAZ)
The Effectiveness of the Imposition of Prison Sentences or Fines for Perpetrators of Electronic Technology Information Violations (ITE)
Factors that Affected the Performance of Elementary School Supervisors in Medan
The Effect of Ease of Use and Quality of Products on Decisions in Choosing Sharia Banking Products in Medan
Tri Mukti, Sapja Anantanyu, Mulyanto
Eroticism and Government in Javanese Traditional Dance (A Study on Lengger Traditional Dance Performance in Banyumas, Java, Indonesia)
The Efficiency of Village Funds in North Sumatra: Can it Contribute to Eliminate Poverty?
Government and Community Participation in Disaster Preparedness Decision Making for Eastern Indonesian Communities
Juridical Review of the Marital Status with False Divorce Certificate
Marketing and Financial Strategies Organic Golla Mamea Processing Business in Mosso Village, Balanipa District, Polewali Mandar Regency
Show 57 more Contents items
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