Endowed charities (administrative county of the West Riding of York). Further return to an order of the Honourable the House of Commons, dated 10th August 1894;--for, return "comprising the reports made to the charity commissioners, in the result of inquiries in the administrative county of the West Riding of York into endowments, subject to the provisions of the Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1891, together with the reports on those endowments of the commissioners for inquiring concerning charities, 1818 to 1837." Volume V. (Eastern and central division.).

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse]
Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006.
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Original version
Transcribed from: Endowed charities (administrative county of the West Riding of York). Further return to an order of the Honourable the House of Commons, dated 10th August 1894;--for, return "comprising the reports made to the charity commissioners, in the result of inquiries in the administrative county of the West Riding of York into endowments, subject to the provisions of the Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1891, together with the reports on those endowments of the commissioners for inquiring concerning charities, 1818 to 1837." Volume V. (Eastern and central division.) 1899 (184) LXXIII.1: Original Publisher details.
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Cockton index title
  • Return of Reports to Charity Coms., in W. Riding of York, into Endowments subject to Charitable Trusts Acts; Reports on Endowments of Charity Coms., 1818-37; Digest of Endowments recorded by Charity Coms.: (Volume V. Eastern and Central)
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