A jar of wild flowers : essays in celebration of John Berger / [edited by] Yasmin Gunaratnam and Amarjit Chandan.

Gunaratnam, Yasmin [Browse]
First edition.
  • London [England] : Zed Books, 2016.
  • [London, England] : Bloomsbury Publishing, 2022
1 online resource (vii, 195 pages)


Summary note
"'John Berger has made the world a better place to live in. These essays tell us how he succeeded in that task.' Arundhati Roy In this collection of essays on the work of, and conversations with, John Berger, thirty-seven of his friends, artistic collaborators and followers come together to form the first truly international and cross-cultural celebration of his interventions. Berger has for decades, through his poetic humanism, brought together geographically, historically and socially disparate subjects. His work continues to throw out lifelines across genres, times and types of experience, opening up radical questions about the meaning of belonging and of community. In keeping with this spirit and in celebration of Berger, the short essays in A Jar of Wild Flowers challenge us all to take the brave step from limited sympathy to extended generosity. With contributions from Ali Smith, Julie Christie, Sally Potter, Ram Rahman, Jean Mohr, Nick Thorpe, Hsiao-Hung Pai and many others."-- Provided by publisher.
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references and index.
  • Foreword - Jean MohrPreface - Amarjit Chandan
  • Introduction - Yasmin GunaratnamThe Colour of the CosmosGraphite - Hans Jurgen BalmesHay - Rema Hammami and John BergerFire - Kathryn YusoffMilk - Ana Amalia AlvesBlood - Gavin FrancisForest - Nikos PapastergiadisToast - Michael BroughtonOil -Tessa McWattThe Trees are in Their PlaceFences - Nick ThorpeMethod - Iain ChambersLife - Glenn JordonMeetings - Nirmal PuwarPain - Francisco-J. Hernandez AdrianSecrets - Hsiao-Hung PaiOnce through a LensMemory - Heather VranaStars - Vikki BellConscience - Ram RahmanPerformance - Doa AlyA Mirror - Rashmi DuraiswamyUndefeated DespairTrauma - Alicia SalomoneJest - Salima HashmiHate - Mustafa DikecHope - Malathi de AlwisSpirit - Tania Tamari NasirPropaganda - Rochelle SimmonsHere is Where We MeetNotes - Amarjit ChandanVerbs - Ali SmithPlay - N. Rajyalakshmi interviews Pushpamala N.Tenderness - Christina LinardakiLove - Julie ChristieCourage - Yahia YakhlefSolidarity - Ambalavaner SivanandanTennis - John ChristieAfterword - Sally Potter
Other format(s)
Also published in print.
  • 9781350251083
  • 1350251089
  • 9781501341076
  • 1501341073
  • 9781501341083
  • 1501341081
  • 9781501341069
  • 1501341065
  • 1183954588
  • 961340249
  • 10.5040/9781350251083
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