Competing economic theories : essays in memory of Giovanni Caravale / edited by Sergio Nistico and Domenico Tosato.

1st ed.
London : Routledge, 2002.
1 online resource (417 p.)


Available Online


Summary note
Providing a contemporary overview of the debate amongst theoretical stands in economics, this book brings together contributions from a number of eminent scholars. It covers important issues in methodology and the history of thought, as well as economic analysis. The book is structured in five parts which:focus on the relevance of the history of economic ideas for current economic analysiscentre on the role of classical theory of value and distributioncontrast the equilibrium approach with an out-of-equilibrium perspectiveoffer an evaluation of
Conference proceedings.
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Language note
  • Book Cover; Title; Contents; List of illustrations; List of contributors; Acknowledgements; Introduction; Economic theory and its history; The relevance for present economic theory of economic theory written in the past; The relevance of the economic ideas of the past; The classical school and the Ricardo debate; The canonical classical growth model: content, adherence and priority; Sraffa: the theoretical world of the 'old classical economists'; Misunderstanding classical economics: the Sraffian interpretation of the surplus approach
  • Misunderstanding the Sraffian reading of the classical theory of value and distribution: a noteIs it possible to define a canonical classical growth model?; Garegnani's interpretation of the 'old classical economists'; Different perspectives on distribution within classical political economy; Sraffa's Ricardo after fifty years: a preliminary estimate; Some reflections on Sraffa's Ricardo; Models of prices and allocations in equilibrium and out of equilibrium; Reflections on Caravale's contributions relating to equilibrium and their relation to the interpretation of Keynes
  • Sraffa's contributions to economics: some notes on his unpublished papersModels of monopolistic competition and general equilibrium theory; Non-competitive general equilibrium in a dynamic perspective; Technology and employment in an out-of-equilibrium perspective; Strategic complementarity and near-rationality in New Keynesian models: a note; The legacy of Keynes; Keynes on probability, uncertainty and tragic choices; Was Keynes a truly heretic economist?; Keynes, disequilibrium theory and New Keynesian economics; Keynesian economics from a non-price theoretic framework
  • The controversies in contemporary macroeconomicsOn the relevance of the distinction between Keynesian and neoclassical macroeconomics; Economic theorising and institutions; Economic theory and institutions; Economic theory and institutions: an introductory note; Economics and institutions from a central bank perspective; Economics and institutions: some reflections on Pasinetti and Caravale; Economics and institutions: the constraints of history; A summing up; References; Index
  • 0-429-23272-1
  • 1-134-54275-5
  • 1-282-77867-6
  • 9786612778674
  • 0-203-47159-8
  • 10.4324/9780203471593
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