Migration and (im)mobility : biographical experiences of Polish migrants in Germany and Canada / Anna Xymena Wieczorek.

Wieczorek, Anna Xymena, 1985- [Browse]
1st ed.
  • Bielefeld, Germany : Transcript, [2018]
  • ©2018
1 online resource (320 pages) : illustrations.


Kultur und soziale Praxis. [More in this series]
Biographical/​Historical note
Anna Xymena Wieczorek (Dr. phil.), born in 1985, obtained her PhD in sociology within the International Research Training Group "Diversity: Mediating Difference in Transcultural Spaces" at the University of Trier. Her research project included several stays abroad at the collaborating Université de Montréal as well as in Toronto and Berlin for field activities. Her research interests are migration, mobility and transnational studies as well as cultural, diversity and gender studies.
Summary note
In her endeavour to overcome the established methodological, conceptual, and empirical dualism of mobility and migration, Anna Xymena Wieczorek develops a "mobilities perspective" by combining migration studies theories with approaches of the mobility studies. With the help of rich empirical data gathered among young adults of Polish heritage in Germany and Canada, Wieczorek conceptualizes three patterns of (im)mobility which illustrate the diversity of immigrants' geographical movements after their initial migration. She thus reveals the different social configurations promoting or hindering the development, maintenance or shifting of each pattern in migrants' biographical trajectories.
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references.
Funding information
funded by Knowledge Unlatched - KU Select 2020: Backlist Collection
Source of description
Description based on print version record.
Rights and reproductions note
This eBook is made available Open Access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license:
Language note
In English.
Frontmatter 1 Contents 5 List of Tables, Figures, and Abbreviations 9 Acknowledgements 11 Introduction: How We Think of Migration and Mobility 13 1 From "Classical" and "New" Approaches in Migration Studies to the "Mobilities Perspective" on Migration 27 2 (Im)Mobile Individuals: Studying Their Biographies 67 Excursus on the Country of Origin: Poland 89 3 Immobility: The Immobile Pattern of Mobility 101 4 Transmobility: The Transnational Pattern of Mobility 145 5 Cosmobility: The Cosmopolitan Pattern of Mobility 219 6 Revisiting Migration through the Patterns of (Im)Mobility 261 Conclusion: How to Rethink Migration and Mobility 293 References 297
  • 9783839442517
  • 3839442516
  • 10.14361/9783839442517
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