Algebraic and Analytic Aspects of Zeta Functions and L-functions / Gautami Bhowmik, Kohji Matsumoto, Hirofumi Tsumura, editors.

Tokyo : Mathematical Society of Japan, 2010.
1 online resource (ix, 183 pages).


Subseries of
Mathematical Society of Japan Memoirs
Summary note
This volume contains lectures presented at the French-Japanese Winter School on Zeta and L -functions, held at Muira, Japan, 2008. The main aim of the School was to study various aspects of zeta and L -functions with special emphasis on recent developments. A series of detailed lectures were given by experts in topics that include height zeta-functions, spherical functions and Igusa zeta-functions, multiple zeta values and multiple zeta-functions, classes of Euler products of zeta-functions, and L -functions associated with modular forms. This volume should be helpful to future generations in their study of the fascinating theory of zeta and L -functions.
Source of description
Description based on publisher supplied metadata and other sources.
Analytic Continuation of Some Zeta Functions (G Bhowmik); Lectures on Height Zeta Functions: At the Confluence of Algebraic Geometry, Algebraic Number Theory, and Analysis (A Chambert-Loir); Spherical Functions on p-adic Homogeneous Spaces (Y Hironaka); Poly-Bernoulli Numbers and Related Zeta Functions (M Kaneko); Rankin-Selberg Method and Periods of Modular Forms (H Katsurada); An Introduction to the Theory of Zeta-Functions of Root Systems (Y Komori et al.); An Introduction to p-adic and Motivic Zeta Functions and the Monodromy Conjecture (J Nicaise); Hypergeometric Constructions of Rational Approximations for (Multiple) Zeta Values (T Rivoal).
Other title(s)
Algebraic and Analytic Aspects of Zeta Functions and L-functions. Vol 21
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