Greeley, 1., Wilson, 1., Sumner, 1., Seward, 1., Chase, 1., Washburn, 1., Higginson, 1., Giddings, 1., Fessenden, 1., Gurowski, 1., Dana, 1., Wade, 1., Morrill, 1., Harvey, 1., Davis, f. 1850, Talbot, 1., Piatt, 1., Bailey, f. 1857, Warren, 1., Trist, 1., Corwin, 1., Hamlin, 1., Nourse, 1., Smith, 1., & Stanton, 1. (1879). First Blows of the Civil War: the Ten Years of Preliminary Conflict in the United States. From 1850 to 1860. A Contemporaneous Exposition. Progress of the Struggle Shown by Public Records and Private Correspondence. With Letters, Now First Published. New York, NY: American News Company.