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New Trends in Instrumentation for Hypersonic Research / edited by A. Boutier.
1st ed. 1993.
Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer, 1993.
1 online resource (IX, 617 p.)
Available Online
Springer Nature - Springer Book Archive - Springer Chemistry and Material Science
Automotive engineering
Boutier, A.
Boutier, A.
Boutier, A.
Related name
North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Scientific Affairs Division
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on New Trends in Instrumentation for Hypersonic Research (1992 : ONERA Le Fauga-Mauzac Center)
Nato Science Series E:, Applied Sciences, 224
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Nato Science Series E:, Applied Sciences, 0168-132X ; 224
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Summary note
Because of the growing interest in hypersonic flows, the AGARD Fluid Dynamics Panel initiated a sub-working group on instrumentation for hypersonics in 1989. This sub-group, chaired by J. WENDT (VKI -Belgium), was composed of: A. BOUTIER (ONERA -France), K. BUTEFISCH (DLR -Germany), R. CATTOLICA (SANDIA Lab. -USA), V. CLINE (AEDC -USA), A. GIRARD (ONERA -France), R. McKENZIE (NASA Ames -USA), S. OCHELTREE (NASA Langley -USA) and G. SMEETS (ISL -Franco-German Inst.). As a result of several meetings, the idea came to organize this workshop, 27th April - 1st May 1992, on "New Trends in Instrumentation for Hypersonic Research", at Le Fauga-Mauzac ONERA center, in France, where the new hot-shot arc-heated facility F4, as well as a new conference building, were recently completed. This workshop has been organized in close connection with the AGARD FDP Symposium to be held in Torino 4 - 8 May 1992 on "Theoretical and Experimental Methods in Hypersonic Flows": the main conclusions and ideas expressed by the papers and during the discussions of this workshop are reported in session 7 and have been presented in Torino in a special Instrumentation session. As chairman of this workshop, I express many thanks to the Organizing Committee composed of Karl BUTEFISCH, Andre GIRARD, Stewart OCHELTREE and John WENDT for their very constructive help, leading to a meeting that was recognized to be very fruitful for all the participants.
Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph
Language note
Session 1: Projects - Requirements
Requirements for facilities and measurement techniques to support CFD development for hypersonic aircraft
Hermes measurement needs in hot facilities
Hot experimental technique: a new requirement of aerothermodynamics
Experimental validation of hypersonic viscous flow models
Computation and experimentation of free-piston shock tunnels - Example of the Marseille facility
Ground test facilities and instrumentation for aerothermal and aero-optical studies of hypersonic interceptors
Session 2: Interferometry - Spectroscopy
Interferometry in rarefied gas flows
Holographic interferometry on the high enthalpy shock tunnel in Göttingen (HEG)
The use of holographic interferometry for flow field diagnostics
Multipass holographic interferometer for the high enthalpy hypersonic wind-tunnel F4
Resonant holographic interferometry; a multipoint, multiparameter diagnostics tool for hypersonic flow
Schlieren device and spectroscopic measurements in F4
Considerations for the application of the infrared emission absorption technique to hypersonic propulsion diagnostics
Molecular electronic resonance state techniques
Session 3: Temperatures - Concentrations
Local non-intrusive measurements of the inlet and exhaust flows in ground testing a hypersonic engine
Laser-based diagnostics for hypersonic flows
Determination of minority species concentrations and temperature in combustion systems by Laser Induced Fluorescence
Absorption, scattering, and fluorescence techniques for hypersonic flow measurements
Spectroscopic diagnostic techniques for the high enthalpy shock tunnel in Göttingen (HEG): preparatory LIF studies on other facilities
Rotational temperature and density measurements in a hypersonic flow by dual-line CARS
Laser spectroscopic measurement techniques for hypersonic, turbulent windtunnel flows
Broad band excimer Laser Induced Fluorescence applied to hypersonic and supersonic air flows
Non-intrusive temperature determination by LIF in hypersonic wind-tunnels
Rapid pulse electron beam fluorescence for flow field diagnostics
Electron beam fluorescence imaging for hypersonic research
Session 4: Pressure - Forces
Force measurement in hypervelocity impulse facilities
A six component balance for short duration hypersonic facilities
Millisecond aerodynamic force measurement technique for high enthalpy test facilities
Aerodynamic force measurements in the VKI longshot hypersonic facility
Session 5: Velocity
Measurement of hypersonic flows
Development and assessment of an LDV system for Mach 6 flow field measurements
Laser velocimetry applied in hypersonics
Velocity and density determination by the electron beam technique
Electron beam velocimetry
Planar velocimetry in high-speed aerodynamic and propulsion flowfields
Filtered Rayleigh and RELIEF imaging of velocity, temperature and density in hypersonic flows for the study of boundary layers, shock structures, mixing phenomena and the acquisition of in-flight air data
2D velocity and temperature measurements in high speed flows based on spectrally resolved Rayleigh scattering
Session 6A: Heat Flux
Temperature and heat flux measurements challenges for high temperature aerospace application
Heat transfer measurement techniques used or in development at ONERA Chalais-Meudon
Aerothermodynamic measurement techniques employed in NASA Langley hypersonic facilities
Aerothermal test methodology and techniques for the development of hypersonic vehicles
Measurements on models for hypersonic real gas conditions
Thin gradient heat fluxmeters developed at ONERA
Session 6B: Infrared Thermography
Hypersonic aerodynamics research with an infrared imaging system
Heat transfer measurements using infrared thermography in rarefied flows
Infrared thermography for hot-shot wind-tunnel
Experiments on the catalytic efficiency of heat protection materials in the arc heated wind-tunnel (LBK) in Cologne
Infrared Thermography characterization of Görtler vortex type patterns in hypersonic flows
Session 7: Recommendations for Future Research by the Rapporteurs
to session 7: Recommendations for future research in hypersonic instrumentation
Flow visualization, interferometry and spectroscopy in hypersonic flows: a review
Local measurements of temperatures and concentrations: a review for hypersonic flows
Pressure and force measurement on models set in hypersonic flows: a review
Velocity measurements in hypersonics: a review
Thermal flux measurements in hypersonic flows: a review.
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Other title(s)
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, ONERA le Fauga-Mauzac Center, France, 27 April-1 May 1992
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New trends in instrumentation for hypersonic research / edited by A. Boutier.