New Trends in Instrumentation for Hypersonic Research / edited by A. Boutier.

1st ed. 1993.
Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer, 1993.
1 online resource (IX, 617 p.)


Summary note
Because of the growing interest in hypersonic flows, the AGARD Fluid Dynamics Panel initiated a sub-working group on instrumentation for hypersonics in 1989. This sub-group, chaired by J. WENDT (VKI -Belgium), was composed of: A. BOUTIER (ONERA -France), K. BUTEFISCH (DLR -Germany), R. CATTOLICA (SANDIA Lab. -USA), V. CLINE (AEDC -USA), A. GIRARD (ONERA -France), R. McKENZIE (NASA Ames -USA), S. OCHELTREE (NASA Langley -USA) and G. SMEETS (ISL -Franco-German Inst.). As a result of several meetings, the idea came to organize this workshop, 27th April - 1st May 1992, on "New Trends in Instrumentation for Hypersonic Research", at Le Fauga-Mauzac ONERA center, in France, where the new hot-shot arc-heated facility F4, as well as a new conference building, were recently completed. This workshop has been organized in close connection with the AGARD FDP Symposium to be held in Torino 4 - 8 May 1992 on "Theoretical and Experimental Methods in Hypersonic Flows": the main conclusions and ideas expressed by the papers and during the discussions of this workshop are reported in session 7 and have been presented in Torino in a special Instrumentation session. As chairman of this workshop, I express many thanks to the Organizing Committee composed of Karl BUTEFISCH, Andre GIRARD, Stewart OCHELTREE and John WENDT for their very constructive help, leading to a meeting that was recognized to be very fruitful for all the participants.
Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph
Language note
  • Session 1: Projects - Requirements
  • Requirements for facilities and measurement techniques to support CFD development for hypersonic aircraft
  • Hermes measurement needs in hot facilities
  • Hot experimental technique: a new requirement of aerothermodynamics
  • Experimental validation of hypersonic viscous flow models
  • Computation and experimentation of free-piston shock tunnels - Example of the Marseille facility
  • Ground test facilities and instrumentation for aerothermal and aero-optical studies of hypersonic interceptors
  • Session 2: Interferometry - Spectroscopy
  • Interferometry in rarefied gas flows
  • Holographic interferometry on the high enthalpy shock tunnel in Göttingen (HEG)
  • The use of holographic interferometry for flow field diagnostics
  • Multipass holographic interferometer for the high enthalpy hypersonic wind-tunnel F4
  • Resonant holographic interferometry; a multipoint, multiparameter diagnostics tool for hypersonic flow
  • Schlieren device and spectroscopic measurements in F4
  • Considerations for the application of the infrared emission absorption technique to hypersonic propulsion diagnostics
  • Molecular electronic resonance state techniques
  • Session 3: Temperatures - Concentrations
  • Local non-intrusive measurements of the inlet and exhaust flows in ground testing a hypersonic engine
  • Laser-based diagnostics for hypersonic flows
  • Determination of minority species concentrations and temperature in combustion systems by Laser Induced Fluorescence
  • Absorption, scattering, and fluorescence techniques for hypersonic flow measurements
  • Spectroscopic diagnostic techniques for the high enthalpy shock tunnel in Göttingen (HEG): preparatory LIF studies on other facilities
  • Rotational temperature and density measurements in a hypersonic flow by dual-line CARS
  • Laser spectroscopic measurement techniques for hypersonic, turbulent windtunnel flows
  • Broad band excimer Laser Induced Fluorescence applied to hypersonic and supersonic air flows
  • Non-intrusive temperature determination by LIF in hypersonic wind-tunnels
  • Rapid pulse electron beam fluorescence for flow field diagnostics
  • Electron beam fluorescence imaging for hypersonic research
  • Session 4: Pressure - Forces
  • Force measurement in hypervelocity impulse facilities
  • A six component balance for short duration hypersonic facilities
  • Millisecond aerodynamic force measurement technique for high enthalpy test facilities
  • Aerodynamic force measurements in the VKI longshot hypersonic facility
  • Session 5: Velocity
  • Measurement of hypersonic flows
  • Development and assessment of an LDV system for Mach 6 flow field measurements
  • Laser velocimetry applied in hypersonics
  • Velocity and density determination by the electron beam technique
  • Electron beam velocimetry
  • Planar velocimetry in high-speed aerodynamic and propulsion flowfields
  • Filtered Rayleigh and RELIEF imaging of velocity, temperature and density in hypersonic flows for the study of boundary layers, shock structures, mixing phenomena and the acquisition of in-flight air data
  • 2D velocity and temperature measurements in high speed flows based on spectrally resolved Rayleigh scattering
  • Session 6A: Heat Flux
  • Temperature and heat flux measurements challenges for high temperature aerospace application
  • Heat transfer measurement techniques used or in development at ONERA Chalais-Meudon
  • Aerothermodynamic measurement techniques employed in NASA Langley hypersonic facilities
  • Aerothermal test methodology and techniques for the development of hypersonic vehicles
  • Measurements on models for hypersonic real gas conditions
  • Thin gradient heat fluxmeters developed at ONERA
  • Session 6B: Infrared Thermography
  • Hypersonic aerodynamics research with an infrared imaging system
  • Heat transfer measurements using infrared thermography in rarefied flows
  • Infrared thermography for hot-shot wind-tunnel
  • Experiments on the catalytic efficiency of heat protection materials in the arc heated wind-tunnel (LBK) in Cologne
  • Infrared Thermography characterization of Görtler vortex type patterns in hypersonic flows
  • Session 7: Recommendations for Future Research by the Rapporteurs
  • to session 7: Recommendations for future research in hypersonic instrumentation
  • Flow visualization, interferometry and spectroscopy in hypersonic flows: a review
  • Local measurements of temperatures and concentrations: a review for hypersonic flows
  • Pressure and force measurement on models set in hypersonic flows: a review
  • Velocity measurements in hypersonics: a review
  • Thermal flux measurements in hypersonic flows: a review.
Other title(s)
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, ONERA le Fauga-Mauzac Center, France, 27 April-1 May 1992
  • 94-010-4807-X
  • 94-011-1828-0
  • 10.1007/978-94-011-1828-6
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