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The Oxford handbook of clinical child and adolescent psychology / edited by Thomas H. Ollendick, Susan W. White, and Bradley A. White.
First edition.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2018.
1 online resource.
Clinical child psychology
Child psychopathology
Adolescent psychopathology
Adolescent psychology
Clinical psychology
Ollendick, Thomas H.
White, Susan Williams
White, Bradley A.
Library of Congress genre(s)
Handbooks and manuals
Oxford library of psychology.
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Oxford handbooks online.
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Summary note
This comprehensive, 51-chapter handbook presents recent advances in the expression, etiology, assessment, and treatment of child and adolescent psychiatric disorders and related problems from a developmental psychopathology perspective. Following a broad conceptual overview of this area of clinical research and practice, assessment and treatment practices are examined for specific DSM-5 disorders and other nondiagnostic but nonetheless significant problems in childhood and adolescence, including the maltreatment of youth, children of divorce, children with incarcerated parents, nonsuicidal self-injury among youth, youth with suicidal thoughts and behavior, children who bully or are bullied, youth with medical conditions, and youth with neurobehavioral disorders. The practice of clinical child and adolescent psychology is then explored in diverse settings.
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Source of description
Description based on online resource; title from home page (viewed on November 2, 2018).
A History of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology / Donald K. Routh
Psychosocial Treatments That "Work" for Ethnic Minority Youth / Lindsay E. Holly, Ryan D. Stoll, Amy M. Rapp, Armando A. Pina, Denise A. Chavira
Societal Costs of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Disorders / Frances L. Lynch, John F. Dickerson
Intellectual Disabilities / Johnny L. Matson, Paige E. Cervantes
Communication Disorders: Language Impairments / Christine Dollaghan
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder / Steven W. Evans, Julie S. Owens, W. John Monopoli, Kari Benson
Autism Spectrum Disorder / Matthew D. Lerner, Tamara E. Rosen, Erin Kang, Cara M. Keifer, Alan H. Gerber
Specific Learning Disorders / Christopher J. Lonigan
Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders / Kristen A. Woodberry, Emily Kline, Anthony J. Giuliano
Bipolar and Related Disorders / Sarah R. Black, Mary Fristad
Depressive Disorders / Laura J. Dietz, Jennifer Silk, Marlissa Amole
Developmental Psychology / Jessica M. Dollar, Susan D. Calkins
Anxiety Disorders / Gerrit I. van Schalkwyk, Wendy K. Silverman
Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders / Lara J. Farrell, Sharna L. Mathieu, Cassie Lavell
Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders / Kathleen Nader, Mary Beth Williams
Feeding and Eating Disorders / Talya Feldman, Cristin D. Runfola, James Lock
Incontinence: A Biobehavioral Perspective / Patrick C. Friman
Sleep-Wake Disorders / Gabrielle Rigney, Jason Isaacs, Shelly Weiss, Sarah Shea, Penny Corkum
Gender Dysphoria / Thomas D. Steensma, Annelijn Wensing-Kruger
Disruptive and Conduct Disorders, Delinquency / Eva R. Kimonis, Georgette E. Fleming
Tic Disorders / Jennifer Alexander, Douglas W. Woods
Substance-related and Addictive Disorders / Jacqueline Horan Fisher, Sara Becker, Molly Bobek, Aaron Hogue
Development and Psychopathology / Elizabeth P. Hayden, C. Emily Durbin
Personality Disorders / Carla Sharp, Jared D. Michonski
Child Maltreatment / Yo Jackson
Children of Divorce and Relationship Dissolution / Sandra T. Azar, Megan C. Goslin, Brandon J. Patallo
Children with Incarcerated Parents / Julie Poehlmann-Tynan, Hilary Runion, Lindsay A. Weymouth, Cynthia Burnson
Non-Suicidal Self-Injury among Youth / Adam Bryant Miller, Maya Massing-Schaffer, Sarah Owens, Mitchell J. Prinstein
Youth with Suicidal Thoughts and Behavior / Cynthia Ewell Foster, Carlos E. Yeguez, Cheryl A. King
Children Who Bully or Are Bullied / Dorothy Espelage, Jun Sung Hong
Youth with Medical Complications / Ashley N. Marchante-Hoffman, Annette M. La Greca
Neurobehavioral Disorder Associated with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure / Lauren R. Doyle, Sarah N. Mattson
Classification and Diagnosis of Psychopathology / Peter Muris
School Settings / Melissa K. Holt, Jennifer Greif Green, Javier Guzman
Community Mental Health Settings as a Context for Evidence-Based Practice / Lauren Krumholz Marchette, Kristel Thomassin, Jacqueline Hersh, Heather A. MacPherson, Lauren Santucci, John R. Weisz
Outpatient Settings: The Collaborative Role of Psychiatry and Psychology / Eve K. Freidl, Lauren J. Hoffman, Anne Marie Albano
Inpatient Settings / Anthony C. James
Forensic Settings and Juvenile Justice / Carolina Herrera, Joanna Kubik, Meagan Docherty, Paul Boxer
Suite Lessons for Private Practice / Robert D. Friedberg, Micaela A. Thordarson
Electronic Communication, Telehealth, and Social Media / Muniya S. Khanna, Tommy Chou
Cognitive Training and Technology in the Treatment of Children and Adolescents / Amit Lazarov, Adva Segal, Yair Bar-Haim
Transdiagnostic Approaches with Children and Adolescents / Andrea B. Temkin, Mina Yadegar, Christine Cho, Brian C. Chu
Pediatric Psychopharmacology: Commonly Used Medications with Children / Lawrence Scahill, Jaimie Rojas
Psychiatric Epidemiology: Concepts and Findings / Kathleen Reis Merikangas, Rebecca Hommer
The New Frontier: Dissemination of Evidence-Based Treatments and Beyond / Bruce F. Chorpita, Kimberly D. Becker, Charmaine K. Higa-McMillan
Communication Disorders: Neurodevelopmental Considerations / Julie Dockrell, Nelly Joye
Neurobiological Mechanisms of Psychopathology and Treatment Action / Theodore P. Beauchaine, Aimee R. Zisner, Elizabeth P. Hayden
Assessment and Case Conceptualization / Bryce D. McLeod, Julia R. Cox, Ruben G. Martinez, Lillian M. Christon
Developmental Issues in Assessment and Treatment / Andres De Los Reyes, Tara M. Augenstein, Melanie F. Lipton
Research Methodology in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology / Jonathan S. Comer, Laura J. Bry
Emerging Ethical and Legal Issues in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology / Adam L. Fried, Celia B. Fisher.
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Clinical child and adolescent psychology
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