Seuen sobs of a sorrowfull soule for sinne [electronic resource] : comprehending those seuen Psalmes of the princelie prophet Dauid, commonlie called pœnitentiall; framed into a forme of familiar praiers, and reduced into meeter by William Hunnis, one of the gentlemen of hir Maiesties honourable Chappel, and maister to the children of the same. Whereunto are also annexed his handfull of honisuckles; the poore widowes mite; a dialog betweene Christ and a sinner; diuers godlie and pithie ditties, with a Christian confession of and to the Trinitie; newlie printed and augmented.

Hunnis, William, d. 1597 [Browse]
[London : [Newlie printed by Peter Short, 1600]]
[8], 85, [1]; [2], 70, [2] p.


Summary note
  • Another edition of STC 13975, omitting music and adding "An addition to the treatise aforegoing".
  • Printer's name and publication date from sub title page D12r.
  • "A handfull of honisuckles" has separately dated title page and begins new pagination; within this series, "The poore vvidowes mite" and "Comfortable dialogs between Christ and a sinner" and "An addition to the treatise aforegoing" each has separately dated title page; register is continuous. Each treatise except "Comfortable dialogs" has imprint: Newlie printed by Peter Short, 1600.
  • The first and last leaves are blank.
  • Imperfect; leaves G6-7,12 lacking.
  • Reproduction of the original in the Folger Shakespeare Library.
STC (2nd ed.) 13979.
Other title(s)
Bible. O.T. Psalms.
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