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The Oxford handbook of cognitive psychology / edited by Daniel Reisberg.
New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013.
1 online resource (xx, 1,076 p., [8] p. of plates ) ill. (some col.).
Available Online
Oxford Handbooks Online Psychology
Cognitive psychology
Handbooks, manuals, etc
Reisberg, Daniel
Library of Congress genre(s)
Handbooks and manuals
Oxford library of psychology.
[More in this series]
Summary note
An essential and comprehensive resource for students and academics interested in topics in cognitive psychology, this handbook covers topics such as perceptual issues, attention memory, knowledge representation, language, emotional influences, judgment, problem solving and the study of individual differences in cognition.
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Source of description
Description based on print version record.
Introduction to the handbook / Daniel Reisberg
Perceptual organization in vision / Mary A. Peterson and Ruth Kimchi
Object recognition / John E. Hummel
Face recognition / Gillian Rhodes
Eye movements / John M. Henderson
Event perception / Barbara Tversky and Jeffrey M. Zacks
Perception and attention / Ronald A. Rensink
Spatial attention / Kyle R. Cave
Disorders of attention / Robert H. Logie
The nature and status of visual resources / Steven L. Franconeri
Automaticity / Agnes Moors
Unconscious processes / John F. Kihlstrom
Episodic memory / David A. Gallo and Mark E. Wheeler
Semantic Memory / Ken McRae and Michael Jones
Implicit memory / Neil W. Mulligan and Miri Besken
The sources of memory errors / Cara Laney
Through the SCAPE looking glass : sources of performance and sources of attribution / Jason P. Leboe-McGowan and Bruce W.A. Whittlesea
Event-based prospective remembering : an integration of prospective memory and cognitive control theories / Julie M. Bugg, Mark A. McDaniel, and Gilles O. Einstein
Metamemory / John Dunlosky and Keith W. Thiede
Memory in educational settings / Elizabeth J. Marsh and Andrew C. Butler
The nature of mental concepts / Arthur B. Markman and Jonathan R. Rein
Culture, expertise, and mental categories / Kathy E. Johnson
Models of categorization / Andy J. Wills
The perceptual representation of mental categories / Diane Pecher
Mental images / Daniel Reisberg
Speech perception / Sven L. Mattys
Spoken word recognition / James S. Magnuson, Daniel Mirman, and Emily Myers
Basic processes in reading / Keith Rayner and Alexander Pollatsek
Text comprehension / Morton Ann Gernsbacher and Michael P. Kaschak
Discourse comprehension / Arthur C. Graesser and Carol M. Forsyth
Early word learning / Melissa Koenig and Caitlin Cole
Relations between language and thought / Lila Gleitman and Anna Papafragou
The evolution of language / Derek Bickerson
Emotion perception : putting the face in context / Maria Gendron, Batja Mesquita, and Lisa Feldman Barrett
Emotion, stress, and memory / Siobhan M. Hoscheidt, Bhaktee Dongaonkar, Jessica Payne and Lynn Nadel
Emotion-cognition interactions / Jeffery R. Huntsinger and Simone Schnall
An emotion regulation perspective on belief change / Matthew Tyler Boden and James J. Gross
Judgment under uncertainty / Ben R. Newell
Induction / Brett K. Hayes and Evan Heit
Reasoning / Jonathan St B.T. Evans
The mental models perspective / Philip N. Johnson-Laird
Analogical learning and reasoning / Dedre Gentner and Linsey A. Smith
Decision making / Maarten Speekenbrink and David R. Shanks
Affective forecasting and well-being / Barry Schwartz and Roseanna Sommers
Spatial reasoning / Holger Schultheis and Laura A. Carlson
Causal reasoning / Michael R. Waldmann and York Hagmayer
Moral thinking / Liane Young
Problem solving / Richard E. Mayer
Insight / Jessica I. Fleck, Mark Beeman, and John Kounios
Creativity / Dean Keith-Simonton and Rodica Ioana Damian
Contemporary theories of intelligence / James C. Kaufman, Scott Barry Kaufman, and Jonathan A. Plucker
Genes and intelligence / Thais S. Rizzi and Danielle Posthuma
Cognitive style / Maria Kozhevnikov
Planning and performing physical actions / David A. Rosenbaum
the psychology of practice : lessons from spatial cognition / David H. Uttal and Nathaniel G. Meadow
Experts and their superior performance / K. Anders Ericsson and Tyler J. Towne
Self-knowledge / Isabelle M. Bauer and Roy F. Baumeister
Person perception / Gordon B. Moskowitz and Michael J. Gill
Theory of mind / Dana Samson
Attitude change / Galen V. Bodenhausen and Bertram Gawronski
Cultural differences and their mechanisms / Yuri Miyamoto and Brooke Wilken
The development of cognitive control from infancy through childhood / Katherine C. Morasch, Vinaya Raj, and Martha Ann Bell
The development of attention / Greg D. Reynolds, Mary L. Courage, and John E. Richards
Cognitive aging / Paul Verhaeghen
Epilogue: Looking forward / Daniel Reisberg.
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Cognitive psychology
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