The Measurement of Medicaid Coverage in the SIPP: Evidence from California, 1990-1996 / David Card, Andrew K. G. Hildreth, Lara D. Shore-Sheppard.

Card, David [Browse]
Cambridge, Mass. National Bureau of Economic Research 2001.
1 online resource: illustrations (black and white);


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  • Working Paper Series (National Bureau of Economic Research) no. w8514. [More in this series]
  • NBER working paper series no. w8514
Summary note
This paper studies the accuracy of reported Medicaid coverage in the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) using a unique data set formed by matching SIPP survey responses to administrative records from the State of California. Overall, we estimate that the SIPP underestimates Medicaid coverage in the California population by about 10 percent. Among SIPP respondents who can be matched to administrative records, we estimate that the probability someone reports Medicaid coverage in a month when they are actually covered is around 85 percent. The corresponding probability for low-income children is even higher - at least 90 percent. These estimates suggest that the SIPP provides reasonably accurate coverage reports for those who are actually in the Medicaid system. On the other hand, our estimate of the false positive rate (the rate of reported coverage for those who are not covered in the administrative records) is relatively high: 2.5 percent for the sample as a whole, and up to 20 percent for poor children. Some of this is due to errors in the recording of Social Security numbers in the administrative system, rather than to problems in the SIPP.
October 2001.
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The Measurement of Medicaid Coverage in the SIPP
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