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Maintenance, safety, risk, management and life-cycle performance of bridges : proceedings of the ninth international conference on bridge maintenance, safety and management (IABMAS 2018), 9-13 July 2018, Melbourne, Australia / edited by Nigel Powers, Dan M. Frangopol, Riadh Al-Mahaidi and Colin Caprani.
International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (9th : 2018 : Melbourne, Australia)
First edition.
Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, an imprint of Taylor and Francis, 2018.
1 online resource (2,945 pages)
Available Online
Taylor & Francis eBooks Complete
Maintenance and repair
Safety measures
Al-Mahaidi, Riadh
Caprani, Colin
Frangopol, Dan M.
Powers, Nigel
Bridge maintenance, safety and management.
[More in this series]
Summary note
Maintenance, Safety, Risk, Management and Life-Cycle Performance of Bridges contains lectures and papers presented at the Ninth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2018), held in Melbourne, Australia, 9-13 July 2018. This volume consists of a book of extended abstracts and a USB card containing the full papers of 393 contributions presented at IABMAS 2018, including the T.Y. Lin Lecture, 10 Keynote Lectures, and 382 technical papers from 40 countries.The contributions presented at IABMAS 2018 deal with the state of the art as well as emerging concepts and innovative applications related to the main aspects of bridge maintenance, safety, risk, management and life-cycle performance. Major topics include: new design methods, bridge codes, heavy vehicle and load models, bridge management systems, prediction of future traffic models, service life prediction, residual service life, sustainability and life-cycle assessments, maintenance strategies, bridge diagnostics, health monitoring, non-destructive testing, field testing, safety and serviceability, assessment and evaluation, damage identification, deterioration modelling, repair and retrofitting strategies, bridge reliability, fatigue and corrosion, extreme loads, advanced experimental simulations, and advanced computer simulations, among others.This volume provides both an up-to-date overview of the field of bridge engineering and significant contributions to the process of more rational decision-making on bridge maintenance, safety, risk, management and life-cycle performance of bridges for the purpose of enhancing the welfare of society. The Editors hope that these Proceedings will serve as a valuable reference to all concerned with bridge structure and infrastructure systems, including students, researchers and engineers from all areas of bridge engineering.
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Copyright Page
Table of Contents
IABMAS Executive Board
Conference organization
Bridge maintenance, renovation and management - Research and development of governmental program in Japan
Life-cycle reliability of bridges under independent and interacting hazards
Assessment of the dynamic behaviour of railway bridges for high-speed traffic
A vision for vision-based technologies for bridge health monitoring
The engineering and management of major steel box girder bridges
lessons fromWest Gate Bridge
Managing existing bridges - On the brink of an exciting future
Timber bridges in Australia, where to from here?
Innovative and sustainable operation and maintenance of bridges
Long term bridge performance program status and preliminary results
Value of monitoring data for long-span bridge operation - Aerodynamic point of view
Design concept of the Twin River Bridges in Chongqing
MS01: Innovations and world leading research and practice in bridge management systems
Experience of management of bridges prior to and post evaluation of BMS on NH network of India
BIM related workflow for an image-based deformation monitoring of bridges
Utilizing BMS to develop programs and reports for PEI transportation
Creating the basis for implementing BIMS in existing infrastructure components
Creation of "live data" for existing infrastructure
A simulated maintenance costing using a Markov deterioration model for bridge components
Maintenance cost evaluation based on bridge performance degradation model
An integrated model-based bridge management system
Indian Bridge Management System - Overview and way forward.
Bridge management implemented by the South African National Roads Agency
The optimal maintenance strategy of bridge using Bayesian approach
Development and implementation of digital bridge management systems in the Gulf region
Research on bridge management system based on BIM technology
Bridge maintenance strategies - A brief comparison among different countries around the world
The development of a modern bridge asset management system
Risk assessment for bridge management systems
What are the attributes of a superior bridge management system?
Using Petri-Net modelling for a data-driven approach to bridge management and safety
Network importance of Melbourne's metropolitan bridges - Development of a strategic bridge prioritisation framework
MS02: Innovative methods in strengthening of concrete bridges
Experimental investigation into the fatigue life of patch anchors used to anchor FRP laminates bonded to concrete
Mathematical analysis of an innovative method for strengthening concrete beams using pre-stressed FRP laminates
Bond performance of FRP-strengthened reinforced concrete in aggressive environmental conditions
Developments in external post tensioning strengthening - An update of latest innovations and applications
S-N curves for RC beams strengthened with FRP
UHPFRC technology to enhance the performance of existing concrete bridges
Strengthening of concrete bridges girders using FRP and patch anchors
FRP strengthening of concrete structures using AS5100-2017
Flexural FRP strengthening of concrete bridges using an innovative concept
CFRP strengthening of ASR affected concrete piers of railway bridges
Feasibility of reinforcement in Brazilian concrete highway bridges using carbon fiber-reinforced polymer
Influence of arch bridge skewness.
Ensuring safety and assessment of life-cycle costs using SHM for concrete bridges
MS03: Developments and trends in composite steel-concrete structures
Push-out test on shear behavior of joint structure between corrugated steel web and concrete lower slab
Effect of rebar strength inY-type perfobond rib shear connectors
Energy dissipating characteristics ofY-type perfobond rib shear connectors
Strengthening of steel girder flanges with concrete-filled ribs
Redundancy evaluation of composite twin I-girder bridges in fractured condition
Group effect ofY-type perfobond rib shear connectors
Evaluation of the ultimate response of post-tensioned composite slabs
Service behaviour of composite steel-concrete slabs with a simplified approach and a hygro-thermo-chemical-mechanical model for the non-uniform shrinkage evaluation
Behavior of an innovative demountable steel-concrete connector under static loading
A new era of steel bridge service life
Designing long integral bridges for environmental loading in South Africa
Seismic performance and retrofit evaluation of hollow-core composite bridge columns
MS04: Strengthening, monitoring and life-cycle assessment of steel bridges
Fatigue improvement of welded bridge details in stainless steel using high-frequency mechanical impact treatment
The effect of the CFRP properties on the fatigue strengthening of steel plates in multiaxial loading
Improving the fatigue design of orthotropic steel decks
Flat Prestressed Unbonded Reinforcement (FPUR) system for strengthening of steel I-beams
Prestressed FRP-strengthening and wireless monitoring of a metallic bridge in Australia
The peak stress method for fatigue analysis of welded details
Prolonging the service life of steel truss bridges
Steel bridge retrofit solution for movable cases.
Steel box-girder bridge diseases identification based on computer vision system
Bond behaviour of CFRP-steel double-lap shear joints exposed to marine atmosphere
Drilling-hole shape for retarding the fatigue crack propagation
Study on crack stop holes in weld of orthotropic steel bridge decks
Fatigue performance of hammer-peened diaphragm-to-rib welds in orthotropic steel decks
Fatigue stress analysis of diaphragm-U-rib welding joints and local optimization
Grouting compactness monitoring of concrete-filled steel tube arch bridge using electro-mechanical impedance technique
Study on soil-steel bridge response during backfilling
Experimental investigation of retrofitted web-gap regions in steel bridge girders
Investigation of live load deflection limit for steel cable stayed and suspension bridges
MS05:Advancements in performance assessment, monitoring, and management of bridges under fatigue deterioration
Large-scale strain sensing approach for detecting fatigue cracks in steel bridges
Fatigue assessment of concrete girder bridges based on traffic information
Historical load effects on fatigue of metallic railway bridges
Multi-objective optimum service life bridge management based on fatigue damage detection
Probabilistic fatigue life prediction employing an advanced crack propagation model
Development of calibration factor for fatigue assessment
Fatigue assessment of deteriorated steel bridge members considering corrosion
Reliability analysis of steel bridges under propagating fatigue cracks
A non-concurrent multiscale simulation of fatigue crack on orthotropic steel decks
Numerical fracture mechanics analysis of distortion-induced fatigue in steel bridges
Fatigue life assessment of reinforced concrete bridges from monitoring data.
Measurement of time-dependent corrosion of steel bridge from corrosion monitoring
Structural monitoring of Eltham Rail Trestle Bridge using advanced non-destructive testing techniques
Fatigue life assessment of damaged steel strands
MS06: Footbridges:Advances in vibration serviceability assessment
Dynamic analysis of scissors-type of deployable pedestrian bridge under earthquake
A dynamic system identification of the Ha'penny footbridge
Parameter identification of a biodynamic walking model for human-structure interaction
Robust vibration serviceability assessment of footbridges for crowd walking excitation
Model updating of a GFRP footbridge using Tchebichef moment descriptors
Vibration serviceability assessment of a multi-span footbridge
A study of pedestrian evacuation on bridge sidewalk by simulation method
Uncertainty propagation in serviceability assessment of footbridges
Vision-based methodology for characterizing the flow of a high-density crowd
Using full-scale observations to estimate the parameters governing human-structure interaction
Comparison between structure- and crowd-based mitigation strategies on vibrating footbridges
Dynamic study ofYangtze River Bridge at Chongqing-Lichuan railway
FIR and IIR filtering and data driven stochastic subspace identification for the continuous dynamic modal parameter identification of cable stayed bridge
MS07: Recent advances in bridge design and construction
Deployable mobile bridge created from Origami
Rational decision-support system for selecting bridge construction alternatives
Standardizing lateral bridge slide design
Accelerated construction of robust bridges through material and detailing innovations
Bearing friction values for slide-in bridge construction
Dynamic effects caused by SPMT bridge transport.
Development of precast slab using ultra high strength fiber reinforced concrete for replacement on highway bridge.
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