The lamentation of Master Pages wife of Plimmouth, [electronic resource] : who being enforced by her parents to wed him against her will, did most wickedly consent to his murther, for the love of George Strangwidge; for which fact she suffered death at Barstable in Devonshire. VVritten with her owne hand a little before her death. To the tune of Fortune my foe.

Deloney, Thomas, 1543?-1600 [Browse]
[London : s.n., ca. 1635?]
1 sheet ([1] p.).


Summary note
  • 3 ballads.
  • By Thomas Deloney.
  • Imprint from STC.
  • Also includes "The lamentation of George Strangwidge, who for consenting to the death of Master Page of Plimmouth, suffered death at Barstable" and "The sorrowfull complaint of Mistris Page, for causing her husband to be murdered, for the love of George Strangwidge, who were executed together.".
  • In this edition, the heading of the second ballad is undated.
  • Formerly STC 19095; identified as STC 19095 on UMI microfilm reel (Early English books, 1475-1640) reel 1637.
  • Reproductions of the original in the British Library.
STC (2nd ed.) 6557.4.
Other title(s)
  • Lamentation of George Strangwidge, who for consenting to the death of Master Page of Plimmouth, suffered death at Barstable.
  • Sorrowfull complaint of Mistris Page, for causing her husband to be murdered, for the love of George Strangwidge, who were executed together.
  • Fortune my foe.
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