Raleigh, W., Echard, L., & Raleigh, P. (1700). An abridgment of Sir Walter Raleigh's History of the world: in five books. I. From the creation to Abraham. II. From Abraham to the destruction of the temple of Solomon. III. From the destruction of Jerusalem to Philip of Macedon. IV. From Philip of Macedon to the race of Antigonus. V. From the establishment of Alexander until the conquest of Asia and Macedon by the Romans. Wherein the particular chapters and paragraphs are succinctly abridg'd according to his own method, in the larger volume. To which is added, his Premonition to Princes. With some genuine remains of that learned knight, viz. I. Of the first invention of shipping. II. A relation of the action at Cadiz. III. A dialogue between a Jesuite and a recusant. IV. An apology for his unlucky voyage to Guiana. Publish'd by Phillip Raleigh, esquire, the only grandson to Sir Walter. London: printed for M. Gillyflower, at the Black-Spread-Eagle, in Westminster-Hall.