Five films / by Anand Patwardhan.

Video/Projected medium
  • Hindi
  • English
[India?] : Anand Patwardhan, [2012]
1 videodisc (41 min., 20 sec.) : sound, color with some black and white footage ; 4 3/4 in.


Library of Congress genre(s)
Summary note
  • Ribbons for Peace: Made in the aftermath of Indian and Pakistani nuclear tests, Ribbons brings new meaning to an old film song by Kishore Kumar, a kind of "Imagine" composed before the days of John Lennon.
  • Swat Mandala: A message from the economically displaced children of a slum colony in Mandala, Mumbai, India, to the militarily displaced children of the Swat Valley in Pakistan.
  • Images you didn't see: Global censorship of the war on Iraq has stifled the outrage that may have otherwise curtailed the ongoing atrocity of occupation. Not only have the real causes of war been hidden but also its effects. Most people see a sanitized and falsified version that feeds their complacence and sedates their consciounce. But one place where the truth cannot be totally hidden is the Internet.
  • We are not your monkeys: A music video that reworks the epic Ramayana story to critique the caste and gender oppression implicit in it. Sung by Sambhaji Bhagat and composed by Sambhaji, Anand and the late Daya Pawar, the music video opposes the systematic oppression and negation of basic human rights in the name of religion and mythology.
  • Occupation : millworker: Textile mills were once the backbone of Bombay's economy and provided the city its working class culture. Today, foreign investment and rising real-estate prices have made selling mill lands more profitable than running mills. Mill 'sickness' is now an epidemic.
Films originally released between 1996 and 2009.
System details
Language note
In Hindi with English subtitles; "Images you didn't see" in English with Hindi or Arabic subtitles.
  • Ribbons for peace (music video) (1998 : 5 min., 2 sec.) / direction, Anand Patwardhan ; produced with Shunyata ; lyrics and song ("Aa Chal ke Tujhe") by Kishore Kumar
  • Swat Mandala (a.k.a. To the children of Swat, from the children of Mandala) (2009 : 5 min., 12 sec.)
  • Images you didn't see (2006 : 4 min., 29 sec.) / with song "Blowing in the wind" by Bob Dylan, sung by Peter, Paul and Mary
  • We are not your monkeys (a.k.a. The other story) (music video) (1996 : 5 min., 22 sec.) / written by Daya Pawar, Sambhaji Bhagat, Anand Patwardhan
  • Occupation : mill-worker (1996 : 21 min., 15 sec.).
Other title(s)
  • 5 films
  • Ribbons for peace.
  • We are not your monkeys.
  • Occupation : mill-worker.
  • Images you didn't see.
  • Swat Mandala.
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